Astro-ph- Malhotra, R., Ito, T., The doubly librating Plutinos, ApJ, 980, 115 (2025)
- Brown, G., Malhotra, R., Rein, H., A substellar flyby that shaped the orbits of the giant planets, submitted (Dec 2024)
- Castro-Cisneros, J.D., Malhotra, R., Rosengren, A.J., The Sensitivity to initial conditions of the Co-orbital outcomes of Lunar Ejecta, Icarus, 429:116379 (2025) (Paywall-free link until Jan 22, 2025)
- Su, KYL, Gaspar, A, Rieke, GH, Malhotra, R, et al., Imaging of the Vega Debris System using JWST/MIRI, ApJ, 977, 277 (2024)
- Wu, Y., Malhotra, R., Lithwick, Y., Repelling Planet pairs by Ping-pong Scattering, ApJ 971, 5 (2024)
- Volk, K., Malhotra, R., Machine Learning Assisted Dynamical Classification of Trans-Neptunian Objects, a chapter in "Machine Learning for Small Solar System Bodies", Carruba, Smirnov and Oszkiewicz (eds.), Elsevier (2024). doi: 10.1016/B978-0-44-324770-5.00012-X
- Volk, K., Malhotra, R., Differences between Stable and Unstable Architectures of Compact Planetary Systems, AJ, 167, 271 (2024)
- Jiao, Y., et al., Asteroid Kamo‘oalewa’s journey from the lunar Giordano Bruno crater to Earth 1:1 resonance, Nature Astronomy, (2024)
- Dietrich, J., Malhotra, R., Apai, D., Statistical Distribution Function of Orbital Spacings in Planetary Systems, AJ 167, id.46 (2024)
- Markwardt, L., Holler, BJ, Lin, HW, Gerdes, DW, Adams, FC, Malhotra, R, Napier, KJ, First Near-IR Spectroscopic Survey of Neptune Trojans with JWST: Distinct Surface Compositions of Red vs Ultra-Red Neptune Trojans, ApJL, submitted (2023)
- Castro-Cisneros, J.D., Malhotra, R., Rosengren, A.J., Orbital pathways for a Lunar-Ejecta Origin of the Near-Earth Asteroid Kamo`oalewa, Communications Earth & Environment, 4:372 (2023)
- Malhotra, R., Roy, S., Modeling the Free Inclinations of the Classical Kuiper Belt with the von Mises–Fisher Distribution, Res. Notes 7 143 (2023)
- Matheson, I.C., Malhotra, R., Keane, J.T., A von Mises-Fisher Distribution for the Orbital Poles of the Plutinos, MNRAS 522, 3298-3307 (2023)
- Matheson, I.C., Malhotra, R., A Measurement of the Kuiper Belt's Mean Plane From Objects Classified By Machine Learning, AJ 165, 241 (2023)
- Malhotra, R., Chen, Z., Non-perturbative investigation of low eccentricity exterior mean motion resonances, MNRAS 521:1253-1263 (2023)
- Schwamb, M.E., et al., Tuning the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Observing Strategy for Solar System Science, ApJS 266, id.22 (2023)
- Volk, K., Malhotra, R., Orbital dynamics landscape near the most distant known trans-Neptunian objects, ApJ 937(2), id.119 (2022)
- Malhotra, R., Ito, T., Pluto near the edge of chaos, PNAS, 119 (15) e2118692119 (2022); @PNAS
- Dietrich, J., Apai, D., Malhotra, R., An Integrative Analysis of the HD 219134 Planetary System and the Inner Solar System, AJ 163, id.88 (2022);
- Malhotra, R., New results on orbital resonances, Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 364, doi:10.1017/S1743921321001411 (2022); ArXiv:2111.06372
- Sharkey, B., Reddy, V., Malhotra, R., et al., Lunar-like silicate material forms the Earth quasi-satellite (469219) 2016 HO3 Kamoʻoalewa, Communications Earth & Environment, 2:231 (2021);
- Zaveri, N., Malhotra, R., Pluto's Resonant Orbit Visualized in 4D, Res. Notes AAS 5 235 (2021)
- Reiland, N., Rosengren, A., Malhotra, R., Bombardelli, C., Assessing and Minimizing Collisions in Satellite Mega-Constellations, Advances in Space Research, 67(11):3755-3774 (2021); ArXiv:2002.00430
- Agol, E., et al., Refining the transit timing and photometric analysis of TRAPPIST-1: Masses, radii, densities, dynamics, and ephemerides, AAS-PSJ, 2(1), id.1 (2021); ArXiv:2010.01074
