10. Bob Singer - "Your rock is freely, on some microscopic scale, a quivering mass fo Jell-O."
9. Jay Melosh - "Everything is total chaos and we don't know nothing."
8. Tim Swindle - "If you are clever and scrupulous about it, you can make it even righter by fudging it."
7. Bob Strom - "The moon looks like the moon."
6. Celebrity Guest Quote, Shield's Date Farm - "These blackest of black dates are red when they're green."
5. John Lewis - "That's not a UFO; that's a spiral galaxy."
4. Jay Melosh - "...how, in your very own bedrooms, you can repeat some of these experiments."
3. Bob Singer - "That's what we do here--we make up stories about bumps and wiggles."
2. Jay Melosh - "Once you become a professor, you've done it all; you get your jollies any way you can."
1. Peter Smith - "You can't get it up, even if you take sphericity into account."