Mars Odyssey/GRS Geometry
The purpose of this document is to summarize the geometrical
considerations of the Odyssey spacecraft in orbit around Mars.
All necessary quantities needed to undertake GRS data reductions
are derived from first principles. Upon completion of these
derivations, a minimum-list of required parameters is compiled.
These parameters must be supplied, for each spectrum, by the
appropriate spice calls.
Special care has been taken to cover the absolutely general
case of a spacecraft in a non-circular orbit around an aspherical
planet. We rely on the spacecraft state vector (vector position
+ velocity) for each spectrum. This eliminates the need to
do an elliptical fit to the spacecraft trajectory, and preserves
the full accuracy of whatever is considered in assembling the
spice kernel. Any perturbations JPL considers in
generating the spice kernel therefore will be propagated
into our solution for the geometry at the mid-time of each spectrum.
(Boris Semenov at JPL has indicated that the latency between a
``predict'' and ``after-the-fact'' will be on the order of 36 hours.)
Our approach is a vector-based approach. The equations are general.
Once you choose a coordinate system in which to work, these equations
are valid so long as you stay consistent by using this system throughout.
In general, we will opt to use a Mars-fixed, Mars-centered (x, y, z)
system, as it is most expeditious for our purposes. This coordinate
system will be referred to as the ``Areocentric'' system. It is
centered on the planet's barycenter (center-of-mass). The x-axis
goes through the equator at the prime meridian (through longitude
= 0°).
The z-axis goes through the North pole, and the y-axis completes
the triad of a right-handed, orthogonal system (through the equator
at longitude +90° longitude). We adopt the standard IAU
convention of longitude positive to the east, ranging from 0 to
360 degrees.
We divide the planet into 0.5° by 0.5° cells. These
cells are bounded by meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude.
To good approximation, each cell is a trapezoid. On Mars, a minute
of arc is very nearly 1 km (987.275 m), so each side of a cell measures
just about 30 km.
Preliminaries: Vector Review
For any vector [v\vec], we can form a unit vector by normalizing
by the magnitude,
|| |
|| = | Ö
vx2 + vy2 + vz2
The dot product [a\vec] ·[b\vec] is a scalar given by:
· |
= || |
|| || |
|| cos q , |
where q is the enclosed angle of the two vectors.
Solid angle of the detector at a cell center:
At any time t, and independent of coordinate system, the vector from
the center of the planet to the center of a cell is [r\vec]C and
from the center of the planet the vector to the spacecraft is
[R\vec]S/C. (Refer to Figure 1.)
The vector from a cell to the spacecraft is given by [d\vec]:
The solid angle of the detector as viewed from the center of a cell
( º Bi,j,s) is given by
where A is the projected cross-sectional area of the detector.
Note: We have characterized the spatial response of the
detector in terms of the on-axis response R(0, 0). The resulting spatial maps
therefore account for the variation in projected detector cross-section. Thus,
we need not worry about how the cross-section varies with look angle.
The appropriate cross-section to use is always that along the symmetry
axis of the crystal, A ~ 34 cm2 = 3.4 ×10-9 km2.
As a sanity check, at the nadir,
Wnadir ~ |
3.4 ×10-9
~ 2.13 ×10-14 sr |
Angle from a cell vertical to the spacecraft:
In essense, what we want here is the zenith distance to the spacecraft.
(Refer to Figure 2.)
For a spherical planet, the cell vertical (zenith) is just the normalized
planetary radius vector to that point,
This is not true for the case of an oblate spheroidal planet, nor is
it true in general.
Similarly, the unit vector from the cell to the spacecraft is given by
To determine the angle from cell vertical to spacecraft, merely take the
dot product [^n] ·[^d]S/C:
cosz = |
|| |
|| || |
|| |
An aside: For an oblate spheroidal planet, the zenith
direction is given by a unit vector (l, b¢), where
l is the longitude and b¢ is the areodetic
latitude. In other words, the cell normal is given by the vector
= |
é ê ê ê
ê ê ë
| |
ù ú ú ú
ú ú û
= |
é ê ê ê
ê ê ë
| |
ù ú ú ú
ú ú û
Areodetic latitude relates to areocentric latitude b by:
b¢ = b- m sin 2b+ |
m2 sin2b- ¼ , |
m = e2/(2-e2) = f + |
f2 - |
f4 + ¼ |
and f is the flattening of the planet,
f = (a-b)/a = e2/2 + e4/8 + e6/16 + ¼ . |
For Mars, f is 0.00647630 = 1/154.409, so the first two terms
are all we need. Thus, m = 0.006497271 radians, or 0.37227 degree.
