This organization shall be known as the Tucson Softball Umpires
Association, hereinafter referred to as the “Association”.
The principle objectives of the Association are set forth below:
§ Promote the general betterment of umpiring high school
softball games in Zones 1 and 2, as defined by the Arizona Interscholastic
Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the AIA;
§ Present, clarify, and interpret the rules of the National
Federation of High Schools (NFHS) and the AIA;
§ Recruit, train, evaluate and rate individuals
regardless of race, gender, religion, political views and/or sexual preference
for the specialized work of softball officiating in conjunction with and in
support of the NFHS and the AIA.
§ Strive for the improvement of the umpire/coach
interface, the public image of the umpire and the general welfare of the
Association members; and
§ Adhere to NFHS and AIA officiating rules, guidelines
and standards.
A. Eligibility – Membership in the Association shall
be open to any individual who registers annually with the AIA as a softball
umpire in good standing. Membership is
also open to retired softball officials who left in good standing, but desire to continue to lend their expertise in the accomplishment of the objectives
contained in Article 2.
B. Termination – Any member shall automatically lose his/her membership in the
Association when he/she fails to register with the AIA for the sport of softball,
retirees excepted.
C. Reinstatement – Any person terminated under Article 3 B shall be reinstated in
any year that he/she registers for the sport of softball with the AIA in any year subsequent to the termination year.
D. Disqualification – We may need to address those individuals who have been “kicked out” and are not welcome back. Specify what this means, how someone qualifies, etc.
A. Committee – Administration of the
activities of the Association shall be under the guidance of the
Committee. Committee members shall be
elected from the general membership as needed.
It shall consist of seven (7)
members who will hold office for specified periods of time depending on the
office held but at least one (1) year unless someone is filling an unexpired
term of less than one year. These
offices and time periods are identified below:
President – Two (2) years
Vice President – Two (2) years.
Members at Large – Three (3) years.
Non-Certified Representative – One (1) year.
Past President – One (1) Years (Ex Oficio)
B. Meetings – The Committee shall meet not less than four (4) times per year, preferably during the softball season. Meeting should be scheduled in conjunction with Association General Meetings. Notice of meetings may be provided by USPS mail, e-mail, telephone or by any other recognized means of communication at least one (1) day prior to any Committee meeting scheduled before or after an Association General Meeting. Committee meetings are not open to the general membership.
C. Special Meetings – Special meetings of the Committee, defined as one which is scheduled at a day and time other than on the day and time of an Association General Meeting, may be called by the president or any two (2) Committee members. Notice of such meeting shall be at least three (3) days prior and given by method contained in Article 4 B.
D. Elections – The president shall conduct annually, at an Association General Meeting, elections for the office of vice president and for any vacancy in the Committee. The general meeting schedule released at the initial Association General Meeting shall identify this meeting.
Candidates for the office of vice president and for any vacancy shall be nominated by the general membership. A minimum of two (2) candidates shall be nominated for each office before a motion to close the nominations shall be entertained by the president. A simple majority of those in attendance at such a meeting shall determine which candidate becomes elected to the vacant office.
E. Vacancy – Whenever a vacancy occurs in the Committee, other than by normal expiration of term of office, the president shall hold a special election at any Association General Meeting. No advance notice of such election is required to make the election valid.
F. Removal – Any Committee member may be removed for just cause at any time. A special meeting, as defined in Article 4 C (excepting notice), shall be called for the express purpose of removing the Committee member. Written notice to other Committee members specifying the “just cause” shall be provided twenty (20) days prior to the special meeting at which time the Committee member may present his/her case. After the presentation of all the facts, a vote shall be taken to ascertain whether the affected Committee member is removed or stays determined by a simple majority of Committee members present. The affected Committee member may not vote. No legal representation shall be permitted at this meeting. Failure to attend the special meeting shall be deemed an admission of the “just cause” and shall result in an automatic removal from the Committee.
