PTYS/LPL Research Scientists
Jason Corliss
Research Scientist/Senior Staff Scientist

Ph.D., 2011, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Years with LPL: 2013-Present
Planetary Astronomy, Planetary Atmospheres, Small Bodies, Solar and Heliospheric Research
Current Grants
- High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Far UV Hydrogen Emission from Star Forming Regions using Spatial Heterodyne Interferometry (PI) [ NASA: Astrophysics Research and Analysis, sounding rocket mission (APRA), 2023-2027]
- Extending High Sensitivity Velocity Resolved Measurements of Solar System Dynamics into the EUV. Advancement of the Spatial Heterodyne EUV Interferometer (PI) [ NASA: Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Observations (PICASSO), 2023-2024]
- All-Reflective Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy: Extending High Sensitivity Velocity Resolved Measurements of Solar System Dynamics into the EUV (PI) [NASA: Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Observations (PICASSO), 2016-2022]
- Advancing the TRL of a Compact, High Dynamic Range Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (Co-I) [NASA: Maturation of Instruments for Solar System Exploration (PICASSO), 2017-2020]
- Heliospheric Hydrogen as a Probe of the Heliopause and Interstellar Magnetic Field (Co-I) [NASA: Heliospheric Technology and Instrument Development for Science 2016-2019]
Corliss, J.B., Harris, W.M., Mierkiewicz, E.J. and Roesler, F.L. 2015. Development and field tests of a narrowband all-reflective spatial heterodyne spectrometer. Applied Optics 54, 30 (2015), 8835–8843.
Harlander, J., Lawler, J., Roesler, F. L., Corliss, J. C., and Harris, W. M. (2010), First results from an all-reflection spatial heterodyne spectrometer with broad spectral coverage, Optics Express, Volume 18, Issue 6.
Bétrémieux, Y., Corliss, J., Vincent, M., Vincent, F., Harris, W., Roesler, F., and Ben-Jaffel, L. (2010) in Optical and Infrared Interferometry II. Edited by Danchi, William C.; Delplancke, Françoise; Rajagopal, Jayadev K. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 7734.
Vincent, F., Harris, W.M., Beasley, M., Corliss, J.B., Bétrémieux, Y., Ben Jaffel, L., and Roesler, F.L. 2011. Identification and treatment of an efficiency anomaly in a symmetrically ruled grating illuminated at normal incidence, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, in press.
Hosseini, S. S., Harris, W. M., and Corliss, J. B.(2012), ‘Khayyam: a tunable spatial heterodyne spectrometer for observing diffuse emission line targets-First light results’, Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV: Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 8446, Article ID 84464K 11 pages.
Harris, W. M., Corliss, J. B., Bétrémieux, Y. and Roesler, F. L.(2012), ‘Vacuum and environmental testing of an all-reflective spatial heterodyne spectrometer designed for wide input angle measurements of H Ly-α at high spectral resolving power’, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 8443, Article ID 844330 8 pages.
Corliss, J.B. 2011. Large-field high resolution spectroscopy: Development of all-reflective spatial heterodyne spectrometers, and, Astronomical results using an image slicer from the McMath-Pierce main spectrograph. The University of Wisconsin - Madison. PHD Thesis
Roesler, F.L., Moos, H.W., Oliversen, R.J., Woodward, R.C., Retherford, K.D., Scherb, F., McGrath, M.A., Smyth, W.H., Feldman, P.D., and D.F. Strobel. 1999. “Far-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectroscopy of Io's Atmosphere with HST/STIS” Science, Volume 283 pp. 353–357.
Harris, W.M., Roesler, F.L., Ben-Jaffel, L., Mierkiewicz, E., Corliss, J., Oliversen, R., and Neef, T. 2005. “Applications of spatial heterodyne spectroscopy for remote sensing of diffuse UV- vis emission line sources in the solar system.” Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 144–147, 973–977.
Harris, W.M., Fred L. Roesler, Kenneth H. Nordsieck, Lotfi Ben-Jaffel, and Jason B. Corliss. 2003. “Studies of H Ly-alpha emissions in the solar neighborhood with the techniques of polarimetry and spatial heterodyne spectroscopy (SHS)” Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 4854, pp. 676–685.
Based on Google Scholar and NASA ADS: NASA ADS Author search: Jason B. Corliss
Recent refereed publications (NASA ADS): Years 2019 through May 2023
Harris, Walter & Corliss, Jason 2022, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts. Reflective Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometers (RSHS): A high resolving power broadband spectral sensor for the EUV-NIR
Chung, Haeun, Vargas, Carlos J., Hamden, Erika, McMahon, Tom, Gonzales, Kerry, Khan, Aafaque R., Agarwal, Simran, Bailey, Hop, Behroozi, Peter, Brendel, Trenton, Choi, Heejoo, Connors, Tom, Corlies, Lauren, Corliss, Jason, Dettmar, Ralf-Jürgen, Dolana, David, Douglas, Ewan S., Guzman, John, Hamara, Dave, Harris, Walt, Harshman, Karl, Hergenrother, Carl, Hoadley, Keri, Kidd, John, Kim, Daewook, Li, Jessica S., Montoya, Manny, Sauve, Corwynn, Schiminovich, David, Selznick, Sanford, Siegmund, Oswald, Ward, Michael, Wolcott, Ellie M., & Zaritsky, Dennis 2021, UV/Optical/IR Space Telescopes and Instruments: Innovative Technologies and Concepts X. Aspera: the UV SmallSat telescope to detect and map the warm-hot gas phase in nearby galaxy halos
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