Also be careful here: although areodetic and areographic longitude are
essentially the same, areodetic longitude usually is measured as
positive west, instead of east, in which case the ny component
of [n\vec]Cell would be -cosb¢sinl.
Calculate the atmospheric thickness along the line from the
center of the cell to the spacecraft:
The airmass through which g-rays must travel to get
to the spacecraft is given by sec z for a plane parallel atmosphere.
Airmass is defined as the path length through the atmosphere, expressed
in units of the vertical path:
For a spherical atmosphere, we can calculate the true airmass as a Taylor
series expansion in (sec z - 1):
X = sec z - 0.018167 (sec z - 1)2 -0.002875 (sec z - 1)3-0.0008083 (sec z - 1)4 . |
| (spherical) |
One can see that the correction at 60° off-zenith is only on the
order of 1%. Atmospheric attenuation of the gamma rays is a much
stronger effect than this correction, so to good approximation we may
take the airmass as just ~ sec z
Barring topography, i.e. for a bowling ball planet,
Ðz is the emission angle for the K array.
To relate topography to atmospheric pressure, I quote
Smith, et al. (2001) Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter: experiment
summary after the first year of global mapping of Mars.
Jour. Geophs. Res. 106, 23689-23722. (This paper is
required reading for an understanding of both topography and pressure
equipotential surfaces for Mars.)
``The relationship between surface topography and atmospheric pressure
provides a measure of the mass of the atmospheric column above a
particular location, which is critical in the assessment of potential
future landing sites... The average atmospheric pressure on Mars
is ~6.1 mbars,
which is close to the triple point of water.
Early topographic models of Mars... were referenced to this
atmospheric pressure surface. The use of a pressure surface as a
reference introduced considerable error into estimates of elevation
because of temporal variability in the height of the pressure surface
due to seasonal variations in CO2 content and dynamical motions
in the atmosphere. Because of the importance of understanding surface
pressure for models of circulation of the atmosphere and for
landing-site assessment, MOLA elevations, which are referenced to a
static areoid, have been related to the 6.1-mbar atmospheric
pressure surface.
``To relate surface topography to atmospheric pressure, it is
necessary to first compare planetary radii obtained from spacecraft
occultations to those derived from MOLA. The occultations yield a
measure of both planetary radius and atmospheric pressure and
thereby a unique linkage between these two quantities...
MOLA radii, which are considerably more accurate than radii obtained
by occulatations, can then be related to occultation-derived
surface pressures. By comparing MOLA radii to Viking and Mariner 9
occultations, Smith and Zuber (1988) showed that the zero point of
MOLA topography corresponds to an atmospheric pressure of
~5.1 mbars at LS=0°. (LS is the seasonal parameter
on Mars and runs from 0° to 360° over the course of
the Martian year; LS=0 corresponds to the vernal equinox in
the northern hemisphere.) The 6.1-mbar pressure level occurs at
approximately ~1600 m relative to the zero reference of
MOLA topography. However, the height of the 6.1-mbar surface needs
to be adjusted, depending on the date. Seasonal variations in
atmospheric pressure associated with the exchange of CO2 between
the atmosphere and polar caps is expected to produce vertical variations
in the height of the 6.1-mbar surface of 1.5 to 2.5 km over the
course of a Martian year.''
This paper also drives home the point that what one calls ``topography''
depends on the choice of spatial scale along the surface, something
we have been conveniently sweeping under the carpet:
``... A power law of
V = 8.2815 l-1.9346 [km]2 |
provides a best fit to the [spatial] spectrum.... At 10-km spatial
scale (degree 1000), a 10-m2 RMS variance of topography is observed.
The power law simply cannot be extroplated to estimate the RMS variance
of surface roughness at landing-site scales. On a 100-m spatial scale
only centimeters of roughness would be expected from extrapolation of
the power law.''
How does this paragraph relate to the current problem? Simple.
At the 10-km scale, the standard deviation of topography is about 3 m,
or about 3 parts in 10-4. Compare this to the value we
calculated for m, namely ~ 0.0065.The root-mean
slope at a scale » \leavevmode0 1/0 3 of our equatorial cell size is
only »
0 1
/0 20 the difference between areocentric and
areodetic latitude. Thus I have disproved Irina's claim that the
difference between verticals on a spheroid and a sphere are negligible.
Since both flavors of latitude are calculable in advance, and the
difference does indeed matter, this effect should indeed be
included in the cell_tab.
Angle from a cell normal to the spacecraft (the emission
(Refer to Figure 2.)
