2024: 226 publications, "Lunar and Planetary Laboratory" ; "Lunar & Planetary Laboratory" ; "Lunar and Planetary Lab"; "LPL"
Alderson, Lili, Batalha, Natasha E., Wakeford, Hannah R., Wallack, Nicole L., Aguichine, Artyom, Teske, Johanna, Adams Redai, Jea, Alam, Munazza K., Batalha, Natalie M., Gao, Peter, Kirk, James, López-Morales, Mercedes, Moran, Sarah E., Scarsdale, Nicholas, Wogan, Nicholas F., & Wolfgang, Angie 2024, The Astronomical Journal. JWST COMPASS: NIRSpec/G395H Transmission Observations of the Super-Earth TOI-836b
Amaro, Rachael C., Apai, Dániel, Lew, Ben W. P., Zhou, Yifan, Lothringer, Joshua D., Casewell, Sarah L., Tan, Xianyu, Barman, Travis, Marley, Mark S., Mayorga, L. C., & Parmentier, Vivien 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. Time-resolved Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3 Spectrophotometry Reveals Inefficient Day-to-night Heat Redistribution in the Highly Irradiated Brown Dwarf SDSS 1557B
Aponte, José C., Séguin, Frédéric, Siguelnitzky, Ariel J., Dworkin, Jason P., Elsila, Jamie E., Glavin, Daniel P., Connolly, Harold C., & Lauretta, Dante S. 2024, Meteoritics and Planetary Science. Molecular distribution and <SUP>13</SUP>C isotope composition of volatile organic compounds in the Murchison and Sutter's Mill carbonaceous chondrites
Arregui, Iñigo, Leibacher, John, Mandrini, Cristina H., & van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia 2024, Solar Physics. Editorial Appreciation
Avsar, Arin M., Wagner, Kevin, Apai, Dániel, Stark, Christopher C., & Wyatt, Mark C. 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. A Search for Collisions and Planet–Disk Interactions in the Beta Pictoris Disk with 26 Years of High-precision HST/STIS Imaging
Bajaj, Naman S., Pascucci, Ilaria, Gorti, Uma, Alexander, Richard, Sellek, Andrew, Morrison, Jane, Gaspar, Andras, Clarke, Cathie, Xie, Chengyan, Ballabio, Giulia, & Deng, Dingshan 2024, The Astronomical Journal. JWST MIRI MRS Observations of T Cha: Discovery of a Spatially Resolved Disk Wind
Ballantyne, Harry A., Asphaug, Erik, Denton, C. Adeene, Emsenhuber, Alexandre, & Jutzi, Martin 2024, Nature Astronomy. Sputnik Planitia as an impactor remnant indicative of an ancient rocky mascon in an oceanless Pluto
Ballouz, R. -L., Ernst, C. M., Barnouin, O. S., Daly, R. T., DellaGiustina, D. N., Hyatt, B. A., & Martin, A. C. 2024, Nature Astronomy. Seismic resurfacing of 433 Eros indicative of a highly dissipative interior for large near-Earth asteroids
Barnouin, Olivier, Ballouz, Ronald-Louis, Marchi, Simone, Vincent, Jean-Baptiste, Agrusa, Harrison, Zhang, Yun, Ernst, Carolyn M., Pajola, Maurizio, Tusberti, Filippo, Lucchetti, Alice, Daly, R. Terik, Palmer, Eric, Walsh, Kevin J., Michel, Patrick, Sunshine, Jessica M., Rizos, Juan L., Farnham, Tony L., Richardson, Derek C., Parro, Laura M., Murdoch, Naomi, Robin, Colas Q., Hirabayashi, Masatoshi, Kahout, Tomas, Asphaug, Erik, Raducan, Sabina D., Jutzi, Martin, Ferrari, Fabio, Hasselmann, Pedro Henrique Aragao, CampoBagatin, Adriano, Chabot, Nancy L., Li, Jian-Yang, Cheng, Andrew F., Nolan, Michael C., Stickle, Angela M., Karatekin, Ozgur, Dotto, Elisabetta, Della Corte, Vincenzo, Mazzotta Epifani, Elena, Rossi, Alessandro, Gai, Igor, Deshapriya, Jasinghege Don Prasanna, Bertini, Ivano, Zinzi, Angelo, Trigo-Rodriguez, Josep M., Beccarelli, Joel, Ivanovski, Stavro Lambrov, Brucato, John Robert, Poggiali, Giovanni, Zanotti, Giovanni, Amoroso, Marilena, Capannolo, Andrea, Cremonese, Gabriele, Dall'Ora, Massimo, Ieva, Simone, Impresario, Gabriele, Lavagn, Michèle, Modenini, Dario, Palumbo, Pasquale, Perna, Davide, Pirrotta, Simone, Tortora, Paolo, Zannoni, Marco, & Rivkin, Andrew S. 2024, Nature Communications. The geology and evolution of the Near-Earth binary asteroid system (65803) Didymos