- Hendler, N.P., Malhotra, R., Observational Completion Limit of Minor Planets from the Asteroid Belt to Jupiter Trojans, AAS-PSJ, 1(3) id.75, 6pp (2020); ArXiv:2010.07822
- Petrovich, C., Diego, J.M., Kratter, K.M., Malhotra, R., A disk-driven resonance as the origin of high inclinations of close-in planets, ApJ Letters, 902, id. L5 (2020); ArXiv:2008.08587
- Amato, D., Malhotra, R., Sidorenko, V., Rosengren, A.J., Lunar close encounters compete with the circumterrestrial Lidov-Kozai effect, Celest Mech Dyn Astr, 132(6-7), id.35 (2020); ArXiv:2006.08827
- Malhotra, R., Zhang, N., On the Divergence of First Order Resonance Widths at Low Eccentricities, MNRAS, 496(3):3152-3160 (2020); ArXiv:2006:09452
- Volk, K., Malhotra, R., Dynamical instabilities in systems of multiple short-period planets are likely driven by secular chaos: a case study of Kepler-102, AJ, 160(3), id.98 (2020); ArXiv:2003.05040
- Markwardt, L., Gerdes, D.W., Malhotra, R., Becker, J.C., Hamilton, S.J., Adams, F.C., Search for L5 Earth Trojans with DECam, MNRAS, 492(4):6105-6119 (2020); ArXiv:2001.08229
- Hendler, N., Pascucci, I., Pinilla, P., Tazzari, M., Carpenter, J., Malhotra, R., Testi, L., The evolution of dust-disk sizes from a homogeneous analysis of 1-10 Myr-old stars, ApJ, 895, article id 126 (2020); ArXiv:2001.02666
- Malhotra, R., Resonant Kuiper Belt Objects: a review, Geoscience Letters, 6:12 (2019).
- Lan, L., Malhotra, R., Neptune's resonances in the Scattered Disk, Celest Mech Dyn Astr, 131, article ID 39, 26 pp. (2019)
- Volk, K., Malhotra, R., Not a simple relationship between Neptune's migration speed and Kuiper belt inclination excitation, AJ, 158, article id. 64, 13 pp. (2019)
- Malhotra, R., The case for a deep search for Earth's Trojan asteroids, Nature Astronomy (18 February 2019). ArXiv:1903.01922
- Su, K.Y.L., et al., Extreme Debris Disk Variability -- Exploring the Diverse Outcomes of Large Asteroid Impacts During the Era of Terrestrial Planet Formation, AJ, 157, article id. 202, 25 pp. (2019)
- Walsh, K.J., et al., Craters, boulders and regolith of (101955) Bennu indicative of an old and dynamic surface, Nature Geoscience (19 March 2019)
- Rizk, B., et al., OSIRIS-REx low-velocity particles during outbound cruise, Advances in Space Research, 63(1):672-691 (2019)
- Malhotra, R, Lan, L., Volk, K., Wang, X., Neptune's 5:2 Resonance in the Kuiper Belt, AJ, 156, article id. 55 (2018)
- Trilling, D., Bellm, E.C., Malhotra, R., On the detectability of Planet X with LSST, AJ, 155, article id. 243 (2018)
- Cambioni, S., Malhotra, R., The mid-plane of the main asteroid belt, AJ, 155, article id. 143 (2018).
- Malhotra, R., 2018, Prospects for unseen planets beyond Neptune, in "Serendipities in the Solar System and Beyond", ASP Conference Series, vol 513, proceedings of a conference held 10-13 July 2017 at National Central University, Taiwan. Preprint
- Strom, R.G., S. Marchi, R. Malhotra, Ceres and the terrestrial planets impact cratering record, Icarus 302, 104-108 (2018)
- Volk, K., Malhotra, R., The curiously warped mean plane of the Kuiper belt, AJ, 154, article id. 62 (2017) Erratum Preprint
- Su, K.Y.L, Macgregor, M.A., Booth, M., ..., Malhotra, R., et al., ALMA 1.3 Millimeter Map of the HD 95086 System, AJ, 154, article id. 225, 13 pp. (2017) Preprint
- Wang, X., Malhotra, R., Mean motion resonances at high eccentricities: the 2:1 and the 3:2 interior resonances, AJ, 154, article id. 20 (2017) Preprint
- JeongAhn, Y., Malhotra, R., Simplified derivation of the collision probability of two objects in independent Keplerian orbits, AJ 153, article id. 235, 11 pp. (2017) Preprint
- Malhotra, R., Wang, X., Eccentricity distribution in the main asteroid belt, MNRAS 465(4):4381-4389 (2017). Preprint.
