2000 Arizona Interscholastic Association

Tucson Softball Umpires Association


Committee Members:

Area Commissioner:

Jim Markert a1assigner@aol.com
7143 E. 30th St., Tucson, AZ   85710
Telephone/FAX: 733-6131

Members' Telephone & E-Mail Directory

PLEASE contact your partner a day or two in advance of your games. Be sure to discuss when & where to meet, what shirts will be worn, and at which school the game is to be played. A telephone call is best, but an email a few days in advance works, too. This is especially important for out-of-town games. Members' Directory

Approved Bats for 2000:

The Federation has adopted ASA's new bat rule. Joe Robinson will give all members a nice new bat ring. Please check out the latest list of approved bats. It gets updated roughly once a week, usually on Mondays or Tuesdays. Last update: 7/20/2000. For information on enforcement of the bat rule, see the minutes of the 06 March meeting.

Stupid Coach Quotes Stupid Fan Quotes

“Ooohhhhh!! Throw it again and see if he was kidding!!!”
-Pima Coach to pitcher

“I've seen better eyes on a potato!”
-Fan at U of A Softball game

Fan: “Why does that ump keep looking over here??”
Coach: “Because he wants me.”
-Overheard at Eastern Arizona College Softball game

Coach: “Time! Time! I want to appeal that the runner left third early!”
Umpire: “Time! Coach, the appeal has to come from an infielder.”
Pitcher: “Mrrmrmph!”
Umpire: “Safe!”
Coach: “Did you call her safe because I made the appeal???”
Umpire: “No, Coach…If I even accepted your appeal, the other Coach would win in a protest.”
Coach: “Gee, I guess I have a few things to learn about this game…”
-Overheard at recent Pima College Softball game

“C'mon Blue, call it both ways!!!”
-Parent of JO Player in TOP of first inning

“How can he call her out? I cannot see the play from here [the first base bleachers],
but I am sure the ump cannot see the play either [from 10 feet behind third base].”
-Suburban Community College Fan

Coach: “You've GOT to call that!! The rulebook says…”
Umpire: “Yeah, but the rulebook also says the strike zone is from the knees to the armpits. Is THAT the zone you want???”
Coach: “Well, if you're going to start using logic, then this conversation is over…”
Umpire: “Um…”

Meeting Schedule:

Meetings are held on Monday evenings at the Rincon High School Library, 422 N. Arcadia Ave., except as noted.

  Minutes from past meetings can be obtained by clicking on the date desired.

DateTimeMaterial to be discussed
January 10 6:00 p.m. General Meeting, Registration, Rule Book Distribution, New shirt policy discussed.
January 24 6:00 p.m. Availability Forms and registration must be submitted to the Area Commissioner (Jim Markert) by this date. 2000 Rule Changes, Rules 1 & 2. Election of 2/3/4 Representative to Committee.
January 31 6:00 p.m. General Meeting. Coaches forum. Rules 3, 4, & 5.
February 07 6:00 p.m. Location change, tonight only. Field Clinic Hillenbrand Stadium at the University of Arizona). Rules 6 & 7. Meeting to follow, in the Kuiper Space Sciences building.
February 21 6:00 p.m. General Meeting. Rules 8, 9, & 10. Season starts Wednesday, February 23.
February 28 7:00 p.m. Note time change. General Meeting. Review game situations, etc.
March 06 7:00 p.m. General Meeting. Tests must be turned in by this date. Test review.
March 20 7:00 p.m. General Meeting. Test 2 turn-in, as required.
April 03 6:00 p.m. Note time change. General Meeting.
April 17 7:00 p.m. General Meeting. Playoff selection vote. Election of Officers and Committee. 2/3/4 Feedback Session.
May 01 7:00 p.m. Level 1 Umpires Only! “Move-up Meeting.”

  Minutes from past meetings can be obtained by clicking on the date desired.

Other Softball Links of Interest

 Red Shirt Policy Overwhelmingly Decried as Unfair

Phoenix's requirement that State Playoff umpires wear new red pullovers is condemned by the great majority of Tucson umpires selected. It is unfair that we were informed of this policy only after State Playoff assignments were accepted by our umpires. For details, see the minutes of the May 01 meeting.

AIA Softball 2000: It's Not Over Yet!

Softball umpires statewide are incensed over the methods and policies implemented Mr. Reigar. The “red shirt” incident is really just the tip of the iceberg. Phoenix (Region II) umpires are gathering for a meeting on Thursday night at 6 p.m. to consolidate gripes and decide on a course of action.

Some of the gripes certain to be discussed are as follows:

People, the situation here is serious. The Phoenix umpires are mad enough that they are considering a case of “blue flu” next season unless their concerns are addressed. We need to stay in tune with what they are proposing, and give them input to our own specific objections to the status quo.

The email exchanges regarding this situation are being archived. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the course of events.

Meeting Redux

A whole laundry list of gripes was created at the Region II AIA Meeting Thursday night. This list is being written up as a letter to be sent to Dr. Slemmer (Reigar's boss). This letter will be written no later than Tuesday, and draft copies will be passed around to the Region II Board and to Bob Marcialis, acting as Region I representative. After edits, the letter will be delivered by a herd (about 14) of Region II Board members during business hours. Response from Dr. Slemmer will be requested by 30 June.

Phoenix umpires' gripes overlap with ours, but each Association has some unique concerns, as well. The biggest Phoenix gripes had to do with Reigar meddling in the affairs of umpire assignments and evaluations, and flat-out disregard of AIA Code in executing post-season selection and playoffs. Apparently in Phoenix, the umpires' association has little input regarding evaluation of officials (Reigar, in his infinite widsom, makes the calls).

A copy of this letter has been received by fax, thanks to Rich Raymond, and is posted on line for evaluation by our members. Tucson gripes include the red shirt fiasco, lack of proportional representation in the post-season, and TUSD's violation of AIA Code calling for payment at the game site, before the first pitch of the game. Unfortunately the latter grievance did not make the letter.

 The Arizona Interscholastic Association now has a Web site.

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This Web page is maintained by Bob Marcialis
Copyright © 2000 Robert L. Marcialis
Last Modified: 2000 October 05