
Staff Scientists

Dr. Leon Palafox

Dr. Palafox's research focuses on the use of Machine Learning techniques for the analysis of surface processes both in Earth and Planetary Bodies.  His background is in the use of Machine Learning techniques in applications like Neuroscience, Molecular Biology and Robotics

Leon Palafox's Website

Dr. Stephen Scheidt

Dr. Scheidt's research focuses on surface processes with an emphasis on aeolian and volcanic terrains. He utilizes aerial imaging, surveying and stereophotogrammetry to create quantitative topographic models. His background is in multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing of the land surface, specifically using the thermal infrared wavelength region.

Stephen Scheidt's Website

Dr. Michael Sori

Dr. Sori's research focuses on planetary geophysics, including studies of the viscous flow of topography, lunar gravity, the Martian polar layered deposits, impact cratering, and isostasy. 

Graduate Students

Sarah Sutton

Joana Voigt

Joana is interested in the evolution of surfaces on terrestrial bodies and icy satellites, in particular, using terrestrial analog features. She received a bachelor of science in Geological Science with a specialization in Planetary Science from Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany. Her thesis is titled "Geomorphological and Topographical Investigations of Patterned Ground on Svalbard."

Mathilde Westermann

Mathilde Westermann has a BS in Geoscience with an emphasis in Earth Systems.  She is currently pursuing an MS in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).  Mathilde’s academic and research interests include applying earth systems science and GIS technology to a planetary extent.

Mathilde Westermann's Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

Rodrigo Savage

Rodrigo is currently a Ph.D. student in the ECE Department, at The University of Arizona. He received his B.S. with honors in Computer Engineering from National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico in 2012. 

His research interests include machine learning, Bayesian networks and image modeling. He is currently making great strides in the implementation of a tool that will help to both detect craters and analyze their morphological properties. These tasks --- detection and morphology analysis -- will help us achieve a better understanding of Mars and its geologic cycles.

Rodrigo Savage's Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

Rodrigo Savage's Website

NASA Space Grant Program / Intern

Mark Buxton

Mark Buxton

Mark Buxton is a University of Arizona Junior majoring in Computer Science. He works with Shane Byrne from Lunar and Planetary Laboratory conducting research on “Digitizing the Lunar Surveyor Dataset.”

Selena Valencia

Selena Valencia

Selena Valencia is a University of Arizona Sophomore majoring in Art History. She works with Shane Byrne from Lunar and Planetary Laboratory conducting research on “Digitizing the Lunar Surveyor Dataset.”

Jade Bowers

Jade Bowers is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Geophysics. Jade's research focuses on interactions between flood lava flows in Elysium Planitia with yardang structures associated with the Medusae Fossae Formation.

Alexander Alvarez

Alexander Alvarez is a University of Arizona Senior majoring in Biomedical Engineering. He works with Christopher Hamilton from Lunar and Planetary Laboratory conducting research on “Machine Learning Applied to Planetary Remote Sensing Data.”

Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Program

Jason Yob

Chirag Agarwal

Eugene Balaguer

Kenneth Barnett

Walker Bowman

Lejla Prijic