Mihailo Martinović

PTYS/LPL Research Scientists

Mihailo Martinović


Ph.D., 2016, Paris Observatory / University of Belgrade

Years with LPL: 2018 to present

Solar and Heliospheric Research

Solar Wind, Plasma Physics, Turbulence

Current Spacecraft Involvement

Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, Ulysses, Wind

Based on Google Scholar and NASA ADS: NASA ADS Author search: Mihailo Martinovic

Recent refereed publications (NASA ADS): Years 2019 through May 2023

Shankarappa, Niranjana, Klein, Kristopher G., & Martinović, Mihailo M. 2023, The Astrophysical Journal. Estimation of Turbulent Proton and Electron Heating Rates via Landau Damping Constrained by Parker Solar Probe Observations

Martinović, Mihailo M., Dordević, Antonije R., Klein, Kristopher G., Maksimović, Milan, Issautier, Karine, Liu, Mingzhe, Pulupa, Marc, Bale, Stuart D., Halekas, Jasper S., & McManus, Michael D. 2022, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics). Plasma Parameters From Quasi-Thermal Noise Observed by Parker Solar Probe: A New Model for the Antenna Response

Martinović, Mihailo M., Klein, Kristopher G., Ďurovcová, Tereza, & Alterman, Benjamin L. 2021, The Astrophysical Journal. Ion-driven Instabilities in the Inner Heliosphere. I. Statistical Trends

Maksimovic, M., Souček, J., Chust, T., Khotyaintsev, Y., Kretzschmar, M., Bonnin, X., Vecchio, A., Alexandrova, O., Bale, S. D., Bérard, D., Brochot, J. -Y., Edberg, N. J. T., Eriksson, A., Hadid, L. Z., Johansson, E. P. G., Karlsson, T., Katra, B., Krasnoselskikh, V., Krupař, V., Lion, S., Lorfèvre, E., Matteini, L., Nguyen, Q. N., Píša, D., Piberne, R., Plettemeier, D., Rucker, H. O., Santolík, O., Steinvall, K., Steller, M., Štverák, Š., Trávníček, P., Vaivads, A., Zaslavsky, A., Chaintreuil, S., Dekkali, M., Astier, P. -A., Barbary, G., Boughedada, K., Cecconi, B., Chapron, F., Collin, C., Dias, D., Guéguen, L., Lamy, L., Leray, V., Malac-Allain, L. R., Pantellini, F., Parisot, J., Plasson, P., Thijs, S., Fratter, I., Bellouard, E., Danto, P., Julien, S., Guilhem, E., Fiachetti, C., Sanisidro, J., Laffaye, C., Gonzalez, F., Pontet, B., Quéruel, N., Jannet, G., Fergeau, P., Dudok de Wit, T., Vincent, T., Agrapart, C., Pragout, J., Bergerard-Timofeeva, M., Delory, G. T., Turin, P., Jeandet, A., Leroy, P., Pellion, J. -C., Bouzid, V., Recart, W., Kolmašová, I., Krupařová, O., Uhlíř, L., Lán, R., Baše, J., André, M., Bylander, L., Cripps, V., Cully, C., Jansson, S. -E., Puccio, W., Břínek, J., Ottacher, H., Angelini, V., Berthomier, M., Evans, V., Goetz, K., Hellinger, P., Horbury, T. S., Issautier, K., Kontar, E., Le Contel, O., Louarn, P., Martinović, M., Müller, D., O'Brien, H., Owen, C. J., Retino, A., Rodríguez-Pacheco, J., Sahraoui, F., Sanchez, L., Walsh, A. P., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F., & Zouganelis, I. 2021, Astronomy and Astrophysics. First observations and performance of the RPW instrument on board the Solar Orbiter mission