For the sole purpose of these Bylaws, the term “just cause” shall include but not be limited to the following:
1) Failure to fulfill the duties of the office as set forth in Article 5;
2) Failure to attend two (2) or more successive meetings;
3) Unexcused absences from two (2) or more meetings; and
4) Any act or omission, which by its nature constitutes a breach of the requirements of membership in the Association and is judged to have brought disrepute on the Association, its members or the umpiring profession.
1) President – Two (2) years
2) Vice President – One (1) year then assumes the presidency.
3) Members at Large (6) – Three (3) years.
4) Non-certified Representative – One (1) year
5) Past President – One (1) year (Ex Oficio)
B. Duties – The major duties of each Committee member but not limited to just these are set forth below:
1) President
a) Preside at all meetings;
b) Administer the policies and principles of the Association;
c) Act as liaison with the AIA Area Commissioner for all membership concerns and all other relevant matters;
d) Establish in concert with the AIA Area Commissioner a general meeting schedule for the pending season;
e) Prepare agenda items to ensure important and relevant matters are discussed at the general meetings; and
f) Appoint competent members to conduct clinics and other training.
2) Vice President
a) Assist the President wherever and whenever needed;
b) Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence;
c) Prepare a roster of all members as defined in Article 7; and
d) Collect and account for all funds received and issue a financial report by the last general meeting.
3) Members-at-Large
a) Assist the President with training;
b) Assist the President with any special projects; and
c) Chair any subcommittee requested by the president.
4) Non-Certified Representative
a) Present issues to the Committee that affect non-certified levels.
b) Assist other Committee members in training levels 3 and 4.
5) Past President
a) Assist and advise incoming president with the performance of his/her duties.
C. Quorum – There are ten (10) authorized Committee positions and a quorum of the Committee, for voting purposes, shall consist of at least seven (7) members present at a meeting. Voting by proxy is prohibited.
All Committee members, including the non-Certified representative, are entitled to vote on any matters brought to the Committee requiring a vote.
The annual dues are $5.00 per member due and payable annually at the initial meeting. Umpires new to the area or new to umpiring are not required to pay dues the first year.
The dues amount may be changed at a special meeting called for this purpose as in Article 4 C. A two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members in attendance at this meeting shall be required to change the dues amount, up or down. In no case, however, may the dues be amended at any meeting in which the attendance is less than fifty percent (50%) of the registered members for that year.
The dues amount may be changed at a special meeting called for this purpose, as in Article 4C. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members in attendance at this meeting shall be requiredto change the dues amount, whether up or down. In no case,however, may the dues be amended at any meeting in which the attendance is less than fifty percent (50%) of the registered members for that year.
The dues amount may be changed at the beginning of the fourth year following the last year a change was approved.
A. AIA Patch and Uniforms – All members shall wear the approved AIA patch and shall wear the uniform described in the AIA Sports Officials Handbook released annually.
B. Order of Business – Unless otherwise stated in these Bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition, shall govern procedures at all meetings.
C. Amendments to the Bylaws – These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those members present at any general meeting or special meeting for which the agenda specifically states that one of the purposes of the meeting is to amend the Bylaws. In no case, however, may these Bylaws be amended at any meeting in which the attendance is less than fifty percent (50%) of the registered members for that year.
D. Roster – A roster of all active members shall be prepared annually sourcing the AIA Registration List secured from the Area Commissioner and the information obtained during the initial and subsequent meetings.
The roster shall contain the following data:
E. Adoption – These Bylaws were approved and adopted by the general membership on (date).
F. Arbitration in legal matters initiated by a Member?
The May,
2002 issue of Referee magazine had an article (Stay Out of Court, Use
Arbitration to Save Time and Money, pages N8-N9) regarding the resolution
of disputes via arbitration instead of (more costly) court litigation. We may
want to follow their recommendations, particularly with respect to actions
initiated internally. The article specifically mentions stating such a
requirement in the Association Bylaws. If you don’t get Referee, I can
scan the article and email it to everyone.