If the perpendicular to the topography in a cell is given by [^s]C,
the emission angle e is given by
Irina has made a first attempt at calculating [^s]C, although her results
still are tainted (dominated) by cross-track errors. Presumably this problem
will be worked out soon with the help of the María Zuber and her
Note: Although one can decompose [^s]C into a 2-parameter
(gradient + position) formalism, it is computationally more expedient
to retain it as an (x, y, z) unit vector. The rationale for this is
you eliminate the need for trig operations
to decompose [^s]C into its 3 components. Additionally, if later we
decide to reference a cell to a spheroidal planet or to some other areoid,
only recalculation of the normal to a cell's topography will be required.
We have already derived the distance from the cell to the spacecraft as
||d||, the magnitude of the vector [d\vec]. Now we proceed to calculate
the nadir angle, y, and the position angle, ÐP.A., (defined
in the usual sense as clockwise from North through East) for a given cell
as seen from the spacecraft.
From Figure 3, it immediately follows that
For the position angle, we employ a less obvious, but favorite trick of
mine (Figure 4). Define [P\vec] to be the vector through the planet's
North pole. E.g., in Cartesian coordinates it would be (0, 0, 1).
The vector product
is a vector 90° around the sphere from both [P\vec] and [R\vec].
Now the vector product [^R]S/C ×[^Q]1 is a unit vector
tangent to the surface at the nadir point, and pointing in the direction
parallel to [P\vec].
Likewise, we form
and cross it with [^R]S/C to get a unit vector tangent to the surface
at the nadir point and pointing toward [^r]C.
Finally, we now take the dot product of the two vectors we have generated
and get the result:
cos ÐP.A. = ( |
× |
) ·( |
× |
) . |
This looks complicated, with four cross products and one dot product.
However, recall that two of the three elements of [P\vec] are zero.
Þ We should be able to query spice directly to get the
position angle, obviating the need for us to calculate it implicitly.
We now return now to the equation for nadir angle,
and define the parameter z.
cos y = |
· |
º z . |
When z < 0, an element is over the limb and can be ignored.
The geometrical footprint is defined as those elements for which
z = 0, and we can pick values for z such that a given
percentage of the flux is contributed from within the cone specified.
All we need do is to test if cos y is less than z, and
we have determined which elements are in the footprint.
This leaves derivations d). and e). yet to be addressed. Derivation e). is
a simple application of the barometric law, a.k.a. the hydrostatic equation,
where the scale height H is defined as
Here, k is Boltzmann's constant, T is the temperature in degrees Kelvin,
m is the mean molecular mass of the atmosphere, and g = GM/r2 is the
local acceleration due to gravity.
In general, T will be a function of altitude, season, position, and time
of day on the planet. The biggest variation in T will be in the troposphere,
which lies at the bottom of the first scale height from the ground. We
should check, but my impression is that the stratospheric temperature
is quite stable both diurnally and seasonally (barring a dust storm).
See the quote from Smith et al. on page 4.
d). Calculate the coordinates of the center of a cell from the spacecraft,
i.e, a cell's GSH coordinates:
Matrix Approach (Not recommended)
This is rather an easy calculation, given that we know the vector [R\vec]
to the spacecraft at a given time, and the vector [r\vec]C to the
center of the cell of interest. We recall our definition of [d\vec],
All we have to do is calculate -[d\vec] in GSH coordinates.
We achieve this via the following recipe.
First, a coordinate translation, i.e., bring the
planetocentric frame origin coincident with the spacecraft frame origin.
Then we simply need to rotate the planetary coordinate axes into the GSH
axes. One way to think of the proper rotation is the concatenation of
three successive frame orientations:
Second, rotate about the +z-axis by the longitude of
the ascending node of the spacecraft, W.
- Third, rotate about the new +x-axis by an angle of
+i, the inclination of the spacecraft orbit.
- Fourth, rotate about the new +z-axis by an angle +n,
the angle in the orbit plane since equator-crossing.
inclination of the spacecraft orbit.
For the translation, we add the vector RS/C to the position
of a cell in the planetocentric frame:
- |
= |
- |
. |
Now for the rotations. One method would be to use rotation matrices.
In R3, rotation about the +z- and +y-axes by angles
q and f are achieved with:
respectively. Also, recall that the reverse (i.e., negative)
rotation is achieved by using the transpose of a rotation matrix.
Therefore our three rotations are given by:
R+z(n) R+x(i) R+z(W) = |
é ê ê ê
ê ê ë
| |
ù ú ú ú
ú ú û
é ê ê ê
ê ê ë
| |
ù ú ú ú
ú ú û
é ê ê ê
ê ê ë
| |
ù ú ú ú
ú ú û
So we have achieved the coordinate transformation from planetocentric to GSH
frames. However, the matrix approach is approximately the most ham-fisted way
to perform this operation conceived by man. Computationally it is very
inefficient-and since we will have to operate on several hundred cells
for every 20-second spectrum, computational efficiency is certainly an issue
which must be considered.
