Recent PTYS Graduates

Recent PTYS Graduates

Congratulations to Tracy Esman, Indujaa Ganesh, John Noonan, and Sarah Sutton, LPL's newest alumni!

May 2, 2022
Tracy Esman 
Magnetic Field Fluctuations from the Solar Wind to the Surface of Mars
New position: Postdoc, Goddard Space Flight Center



April 22, 2022
Indujaa Ganesh
Investigating Late-stage Explosive Eruptions on the Volcanic Rises of Mars and Venus
New position: Postdoc, University of Alaska, Fairbanks

January 7, 2022
John Noonan
The Comet Cipher: Understanding the Ultraviolet Emissions of Cometary Comae

New position: Postdoc, Auburn University

April 18, 2022

Sarah Sutton
Fissure-fed Volcanism on Mars and Earth
Continuing her work as a Photogrammetry & Image Processing Scientist with HiRISE