Battle, Adam, Reddy, Vishnu, Sanchez, Juan A., Sharkey, Benjamin, Campbell, Tanner, Chodas, Paul, Conrad, Al, Engelhart, Daniel P., Frith, James, Furfaro, Roberto, Farnocchia, Davide, Kuhn, Olga, Pearson, Neil, Rothberg, Barry, Veillet, Christian, & Wainscoat, Richard 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. Challenges in Identifying Artificial Objects in the Near-Earth Object Population: Spectral Characterization of 2020 SO
Battle, Adam, Reddy, Vishnu, Furfaro, Roberto, & Campbell, Tanner 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. Visible Spectral Atlas of Geostationary Satellites from Tucson, AZ for Differentiating Between Natural and Artificial Objects
Bedin, L. R., Dietrich, J., Burgasser, A. J., Apai, D., Libralato, M., Griggio, M., Fontanive, C., & Pourbaix, D. 2024, Astronomische Nachrichten. HST astrometry of the closest brown dwarfs-II. Improved parameters and constraints on a third body
Bedin, L. R., Nardiello, D., Salaris, M., Libralato, M., Bergeron, P., Burgasser, A. J., Apai, D., Griggio, M., Scalco, M., Anderson, J., Gerasimov, R., & Bellini, A. 2024, Astronomische Nachrichten. JWST imaging of the closest globular clusters—I. Possible infrared excess among white dwarfs in NGC 6397
Beiler, Samuel A., Mukherjee, Sagnick, Cushing, Michael C., Kirkpatrick, J. Davy, Schneider, Adam C., Kothari, Harshil, Marley, Mark S., & Visscher, Channon 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. A Tale of Two Molecules: The Underprediction of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Overprediction of PH<SUB>3</SUB> in Late T and Y Dwarf Atmospheric Models
Beiler, Samuel A., Cushing, Michael C., Kirkpatrick, J. Davy, Schneider, Adam C., Mukherjee, Sagnick, Marley, Mark S., Marocco, Federico, & Smart, Richard L. 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. Precise Bolometric Luminosities and Effective Temperatures of 23 Late-T and Y Dwarfs Obtained with JWST
Bland, Michael T. & Bray, Veronica J. 2024, Icarus. The inevitability of large shallow craters on Callisto and Ganymede: Implications for crater depth-diameter trends
Blankenship, Donald D., Moussessian, Alina, Chapin, Elaine, Young, Duncan A., Wesley Patterson, G., Plaut, Jeffrey J., Freedman, Adam P., Schroeder, Dustin M., Grima, Cyril, Steinbrügge, Gregor, Soderlund, Krista M., Ray, Trina, Richter, Thomas G., Jones-Wilson, Laura, Wolfenbarger, Natalie S., Scanlan, Kirk M., Gerekos, Christopher, Chan, Kristian, Seker, Ilgin, Haynes, Mark S., Barr Mlinar, Amy C., Bruzzone, Lorenzo, Campbell, Bruce A., Carter, Lynn M., Elachi, Charles, Gim, Yonggyu, Hérique, Alain, Hussmann, Hauke, Kofman, Wlodek, Kurth, William S., Mastrogiuseppe, Marco, McKinnon, William B., Moore, Jeffrey M., Nimmo, Francis, Paty, Carol, Plettemeier, Dirk, Schmidt, Britney E., Zolotov, Mikhail Y., Schenk, Paul M., Collins, Simon, Figueroa, Harry, Fischman, Mark, Tardiff, Eric, Berkun, Andy, Paller, Mimi, Hoffman, James P., Kurum, Andy, Sadowy, Gregory A., Wheeler, Kevin B., Decrossas, Emmanuel, Hussein, Yasser, Jin, Curtis, Boldissar, Frank, Chamberlain, Neil, Hernandez, Brenda, Maghsoudi, Elham, Mihaly, Jonathan, Worel, Shana, Singh, Vik, Pak, Kyung, Tanabe, Jordan, Johnson, Robert, Ashtijou, Mohammad, Alemu, Tafesse, Burke, Michael, Custodero, Brian, Tope, Michael C., Hawkins, David, Aaron, Kim, Delory, Gregory T., Turin, Paul S., Kirchner, Donald