NASA Space Technology Graduate Fellowship

NASA is seeking applications from graduate students for the new Space Technology Research Fellowships. Applications are being accepted from accredited U.S. universities on behalf of graduate students interested in performing space technology research beginning in the fall of each year. The fellowships will sponsor U.S. graduate student researchers who show significant potential to contribute to NASA strategic space technology objectives through their studies.

NASA Postdoctoral Program

The NASA Postdoctoral Program provides talented postdoctoral scientists and engineers with valuable opportunities to engage in ongoing NASA research programs and serves as a source of talent to ensure the continued quality of the NASA research workforce. These one- to three-year Fellowship appointments are competitive and are designed to advance NASA missions in space science, earth science, aeronautics, space operations, exploration systems, and astrobiology.

Galileo Circle Scholarships

The Galileo Circle is a society of individuals whose support is critical to the continued excellence in the sciences at the University of Arizona. 

The Galileo Circle creates meaningful connections among patrons and scholars. Through seminars, lectures and scientific excursions, Galileo Circle members embark on journeys to understand our scientific past, and to imagine the profound possibilities for our future.

Funding Source:

University of Arizona College of Science

Carson Graduate Fellowship

A fellowship endowment established by the estate of Virginia B. Carson, honoring her husband, a former member of the Flying Tigers, a master navigator for the U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Command, and an enthusiast of space exploration. Colonel Carson greatly admired the professionalism and accomplishments of the NASA space program. See further information about the fellowship and fellowship recipients.

Funding Source:

Lunar and Planetary Laboratory/Department of Planetary Sciences

Welcome to the Fall 2012 Edition!

Welcome to the Fall 2012 edition of the LPL newsletter! There are a couple of things new about the newsletter this time. For one thing, we are going retro, adding an abbreviated print edition to the online edition—if you’d like a copy of the print edition, please contact Mary Guerrieri, PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnpuZWxAeWN5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj56bmVsQHljeS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=, 520-621-2828.