The same results can be achieved via use of quaternions. Quaternions have the
added benefit of no singularities.
Review of Quaterion Algebra
Quaterions were first conceived by William Rowan Hamilton in 1843.
They are hyper-complex numbers, or more precisely, complex numbers of rank 4.
The set of quaternions, along with the two operations of addition and
multiplication form a non-commutative division ring. This means that the
quaternion product in general is not commutative, and also that the
multiplicative inverse exists for every non-zero element in the set.
Under the operations of multiplication and division, quaternions satisfy
all the axioms of a field except for the commutative law of multiplication.
As the name suggests, a quaternion can be represented as a 4-tuple of real
numbers, that is, for an element of R4:
where q0, q1, q2, q3 are simply real numbers or scalars. The
real part of a quaternion is defined as q0. We then define a
vector part, q, which is an ordinary vector in R3
Here i, j, and k are the standard orthonormal basis
in R3. We can define a quaternion as the sum
q = q0 + q = iq1 + jq2 + kq3 . |
A quaternion is basically the sum of a real number and a vector of three
orthogonal imaginary parts. A strange beast-the sum of a scalar and a vector.
To multiply a (position) vector in R3 by a quaternion, we make a quaternion
of the vector by entering its components as the hyperimaginary part, and setting
the scalar part to 0. (A quaternion with zero scalar is entirely hyperimaginary
and called a pure quaternion.) That is,
v Î R3 « v = 0 + v Î Q0 Ì Q |
The conjugate of a quaternion q is q*:
If q = q0 + q then q* = q0 - q , |
and the definition of quaternion multiplication is:
pq = p0q0 - p ·q + p0q +q0p + p×q |
where the result is also a quaternion. ``·'' and ``×'' indicate
vector dot and cross products.
The overall rotation of any vector v Î R3 is achieved by:
and multiple rotations by:
w = pqrvr*q*p* = (pqr)v(pqr)* . |
Quaternion multiplication goes from left to right, unlike matrix
We can write for any unit quaternion q,
where q is the angle of rotation and u is the axis of rotation.
Finally, we define quaternion rotation operators as
which may be interpreted as a point or vector rotation, with
respect to a fixed coordinate frame, and
which is a coordinate frame rotation with respect to a fixed space
of points or vectors.
Quaternion Approach
For the translation, we use the translation matrix T:
T= |
é ê ê ê ê
ê ê ê ë
| |
ù ú ú ú ú
ú ú ú û
. |
where x0, y0, and z0 are the components of [R\vec]S/C.
Translation brings the origins of the two frames coincident.
Quaternion for rotation about +z-axis: | qz,W | = cos[(W)/2] + ksin[(W)/2] |
Quaternion for rotation about +x-axis: | qx,i | = cosi/2 + isini/2 |
Quaternion for rotation about +z-axis: | qz,n | = cos[(n)/2] + ksin[(n)/2] |
The overall quaternion is then: | q | º qz,W qx,i qz,n |
While this sequence of rotations does solve the problem of
transforming from Mars-fixed, Mars-centered coordinates to GSH-centered,
GSH-fixed coordinates, there are two problems with it.
· First, the required angles, W and n are not really
``standard.'' That is, we have pretty much defined what they are,
and it would take extra queries to the spice kernel to get them.
· Second, in the time elapsed between last south-to-north
equator crossing and the time at which the last spectrum was acquired,
several things transpire that have an effect on the relative
position of the spacecraft and a cell.
These must be taken into account, since neither the Mars-centered,
Mars-fixed coordinate frame, nor the GSH-centered, GSH-fixed coordinate
frame is an inertial frames.
To list these effects: Mars has rotated beneath the
spacecraft orbit due to its diurnal spin; Mars has rotated beneath
the spacecraft by a smaller amount due to progress in its orbit
around the Sun; the spacecraft orbit has regressed (by an even smaller
amount) about the line of its nodes; if the orbit has any
eccentricity whatsoever (it turns out it will) then the orbit will
have precessed along the line of apsides. These last two effects
are predominantly due to the oblateness (equatorial bulge) of
Mars. However, there is a second set of regressions and precessions
(even smaller in magnitude, but present nonetheless) due to solar
torque on the spacecraft orbit. Other perturbations also exist
(primarily due to Jupiter).