Hadid, L. Z., Edberg, N. J. T., Chust, T., Píša, D., Dimmock, A. P., Morooka, M. W., Maksimovic, M., Khotyaintsev, Yu. V., Souček, J., Kretzschmar, M., Vecchio, A., Le Contel, O., Retino, A., Allen, R. C., Volwerk, M., Fowler, C. M., Sorriso-Valvo, L., Karlsson, T., Santolík, O., Kolmašová, I., Sahraoui, F., Stergiopoulou, K., Moussas, X., Issautier, K., Dewey, R. M., Klein Wolt, M., Malandraki, O. E., Kontar, E. P., Howes, G. G., Bale, S. D., Horbury, T. S., Martinović, M., Vaivads, A., Krasnoselskikh, V., Lorfèvre, E., Plettemeier, D., Steller, M., Štverák, Š., Trávníček, P., O'Brien, H., Evans, V., Angelini, V., Velli, M. C., & Zouganelis, I. 2021, Astronomy and Astrophysics. Solar Orbiter's first Venus flyby: Observations from the Radio and Plasma Wave instrument

Maksimovic, M., Bale, S. D., Chust, T., Khotyaintsev, Y., Krasnoselskikh, V., Kretzschmar, M., Plettemeier, D., Rucker, H. O., Souček, J., Steller, M., Štverák, Š., Trávníček, P., Vaivads, A., Chaintreuil, S., Dekkali, M., Alexandrova, O., Astier, P. -A., Barbary, G., Bérard, D., Bonnin, X., Boughedada, K., Cecconi, B., Chapron, F., Chariet, M., Collin, C., de Conchy, Y., Dias, D., Guéguen, L., Lamy, L., Leray, V., Lion, S., Malac-Allain, L. R., Matteini, L., Nguyen, Q. N., Pantellini, F., Parisot, J., Plasson, P., Thijs, S., Vecchio, A., Fratter, I., Bellouard, E., Lorfèvre, E., Danto, P., Julien, S., Guilhem, E., Fiachetti, C., Sanisidro, J., Laffaye, C., Gonzalez, F., Pontet, B., Quéruel, N., Jannet, G., Fergeau, P., Brochot, J. -Y., Cassam-Chenai, G., Dudok de Wit, T., Timofeeva, M., Vincent, T., Agrapart, C., Delory, G. T., Turin, P., Jeandet, A., Leroy, P., Pellion, J. -C., Bouzid, V., Katra, B., Piberne, R., Recart, W., Santolík, O., Kolmašová, I., Krupař, V., Krupařová, O., Píša, D., Uhlíř, L., Lán, R., Baše, J., Ahlèn, L., André, M., Bylander, L., Cripps, V., Cully, C., Eriksson, A., Jansson, S. -E., Johansson, E. P. G., Karlsson, T., Puccio, W., Břínek, J., Öttacher, H., Panchenko, M., Berthomier, M., Goetz, K., Hellinger, P., Horbury, T. S., Issautier, K., Kontar, E., Krucker, S., Le Contel, O., Louarn, P., Martinović, M., Owen, C. J., Retino, A., Rodríguez-Pacheco, J., Sahraoui, F., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F., Zaslavsky, A., & Zouganelis, I. 2021, Astronomy and Astrophysics. The Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument (Corrigendum)

Vech, D., Martinović, M. M., Klein, K. G., Malaspina, D. M., Bowen, T. A., Verniero, J. L., Paulson, K., Dudok de Wit, T., Kasper, J. C., Huang, J., Stevens, M. L., Case, A. W., Korreck, K., Mozer, F. S., Goodrich, K. A., Bale, S. D., Whittlesey, P. L., Livi, R., Larson, D. E., Pulupa, M., Bonnell, J., Harvey, P., Goetz, K., & MacDowall, R. 2021, Astronomy and Astrophysics. Wave-particle energy transfer directly observed in an ion cyclotron wave

Martinović, Mihailo M., Klein, Kristopher G., Huang, Jia, Chandran, Benjamin D. G., Kasper, Justin C., Lichko, Emily, Bowen, Trevor, Chen, Christopher H. K., Matteini, Lorenzo, Stevens, Michael, Case, Anthony W., & Bale, Stuart D. 2021, The Astrophysical Journal. Multiscale Solar Wind Turbulence Properties inside and near Switchbacks Measured by the Parker Solar Probe