- Malhotra, R., JeongAhn, Y., Mars/Moon Impact Rate Ratio of Kilometer-Size Impactors, LPSC 1903:2935 (2016).
- Malhotra, R., Volk, K., Wang, X., Corralling a distant planet with extreme resonant Kuiper belt objects, ApJ Letters, 824(2), article id. L22 (2016). Preprint.
- Yoshida, F., et al., Lightcurves of the Karin family asteroids, Icarus, 269:15-22 (2016)
- Malhotra, Renu, The mass distribution function of planets, ApJ, 808, 71 (2015). ArXiv:1502.05011
- JeongAhn, Y., Malhotra, R., The current impact flux on Mars and its seasonal variation, Icarus, 262:140-153(2015). Preprint
- Malhotra, R., Oort Cloud Comet Encounters with Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury, LPSC 1832:2467 (2015).
- Su, K.Y.L., Morrison, S., Malhotra, R., Smith, P.S., Balog, Z., Rieke, G.H., Debris Distribution in HD 95086 - A Young Analog of HR 8799, ApJ, 799, Issue 2, article id. 146, 13 pp. (2015). Preprint
- Sarah Morrison and Renu Malhotra, Planetary chaotic zone clearing: destinations and timescales, ApJ, 799, article id. 41 (2015). ArXiv:1411.1378
- Robert G. Strom, Renu Malhotra, Zhiyong Xiao, Takashi Ito, Fumi Yoshida, and Lillian R. Ostrach, The inner solar system cratering record and the evolution of impactor populations, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15(3):407-434 (2015). Preprint pdf
- JeongAhn, Y., Malhotra, R., On the Non-uniform Distribution of the Angular Elements of Near-Earth Objects, Icarus, 229:236-246 (2014). Preprint.
- Rodigas, T.J., Malhotra, R., Hinz, P.M., Predictions for Shepherding Planets in Scattered Light Images of Debris Disks, ApJ, 780, 65 (2014). Preprint.
- Su, K.Y.L., Rieke, G.H., Malhotra, R., et al., Asteroid belts in debris disk twins: Vega and Fomalhaut, ApJ, 763, 118 (2013). Preprint.
- Petrovich, C., Malhotra, R., Tremaine, S., Planets Near Mean-Motion Resonances, ApJ, 770, 24 (2013). Preprint.
- Volk, K., Malhotra, R., Do Centaurs preserve their source inclinations?, Icarus, 224:66-73 (2013).
- Malhotra, R., 2012, Orbital resonances in planetary systems. Published in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), volume 6.119.55 Celestial Mechanics, Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Paris, France, URL (This version corrects errors known to the author as of November 2017.)
- Volk, K., Malhotra, R., The effect of orbital evolution on the Haumea (2003 EL61) collisional family, Icarus, 221:106-115 (2012).
- Belbruno, E., A. Moro-Martin, R. Malhotra, D. Savransky, Chaotic Exchange of Solid Material between Planetary Systems: Implications for Lithopanspermia, Astrobiology, doi:10.1089/ast.2012.0825 (2012). Preprint
- Katz, B., Dong, S., Malhotra, R., Long-Term Cycling of Kozai-Lidov Cycles: Extreme Eccentricities and Inclinations Excited by a Distant Eccentric Perturber, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 181101 (2011) . Preprint
- Volk, K., Malhotra, R., Inclination mixing in the classical Kuiper Belt, ApJ, v. 736(1), article id. 11 (2011).. Preprint
- Minton, D.A., Malhotra, R., Secular resonance sweeping of the main asteroid belt during planet migration, ApJ, 732, 53 (2011). Preprint
- Malhotra, R., Strom, R.G., Comment on "Constraints on the Source of Lunar Cataclysm Impactors?" (Cuk et al, 2010, Icarus, 207:590-594), Icarus, 216:359-362 (2011). Preprint
- JeongAhn, Y., Malhotra, R., Co-orbital Asteroids of Earth as Candidates for Asymmetric Impactors on the Moon, AAS-DPS Meeting #42, 13.03 (2010).   Abstract
- Ito, T., Malhotra, R., Asymmetric impacts of near-Earth asteroids on the Moon, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 519, A63 (2010). Preprint
- Moro-Martin, A., Malhotra, R., Bryden, G., Rieke, G.H., Su, K.Y.L., Beichman, C.A., Lawler, S.M., 2010, Locating planetesimal belts in the multiple-planet systems HD 128311, HD 202206, HD 82943 and HR 8799, ApJ, 717:1123-1139 (2010).
