Carson Graduate Fellowship

A fellowship endowment established by the estate of Virginia B. Carson, honoring her husband, a former member of the Flying Tigers, a master navigator for the U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Command, and an enthusiast of space exploration. Colonel Carson greatly admired the professionalism and accomplishments of the NASA space program. See further information about the fellowship and fellowship recipients.

Funding Source:

Lunar and Planetary Laboratory/Department of Planetary Sciences

How to Apply:

No separate application required; admissions application and materials constitute award application.

Award Eligibility:

All newly admitted students are considered for the Carson Fellowship.



Award amounts & Award process:

The Carson Fellowship provides one full year of funding, to include: stipend for fall/spring/summer, equivalent to a .50 FTE GA stipend; coverage of costs for tuition, mandatory fees, and student health insurance; a $2500 supply stipend. Awardees are selected by the Graduate Admissions and Advising Committee as part of the admissions process.