Perez, Jean C., Chandran, Benjamin D. G., Klein, Kristopher G., & Martinović, Mihailo M. 2021, Journal of Plasma Physics. How Alfvén waves energize the solar wind: heat versus work

Klein, K. G., Verniero, J. L., Alterman, B., Bale, S., Case, A., Kasper, J. C., Korreck, K., Larson, D., Lichko, E., Livi, R., McManus, M., Martinović, M., Rahmati, A., Stevens, M., & Whittlesey, P. 2021, The Astrophysical Journal. Inferred Linear Stability of Parker Solar Probe Observations Using One- and Two-component Proton Distributions

Bourouaine, Sofiane, Perez, Jean C., Klein, Kristopher G., Chen, Christopher H. K., Martinović, Mihailo, Bale, Stuart D., Kasper, Justin C., & Raouafi, Nour E. 2020, The Astrophysical Journal. Turbulence Characteristics of Switchback and Nonswitchback Intervals Observed by Parker Solar Probe

Woolley, Thomas, Matteini, Lorenzo, Horbury, Timothy S., Bale, Stuart D., Woodham, Lloyd D., Laker, Ronan, Alterman, Benjamin L., Bonnell, John W., Case, Anthony W., Kasper, Justin C., Klein, Kristopher G., Martinović, Mihailo M., & Stevens, Michael 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Proton core behaviour inside magnetic field switchbacks

Maksimovic, M., Bale, S. D., Chust, T., Khotyaintsev, Y., Krasnoselskikh, V., Kretzschmar, M., Plettemeier, D., Rucker, H. O., Souček, J., Steller, M., Štverák, Š., Trávníček, P., Vaivads, A., Chaintreuil, S., Dekkali, M., Alexandrova, O., Astier, P. -A., Barbary, G., Bérard, D., Bonnin, X., Boughedada, K., Cecconi, B., Chapron, F., Chariet, M., Collin, C., de Conchy, Y., Dias, D., Guéguen, L., Lamy, L., Leray, V., Lion, S., Malac-Allain, L. R., Matteini, L., Nguyen, Q. N., Pantellini, F., Parisot, J., Plasson, P., Thijs, S., Vecchio, A., Fratter, I., Bellouard, E., Lorfèvre, E., Danto, P., Julien, S., Guilhem, E., Fiachetti, C., Sanisidro, J., Laffaye, C., Gonzalez, F., Pontet, B., Quéruel, N., Jannet, G., Fergeau, P., Brochot, J. -Y., Cassam-Chenai, G., Dudok de Wit, T., Timofeeva, M., Vincent, T., Agrapart, C., Delory, G. T., Turin, P., Jeandet, A., Leroy, P., Pellion, J. -C., Bouzid, V., Katra, B., Piberne, R., Recart, W., Santolík, O., Kolmašová, I., Krupař, V., Krupařová, O., Píša, D., Uhlíř, L., Lán, R., Baše, J., Ahlèn, L., André, M., Bylander, L., Cripps, V., Cully, C., Eriksson, A., Jansson, S. -E., Johansson, E. P. G., Karlsson, T., Puccio, W., Břínek, J., Öttacher, H., Panchenko, M., Berthomier, M., Goetz, K., Hellinger, P., Horbury, T. S., Issautier, K., Kontar, E., Krucker, S., Le Contel, O., Louarn, P., Martinović, M., Owen, C. J., Retino, A., Rodríguez-Pacheco, J., Sahraoui, F., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F., Zaslavsky, A., & Zouganelis, I. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics. The Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument

Zouganelis, I., De Groof, A., Walsh, A. P., Williams, D. R., Müller, D., St Cyr, O. C., Auchère, F., Berghmans, D., Fludra, A., Horbury, T. S., Howard, R. A., Krucker, S., Maksimovic, M., Owen, C. J., Rodríguez-Pacheco, J., Romoli, M., Solanki, S. K., Watson, C., Sanchez, L., Lefort, J., Osuna, P., Gilbert, H. R., Nieves-Chinchilla, T., Abbo, L., Alexandrova, O., Anastasiadis, A., Andretta, V., Antonucci, E., Appourchaux, T., Aran, A., Arge, C. N., Aulanier, G., Baker, D., Bale, S. D., Battaglia, M., Bellot Rubio, L., Bemporad, A., Berthomier, M., Bocchialini, K., Bonnin, X., Brun, A. S., Bruno, R., Buchlin, E., Büchner, J., Bucik, R., Carcaboso, F., Carr, R., Carrasco-Blázquez, I., Cecconi, B., Cernuda Cangas, I., Chen, C. H. K., Chitta, L. P., Chust, T., Dalmasse, K., D'Amicis, R., Da Deppo, V., De Marco, R., Dolei, S., Dolla, L., Dudok de Wit, T., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Eastwood, J. P., Espinosa Lara, F., Etesi, L., Fedorov, A., Félix-Redondo, F., Fineschi, S., Fleck, B., Fontaine, D., Fox, N. J., Gandorfer, A., Génot, V., Georgoulis, M. K., Gissot, S., Giunta, A., Gizon, L., Gómez-Herrero, R., Gontikakis, C., Graham, G., Green, L., Grundy, T., Haberreiter, M., Harra, L. K., Hassler, D. M., Hirzberger, J., Ho, G. C., Hurford, G., Innes, D., Issautier, K., James, A. W., Janitzek, N., Janvier, M., Jeffrey, N., Jenkins, J., Khotyaintsev, Y., Klein, K. -L., Kontar, E. P., Kontogiannis, I., Krafft, C., Krasnoselskikh, V., Kretzschmar, M., Labrosse, N., Lagg, A., Landini, F., Lavraud, B., Leon, I., Lepri, S. T., Lewis, G. R., Liewer, P., Linker, J., Livi, S., Long, D. M., Louarn, P., Malandraki, O., Maloney, S., Martinez-Pillet, V., Martinovic, M., Masson, A., Matthews, S., Matteini, L., Meyer-Vernet, N., Moraitis, K., Morton, R. J., Musset, S., Nicolaou, G., Nindos, A., O'Brien, H., Orozco Suarez, D., Owens, M., Pancrazzi, M., Papaioannou, A., Parenti, S., Pariat, E., Patsourakos, S., Perrone, D., Peter, H., Pinto, R. F., Plainaki, C., Plettemeier, D., Plunkett, S. P., Raines, J. M., Raouafi, N., Reid, H., Retino, A., Rezeau, L., Rochus, P., Rodriguez, L., Rodriguez-Garcia, L., Roth, M., Rouillard, A. P., Sahraoui, F., Sasso, C., Schou, J., Schühle, U., Sorriso-Valvo, L., Soucek, J., Spadaro, D., Stangalini, M., Stansby, D., Steller, M., Strugarek, A., Štverák, Š., Susino, R., Telloni, D., Terasa, C., Teriaca, L., Toledo-Redondo, S., del Toro Iniesta, J. C., Tsiropoula, G., Tsounis, A., Tziotziou, K., Valentini, F., Vaivads, A., Vecchio, A., Velli, M., Verbeeck, C., Verdini, A., Verscharen, D., Vilmer, N., Vourlidas, A., Wicks, R., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F., Wiegelmann, T., Young, P. R., & Zhukov, A. N. 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics. The Solar Orbiter Science Activity Plan. Translating solar and heliospheric physics questions into action

Martinović, Mihailo M., Klein, Kristopher G., Gramze, Savannah R., Jain, Himanshu, Maksimović, Milan, Zaslavsky, Arnaud, Salem, Chadi, Zouganelis, Ioannis, & Simić, Zoran 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics). Solar Wind Electron Parameters Determination on Wind Spacecraft Using Quasi-Thermal Noise Spectroscopy

Huang, Jia, Kasper, J. C., Vech, D., Klein, K. G., Stevens, M., Martinović, Mihailo M., Alterman, B. L., Ďurovcová, Tereza, Paulson, Kristoff, Maruca, Bennett A., Qudsi, Ramiz A., Case, A. W., Korreck, K. E., Jian, Lan K., Velli, Marco, Lavraud, B., Hegedus, A., Bert, C. M., Holmes, J., Bale, Stuart D., Larson, Davin E., Livi, Roberto, Whittlesey, P., Pulupa, Marc, MacDowall, Robert J., Malaspina, David M., Bonnell, John W., Harvey, Peter, Goetz, Keith, & Dudok de Wit, Thierry 2020, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. Proton Temperature Anisotropy Variations in Inner Heliosphere Estimated with the First Parker Solar Probe Observations

