Sarah Sutton

PTYS/LPL Research Scientists

Sarah Sutton (she/her)

Photogrammetry Program Lead, HiRISE, Researcher/Scientist

Ph.D., 2022, The University of Arizona

Years with LPL: 19

Earth, Lunar Studies, Photogrammetry, Planetary Analogs, Planetary Surfaces, Small Bodies, Planetary surface processes on Mars, Earth, the Moon, Europa, and Io, planetary volcanism, aeo- lian processes, geomorphology, digital terrain modeling, geologic mapping, remote sensing, field geology, stereophotogrammetry, change detection of active planetary surfaces, image processing, optical instrumentation and calibration, digital signal processing.

Current Grants

Springtime North Polar Avalanches on Mars: A Nearly-Decadal Survey with MRO, Co-Investigator NASA Mars Data Analysis Program, PI Dr. Margaret Landis 2024–2027

Archiving and distribution of high-quality Context Camera (CTX) digital terrain models for the Mars research community (Co-I), NASA Planetary Data Archiving and Restoration, PI Dr. Matthew Chojnacki 2023–2026

Current Spacecraft Involvement

Europa Clipper, ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, HiRISE (MRO), LRO, MRO, OSIRIS-APEX, OSIRIS-REx

Current Spacecraft Involvement


TGO/CaSSIS Science Operations

Europa Clipper/EIS Professional Affiliate

OSIRIS-APEX Science Operations

LRO/LROC Science Operations

Former Spacecraft Involvement

Io Volcano Observer (IVO), Phase A study, Co-I

OSIRIS-REx/OCAMS, Collaborator

Student Collaborations/Advising

Dora Elalaoui-Pinedo, NASA Space Grant intern AY 23–24, AY 24–25, HiRISE student research technician, DTM production

Reed Spurling, HiRISE student research technician, DTM production

Fabian Campos, CaSSIS student research technician, Software development



Based on Google Scholar and NASA ADS: NASA ADS Author search: Sarah S. Sutton

Recent refereed publications (NASA ADS): Years 2019 through May 2023

Perry, Jason E., Heyd, Rodney, Read, Matthew, Tornabene, Livio L., Sutton, Sarah S., Byrne, Shane, Thomas, Nicolas, Fennema, Audrie, McEwen, Alfred, & Berry, Kristin 2022, Planetary and Space Science. Geometric processing of TGO CaSSIS observations

Re, Cristina, Fennema, Audrie, Simioni, Emanuele, Sutton, Sarah, Mège, Daniel, Gwinner, Klaus, Józefowicz, Mateusz, Munaretto, Giovanni, Pajola, Maurizio, Petrella, Amedeo, Pommerol, Antoine, Cremonese, Gabriele, & Thomas, Nicolas 2022, Planetary and Space Science. CaSSIS-based stereo products for Mars after three years in orbit

Sutton, Sarah S., Hamilton, Christopher W., Cataldo, Vincenzo, Williams, David A., & Bleacher, Jacob E. 2022, Icarus. Sinuous channels east of Olympus Mons, Mars: Implications for volcanic, hydrological, and tectonic processes

McEwen, Alfred S., Schaefer, Ethan I., Dundas, Colin M., Sutton, Sarah S., Tamppari, Leslie K., & Chojnacki, Matthew 2021, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Mars: Abundant Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) Following the Planet Encircling Dust Event (PEDE) of 2018

Becerra, Patricio, Sori, Michael M., Thomas, Nicolas, Pommerol, Antoine, Simioni, Emanuele, Sutton, Sarah S., Tulyakov, Stepan, & Cremonese, Gabriele 2019, Geophysical Research Letters. Timescales of the Climate Record in the South Polar Ice Cap of Mars

Schaefer, E. I., McEwen, A. S., & Sutton, S. S. 2019, Icarus. A case study of recurring slope lineae (RSL) at Tivat crater: Implications for RSL origins

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