I'm delighted that you are considering or have accepted a postdoctoral position at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory (LPL) at the University of Arizona. We try to provide postdocs with a combination of the resources needed to be successful, including the mentorship needed to progress in your career and the freedom to establish your own path. We strive to have a laboratory that is diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity and other personal and cultural parameters, as well as being diverse in disciplinary focus. Please look through the information provided here, contact potential postdoctoral mentors, and/or talk to some of us at upcoming meetings and conferences.
Mark S. Marley
Director, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
Why choose Arizona for Planetary Science?
The Lunar and Planetary Laboratory offers one of the world's leading programs in planetary science that offers many opportunities for postdocs. Research at LPL is interdisciplinary and covers virtually every aspect and method in planetary science, including the planets and satellites in the solar system as well as exoplanets and astrobiology. Our faculty, staff and students study planetary surfaces and atmospheres by using remote observations, in-situ measurements, laboratory studies and theoretical models. The department leads efforts to map and characterize small bodies in the solar system and to study the environments in which planets form. In addition, LPL also includes a group in solar and heliospheric research.
LPL has a long history in planetary and small bodies space mission involvement. Faculty and staff have been involved in over 50 past, present and future space missions, serving in leadership roles or participating in instrument development, management as well as the analysis and interpretation of the observations. Researchers at LPL are currently involved in many active missions that support cutting edge research efforts.
LPL offers an excellent support network for postdocs with ample opportunities for career development and research collaborations. The department is also part of one of the world's largest collections of space science research facilities, including the University of Arizona's Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory, the Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab, the National Optical Astronomy Research Laboratory (NOIRlab), and the Planetary Science Institute. In addition, LPL researchers have access to several ground-based telescopes. LPL is committed to providing a safe working environment that is welcoming and inclusive for all.
Visit the Postdoctoral Affairs web page for information about resources, mentoring, and other opportunities available to postdocs at UArizona.