— Welcome to the course website for PTYS/ASTR 206 (section 3)—
The goals of this course are to give the student an introduction to the solar system and the ways in which we explore it. See the
schedule for a full listing of lecture topics.
Instructor: |
Shane Byrne, Assistant Professor of Planetary Sciences. shane@lpl.arizona.edu Office
hours Tuesday 1:45-4pm, room
524. (Or by appointment) |
TAs: |
Kevin Jones, Graduate Student in Geosciences kbjones@arizona.edu Office hours:
4/28 2-4pm and 5/4 3-5pm |
Priyanka Sharma, Graduate Student in Planetary Sciences psharma@lpl.arizona.edu Office hours: Tuesday
10.30am-12.30pm, room 316, Kuiper |
General Info
- This is section 3 of PTYS/ASTR 206.
- Course syllabus - including grading policies.
- Lectures take place in room 308 of the Kuiper building, Tuesday and Thursday 12:30-1:45pm.
- First lecture - Thursday 1/15