Maksimovic, M., Bale, S. D., Berčič, L., Bonnell, J. W., Case, A. W., Dudok de Wit, T., Goetz, K., Halekas, J. S., Harvey, P. R., Issautier, K., Kasper, J. C., Korreck, K. E., Jagarlamudi, V. Krishna, Lahmiti, N., Larson, D. E., Lecacheux, A., Livi, R., MacDowall, R. J., Malaspina, D. M., Martinović, M. M., Meyer-Vernet, N., Moncuquet, M., Pulupa, M., Salem, C., Stevens, M. L., Štverák, Š., Velli, M., & Whittlesey, P. L. 2020, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. Anticorrelation between the Bulk Speed and the Electron Temperature in the Pristine Solar Wind: First Results from the Parker Solar Probe and Comparison with Helios

Case, A. W., Kasper, Justin C., Stevens, Michael L., Korreck, Kelly E., Paulson, Kristoff, Daigneau, Peter, Caldwell, Dave, Freeman, Mark, Henry, Thayne, Klingensmith, Brianna, Bookbinder, J. A., Robinson, Miles, Berg, Peter, Tiu, Chris, Wright, K. H., Reinhart, Matthew J., Curtis, David, Ludlam, Michael, Larson, Davin, Whittlesey, Phyllis, Livi, Roberto, Klein, Kristopher G., & Martinović, Mihailo M. 2020, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. The Solar Probe Cup on the Parker Solar Probe

Martinović, Mihailo M., Klein, Kristopher G., Kasper, Justin C., Case, Anthony W., Korreck, Kelly E., Larson, Davin, Livi, Roberto, Stevens, Michael, Whittlesey, Phyllis, Chandran, Benjamin D. G., Alterman, Ben L., Huang, Jia, Chen, Christopher H. K., Bale, Stuart D., Pulupa, Marc, Malaspina, David M., Bonnell, John W., Harvey, Peter R., Goetz, Keith, Dudok de Wit, Thierry, & MacDowall, Robert J. 2020, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. The Enhancement of Proton Stochastic Heating in the Near-Sun Solar Wind

Kasper, J. C., Bale, S. D., Belcher, J. W., Berthomier, M., Case, A. W., Chandran, B. D. G., Curtis, D. W., Gallagher, D., Gary, S. P., Golub, L., Halekas, J. S., Ho, G. C., Horbury, T. S., Hu, Q., Huang, J., Klein, K. G., Korreck, K. E., Larson, D. E., Livi, R., Maruca, B., Lavraud, B., Louarn, P., Maksimovic, M., Martinovic, M., McGinnis, D., Pogorelov, N. V., Richardson, J. D., Skoug, R. M., Steinberg, J. T., Stevens, M. L., Szabo, A., Velli, M., Whittlesey, P. L., Wright, K. H., Zank, G. P., MacDowall, R. J., McComas, D. J., McNutt, R. L., Pulupa, M., Raouafi, N. E., & Schwadron, N. A. 2019, Nature. Alfvénic velocity spikes and rotational flows in the near-Sun solar wind

Klein, Kristopher G., Martinović, Mihailo, Stansby, David, & Horbury, Timothy S. 2019, The Astrophysical Journal. Linear Stability in the Inner Heliosphere: Helios Re-evaluated

Martinović, Mihailo M., Klein, Kristopher G., & Bourouaine, Sofiane 2019, The Astrophysical Journal. Radial Evolution of Stochastic Heating in Low-β Solar Wind

Martinović, M. M. 2017, Serbian Astronomical Journal. Corrigendum: Orbit Limited Theory in the Solar Wind - kappa Distributions, Published in Serb. Astron. J. No. 192 (2016), 27-34

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