After a bit of head scratching, I have come up with an alternate
scheme to treat the problem more accurately. It uses as inputs
more ``classical'' (and accurately determined) parameters, and will
account for all these additional rotations and perturbations
at the same time.
With this alternative rotation scheme, we require as inputs only
the sub-spacecraft (nadir) longitude and latitude at a given time,
and the instantaneous spacecraft orbital inclination. This
inclination is calculable from the Mars-centered, Mars-fixed
spacecraft position and velocity vectors (i.e., the S/C
state vector).
We proceed as follows.
- ·
First (as before), a coordinate translation, i.e.,
bring the planetocentric frame origin coincident with the spacecraft
frame origin.
Then the new sequence of three rotations.
- ·
Rotate about the +z-axis by an angle
l, the longitude of the subspacecraft point.
- Rotate about the -y-axis by an angle
b, the latitude of the S/C, as before.
- Finally, rotate about the zenith-pointing +x-axis
by an angle a, the instantaneous angle of the velocity vector to
a parallel of latitude. Note: this angle is not the inclination
of the orbit, except for the special case of at the ascending node.
The first two rotations are obvious, but the determination of
a requires some thought, particularly in the case of an orbit
with non-zero eccentricity.
Recall [P\vec], which we earlier defined to be the vector through
the planet's North pole. In Mars-centered, Mars-fixed coordinates it
is always (0, 0, 1). Now, the vector [P\vec] ×[R\vec]S/C
will point due eastward at any given time.
If the orbit were perfectly circular, then the angle a would
directly follow from the dot product of this east-pointing vector
and the spacecraft velocity vector, having normalized both vectors
first. However, should there be a radial component to the spacecraft
velocity, then the angle measured will be out of the plane tangent
to the surface at the S/C's nadir. We must first determine the
radial component of the spacecraft velocity and subtract it from
the overall 3-dimensional velocity vector to get just the components
of velocity perpendicular to [R\vec]S/C.
It turns out this is rather easy. The magnitude of the radial component
of velocity is given simply by
and its direction is along [R\vec]S/C. Thus the nonradial S/C velocity
= |
- |
= ||vr|| |
, |
and the angle a follows as
a = cos-1 |
é ë
· |
ù û
. |
Thus we have the angle a for all time,
regardless of orbital
eccentricity or instantaneous perturbations due to asphericity and/or
mascons in the solid body of Mars.
Summarizing the quaternions for this rotation sequence:
Quaternion for rotation about +z-axis: | q+z,l
| = cos[(l
)/2] + ksin[(l
)/2] |
Quaternion for rotation about -
y-axis: | q*-
| = cos[(b)/2]
)/2] |
Quaternion for rotation about +x-axis: | q*+x,a
| = cos[(a
)/2] + isin[(a
)/2] |
The overall quaternion is then: | q | º qz,l
) q*+x,a
Computer Implementation
Recall the definition of quaternion multiplication,
pq = p_0q_0 - p q + p_0q +q_0p + p q .
It is a simple exercise to verify that the product of two quaternions can bewritten in matrix notation |
pq = r = =
Using the definition of quaternion multiplication, and after a metricshitload of algebraic manipulation, one can derive the matrix form ofthe quaternion rotation operator Lq* º Q: |
The opposite rotation, from GSH-coordinates into areocentriccoordinates, is achieved with the conjugate operator, QT, whereQT is just the transpose of Q.\vfill
Effects of orbital eccentricity on the reductionsThis section has been added since I was informed that our final mappingorbit will be an eccentric, non-circular one. The document I was givengave a value e = 0.009. Quoting the Odyssey Web site:``During the next few weeks, flight controllers will continue to refinethe orbit to achieve a final mapping orbit with a periapsis altitudeof 387 kilometers (240 miles) and apoapsis altitude of 450 kilometers(280 miles).¢¢ |
= 450+r_Mars 387+r_Mars = 1.01665
e = 0.00826 .
So we are justified to continue using e = 0.009 as our baseline value,and 420 km for a baseline altitude. Based on these values,we examine the following consquences.For an elliptical orbit, the apsides are given by the numerator anddenominator of the above equation: |
amin | = 0.991 a | amax | = 1.0753 a |
| = 0.991×(3397+420) | | =1.009×(3397+420) |
| = 3782.6 km | | =3851.4 km |
At first thought, it seems like no big deal. But consider the altitudeextrema of the spacecraft: |
h_min = 3529.6-3397 = 385.6 km
h_max = 3851.4-3397 = 454.4 km .
1. Area of the entire footprint varies by 16 over an orbit.
2. More cells are seen at apoapse than at periapse.
3. Off-nadir angle to cell centers changes with time, by