L., Srinivasan, Karthik, Xie, Julie, Ortloff, Brad, Tan, Ian, Noh, Tim, Clark, Duane, Duong, Vu, Joshi, Shivani, Lee, Jeng, Merida, Elvis, Akbar, Ruzbeh, Duan, Xueyang, Fenni, Ines, Sanchez-Barbetty, Mauricio, Parashare, Chaitali, Howard, Duane C., Newman, Julie, Cruz, Marvin G., Barabas, Neil J., Amirahmadi, Ahmadreza, Palmer, Brendon, Gawande, Rohit S., Milroy, Grace, Roberti, Rick, Leader, Frank E., West, Richard D., Martin, Jan, Venkatesh, Vijay, Adumitroaie, Virgil, Rains, Christine, Quach, Cuong, Turner, Jordi E., O'Shea, Colleen M., Kempf, Scott D., Ng, Gregory, Buhl, Dillon P., & Urban, Timothy J. 2024, Space Science Reviews. Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-Surface (REASON)
Boley, Kiersten M., Christiansen, Jessie L., Zink, Jon, Hardegree-Ullman, Kevin, Lee, Eve J., Hopkins, Philip F., Wang, Ji, Fernandes, Rachel B., Bergsten, Galen J., & Bhure, Sakhee 2024, The Astronomical Journal. The First Evidence of a Host Star Metallicity Cutoff in the Formation of Super-Earth Planets
Bos, Brent J., Donovan, David L., Capone, John I., Wang, Chen, Hardwick, Terra C., Bell, Dylan E., Zhu, Yuqing, Podgurski, Robert, Rizk, Bashar, Orlowski, Ireneusz, Edison, Rachel A., Harvey, David A., Dizon, Brianna, Haseltine, Lindsay, Olsen, Kristoffer C., Sheng, Chad, Bousquet, Robert R., Vo, Luan Q., Georgiev, Georgi T., Washington, Kristen A., Singer, Michael J., Ioana, Stefan, Le, Anloc H., Georgieva, Elena M., Hackett, Michael T., Ravine, Michael A., Caplinger, Michael, Coulter, Phillip, Percy, Erin, Torisky, Charles, Lauenstein, Jean-Marie, Ryder, Kaitlyn L., Campola, Michael J., Johnstone, Dillon E., Thomes, William J., Schnurr, Richard G., McCloskey, John C., De Marco, Eugenia L., Lee, Ellen, Yew, Calinda M., Yang, Bo, Han, Mingyu, & Blonski, Bartosz 2024, Aerospace. Vision System for the Mars Sample Return Capture Containment and Return System (CCRS)
Bray, V. J., Schenk, P. M., Melosh, H. J., Morgan, J. V., & Collins, G. S. 2024, Icarus. Corrigendum to "Ganymede crater dimensions - Implications for central peak and central pit formation and development" [Icarus (2012) 115-129]
Bray, V. J. & Schenk, P. M. 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. Crater Morphometry on Callisto
Broeren, T., Klein, K. G., & TenBarge, J. M. 2024, Earth and Space Science. Multi-Spacecraft Magnetic Field Reconstructions: A Cross-Scale Comparison of Methods
Broquet, A. & Andrews-Hanna, J. C. 2024, Icarus. The moon before mare
Broquet, A. & Andrews-Hanna, J. C. 2024, Icarus. A volcanic inventory of the Moon
Broussard, Wynter, Schwieterman, Edward W., Ranjan, Sukrit, Sousa-Silva, Clara, Fateev, Alexander, & Reinhard, Christopher T. 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. The Impact of Extended H<SUB>2</SUB>O Cross Sections on Temperate Anoxic Planet Atmospheres: Implications for Spectral Characterization of Habitable Worlds
Brown, Zarah L., Koskinen, Tommi T., Moses, Julianne I., & Guerlet, Sandrine 2024, Icarus. A pole-to-pole map of hydrocarbons in Saturn's upper stratosphere and mesosphere
Bryant, Andrea S., Panning, Mark P., & Marusiak, Angela G. 2024, Earth and Space Science. Long Period Seismology on Titan in the Presence of a Methane Clathrate Lid
Campbell, Tanner, Battle, Adam, Gray, Dan, Chabra, Om, Tucker, Scott, Reddy, Vishnu, & Furfaro, Roberto 2024, Sensors. Stingray Sensor System for Persistent Survey of the GEO Belt
Cangi, E. M., Chaffin, M. S., Yelle, R. V., Gregory, B. S., & Deighan, J. 2024, Geophysical Research Letters. Seasonal Enhancement in Upper Atmospheric D/H at Mars Driven by Both Thermospheric Temperature and Mesospheric Water
