LPL Postdoc Mihailo Martinović
Mihailo Martinović joined LPL in September 2018 as a Postdoctoral Research Associate working with Assistant Professor Kristopher Klein. His research focuses on understanding of the acceleration and heating mechanisms of the solar wind through measuring and describing fluctuations of electromagnetic field in the solar wind plasma. Answering these questions is the main task of two current major heliospheric missions—NASA's Parker Solar Probe and ESA's Solar Orbiter, on both of which Mihailo actively participates, as well as one of the central unresolved topics in current heliophysics.
Mihailo was born and raised in Ivanjica (western Serbia). He obtained a B.S. in Applied and Computational Physics (2011), as well as M.Sc. degree in Theoretical and Experimental Physics (2012) at the University of Belgrade, Serbia. He earned his Ph.D. in Space Plasma Physics at the University of Belgrade and Paris Observatory in 2016. His dissertation topic was a study of the quasi-thermal noise that appears due to fluctuations of the electric field in a plasma and is measurable in the interplanetary medium.
When he's not working, Mihailo enjoys reading historical and philosophical books, playing chess, and practicing karate—he has a Master (black belt) degree in Shotokan style karate—and spending time with his family.