- Minton, D.A., Malhotra, R., Dynamical erosion of the asteroid belt and implications for large impacts in the inner solar system, Icarus, 207:744-757 (2010).
- Su, K.Y.L., G.H. Rieke, K.R. Stapelfeldt, R. Malhotra, et al., The Debris Disk Around HR 8799, ApJ, 705:314-327 (2009).
- Bailey, B.L., Malhotra, R., Two dynamical classes of Centaurs, Icarus, 203, 155-163 (2009).
- Tiscareno, M.S., Malhotra, R., Chaotic diffusion of resonant Kuiper Belt objects, AJ, 138, 827-837 (2009).
- Minton, D.A., Malhotra, R., A record of planet migration in the main asteroid belt, Nature, 457:1109-111 (2009).
- Volk, K., Malhotra, R., The Scattered Disk as the source of the Jupiter family comets, ApJ, 687:714-725 (2008).
- Malhotra, R., Minton, D.A., Prospects for the habitability of OGLE-2006-BLG-109L, ApJ-Letters, 683:L67-L70 (2008).
- Moro-Martin, A., Wyatt, M.C., Malhotra, R., Trilling, D.E., Extra-Solar Kuiper Belt Dust Disks, in "The solar system beyond Neptune", edited by A. Barucci, H. Boehnhardt, D. Cruikshank, A. Morbidelli, The University of Arizona Press (2008).
- Moro-Martin, A., Malhotra, R., et al., The dust, planetesimals and planets of HD 38529, ApJ, 668:1165-1173 (2007).
- Minton, D.A., Malhotra, R., Assessing the massive young Sun hypothesis to solve the warm young Earth puzzle, ApJ, 660:1700-1706 (2007).
- Moro-Martin, A., et al., Are Debris Disks and Massive Planets Correlated?, ApJ, 658:1312-1321 (2007).
- Ito, T., Malhotra, R., Dynamical transport of asteroid fragments from the nu6 resonance, Advances in Space Research, 38(4), 817-825 (2006). Preprint
- Pascucci, I., et al., Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems: Upper Limits to the Gas Mass in Disks Around Sun-like Stars, ApJ, 651:1177-1193 (2006).
- Moro-Martin, A., Wolf, S., Malhotra, R., Signatures of planets in spatially unresolved debris disks, ApJ, 621:1079-1097 (2005).
- Kim, J.S., et al., Formation and evolution of planetary systems: cold outer disks associated with sun-like stars, ApJ, 632:659-669 (2005).
- Moro-Martin, A., Malhotra, R., Dust outflows and inner gaps generated by massive planets in debris disks, ApJ, 633:1150-1167 (2005).
- Hahn, J.M., Malhotra, R., Neptune's Migration into a Stirred-Up Kuiper Belt: A Detailed Comparison of Simulations to Observations, AJ, 130:2392-2414 (2005).
- Strom, R.G., Malhotra, R., Ito, T., Yoshida, F., Kring, D.A., The origin of planetary impactors in the inner solar system, Science 309, 1847-1850 (2005). Preprint pdf
- Kortenkamp, S.J., Malhotra, R., Michtchenko, T., Survival of Trojan-Type Companions of Neptune During Primordial Planet Migration, Icarus, 167:347-359 (2004). Preprint
- Michtchenko, T., Malhotra, R., Secular Dynamics of the Three-Body Problem: Application to the upsilon Andromedae Planetary System, Icarus, 168:237-248 (2004). Preprint
- Meyer, M., et al., The formation and evolution of planetary systems: First results from a Spitzer Legacy Science Program, ApJS, 154, 422--427 (2004).
- Bernstein, G.M., D.E. Trilling, R.L. Allen, M.E. Brown, M. Holman, R. Malhotra, The Size Distribution of Trans-Neptunian Bodies, AJ 128:1364-1390 (2004). Erratum.
- Yoshida, F., et al, Photometric observation of a very young family-member asteroid (832) Karin, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 56, 1105-1113, (2004). Preprint
- Moro-Martin, A. Malhotra, R., Dynamical models of Kuiper Belt Dust in the inner and outer Solar system, AJ, 125:2255-2265 (2003).
- Tiscareno, M., Malhotra, R., The dynamics of known Centaurs, AJ, 126:3122-3131 (2003).
- Allen, R.L., Bernstein, G.M., Malhotra, R., Observational Limits on a Distant Cold Kuiper Belt, AJ, 124, 2949-2954 (2002).
- Malhotra, R., A dynamical mechanism for establishing apsidal resonance, ApJ, 575:L33-L36 (2002).
- Moro-Martin, A., Malhotra, R., A Study of the Dynamics of Dust from the Kuiper Belt: Spatial Distribution and Spectral Energy Distribution, AJ, 124:2305-2321 (2002).
- Allen, R.L., Bernstein, G.M., Malhotra, R., The edge of the Solar system, ApJ 549:L241-L244 (2001).
- Malhotra, R., Duncan, M., Levison, H., Dynamics of the Kuiper Belt, in Protostars and Planets IV , University of Arizona Press-Tucson, p. 1231-1254 (2000). Preprint
- Malhotra, R., Holman, M., Ito, T., Chaos and stability in the Solar system, PNAS, 98(22):12342-12343 (2001).
- Stepinski, T.F., Malhotra, R., Black, D.C., The Upsilon Andromedae System: Models and Stability, ApJ 545:1044-1053 (2000).
- Malhotra, R., Migrating Planets, Scientific American 281(3):56-63 (1999). pdf
- Hahn, J.M., Malhotra, R., Orbital evolution of planets embedded in a massive planetesimal disk, AJ 117:3041-3053 (1999).
- Malhotra, R., Chaotic planet formation, Nature 402:599-600 (1999).
- Showman, A., Malhotra, R., The Galilean Satellites, Science 286:77 (1999).
- Malhotra, R., Orbital resonances and chaos in the Solar system, in Solar System Formation and Evolution, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, ASP Conference Series vol. 149 (1998). Preprint (The published version has some typesetting errors; the preprint is the recommended version.)
- Malhotra, R., Williams, J., Pluto's Heliocentric Orbit, in Pluto and Charon, D.J. Tholen, S.A. Stern, eds., Arizona Space Science Series, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson (1997). Preprint
- Liou, J.C., Malhotra, R., Depletion of the outer asteroid belt, Science 275:375-377 (1997).
- Showman, A., D.J. Stevenson, R. Malhotra, Coupled orbital and thermal evolution of Ganymede, Icarus 129:367-383 (1997).
- Showman, A., Malhotra, R., Tidal evolution into the Laplace resonance and the resurfacing of Ganymede, Icarus 127:93-111 (1997).
- Malhotra, R., The phase space structure in the Kuiper Belt, AJ 111:504-516 (1996).
- Malhotra, R., Implications of the Kuiper Belt structure for the Solar System, Invited review at the "Asteroids, Comets Meteors Conference, Versailles, France, July 1996.
- Malhotra, R., The origin of Pluto's orbit: implications for the Solar system beyond Neptune, AJ 110:420-429 (1995).
- Malhotra, R., Dynamical model of pulsar-planet systems, in Millisecond Pulsars -- A Decade of Surprise, M. Tavani, D. Backer & A. Fruchter, eds. Pub.: Astronomical Society of the Pacific. p. 399-410 (1995).
- Malhotra, R., Nonlinear Resonances in the Solar System, Physica D 77:289-304 (1994)
- Malhotra, R., A mapping method for the gravitational few-body problem with dissipation, Cel. Mech. & Dyn. Astron. 60:373-385 (1994).
- Malhotra, R., The origin of Pluto's peculiar orbit, Nature 365:819-821 (1993). pdf
- Malhotra, R., Orbital resonances in the Solar Nebula: strengths and weaknesses, Icarus 106:264-73 (1993).
- Malhotra, R., Orbital dynamics of PSR1257+12 and its two planetary companions, ASP Conf. Proc. # 36 (1993)
- Malhotra, R., Three-body effects in the planetary system of PSR1257+12, ApJ 407:266-275 (1993).
- Malhotra, R., D. Black, A. Eck, A. Jackson, Resonant orbital evolution of the putative planetary system of PSR1257+12, Nature 356:583-35 (1992).
- Malhotra, R., Tidal origin of the Laplace resonance and the resurfacing of Ganymede, Icarus 94:399-412 (1991).
- Malhotra, R., Capture probabilities for secondary resonances, Icarus 87:249--264 (1990). Erratum
- Malhotra, R., S.F. Dermott, The role of secondary resonances in the orbital history of Miranda, Icarus 85:444--480 (1990).
- Dermott, S.F., P.D. Nicholson, R. Gomes, R. Malhotra, Modelling the IRAS Solar System dust bands, Advances in Space Research 10(3):171--180 (1990).
- Malhotra, R., K. Fox, C.D. Murray, P.D.~Nicholson, Secular perturbations of the Uranian satellites: Theory and practice, Astron. & Astrophys. 221:348--358 (1989).
- Dermott, S.F., Malhotra, R., Murray, C.D., Dynamics of the Saturnian and Uranian satellites: A chaotic route to melting Miranda? Icarus 76:295-334 (1988). pdf