Cantillo, David C., Ridenhour, Kaycee I., Battle, Adam, Joyce, Thomas, Nunez Breceda, Juliana, Pearson, Neil, & Reddy, Vishnu 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. Laboratory Spectral Characterization of Ribbeck Aubrite: Meteorite Sample of Earth-impacting Near-Earth Asteroid 2024 BX1
Carr, Brett B., Varnam, Matthew, Hadland, Nathan, Shah, Jahnavi, Voigt, Joana R. C., Gwizd, Samantha, Stack, Kathryn M., Calef, Fred, Francis, Raymond, Basu, Udit, Björnsson, Baldur, Chen, Colin X., Dong, Elisa, Moersch, Jeffrey E., Phillips, Michael, Springer, Joshua, Neish, Catherine D., & Hamilton, Christopher W. 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. Evaluating the Use of Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UASs) for Planetary Exploration in Mars Analog Terrain
Carter, A. L., May, E. M., Espinoza, N., Welbanks, L., Ahrer, E., Alderson, L., Brahm, R., Feinstein, A. D., Grant, D., Line, M., Morello, G., O'Steen, R., Radica, M., Rustamkulov, Z., Stevenson, K. B., Turner, J. D., Alam, M. K., Anderson, D. R., Batalha, N. M., Battley, M. P., Bayliss, D., Bean, J. L., Benneke, B., Berta-Thompson, Z. K., Brande, J., Bryant, E. M., Burleigh, M. R., Coulombe, L., Crossfield, I. J. M., Damiano, M., Désert, J. -M., Flagg, L., Gill, S., Inglis, J., Kirk, J., Knutson, H., Kreidberg, L., López Morales, M., Mansfield, M., Moran, S. E., Murray, C. A., Nixon, M. C., Petit dit de la Roche, D. J. M., Rackham, B. V., Schlawin, E., Sing, D. K., Wakeford, H. R., Wallack, N. L., Wheatley, P. J., Zieba, S., Aggarwal, K., Barstow, J. K., Bell, T. J., Blecic, J., Caceres, C., Crouzet, N., Cubillos, P. E., Daylan, T., de Val-Borro, M., Decin, L., Fortney, J. J., Gibson, N. P., Heng, K., Hu, R., Kempton, E. M. -R., Lagage, P., Lothringer, J. D., Lustig-Yaeger, J., Mancini, L., Mayne, N. J., Mayorga, L. C., Molaverdikhani, K., Nasedkin, E., Ohno, K., Parmentier, V., Powell, D., Redfield, S., Roy, P., Taylor, J., & Zhang, X. 2024, Nature Astronomy. A benchmark JWST near-infrared spectrum for the exoplanet WASP-39 b
Cañas, Manuel H., Lyra, Wladimir, Carrera, Daniel, Krapp, Leonardo, Sengupta, Debanjan, Simon, Jacob B., Umurhan, Orkan M., Yang, Chao-Chin, & Youdin, Andrew N. 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. A Solution for the Density Dichotomy Problem of Kuiper Belt Objects with Multispecies Streaming Instability and Pebble Accretion
Chang, Eonho & Youdin, Andrew N. 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. "Halfway to Rayleigh" and Other Insights into the Rossby Wave Instability
Chen, Xiaohang, Giacalone, Joe, Guo, Fan, & Klein, Kristopher G. 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. Parallel Diffusion Coefficient of Energetic Charged Particles in the Inner Heliosphere from the Turbulent Magnetic Fields Measured by Parker Solar Probe
Cheng, Hao, Bloch, Elias M., Moulas, Evangelos, Vervoort, Jeffrey D., Xu, Wen-Liang, & Du, Kai-Yang 2024, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Highly discrepant Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd dates from crustal xenoliths witness the stability and destruction of a craton
Chung, Chia-Ying, Andrews, Sean M., Gurwell, Mark A., Wright, Melvyn, Long, Feng, Xu, Wenrui, & Liu, Hauyu Baobab 2024, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. SMA 200–400 GHz Survey for Dust Properties in the Icy Class II Disks in the Taurus Molecular Cloud
Citron, R. I., Smith, D. E., Stewart, S. T., Hood, L. L., & Zuber, M. T. 2024, Geophysical Research Letters. The South Pole-Aitken Basin: Constraints on Impact Excavation, Melt, and Ejecta
Cody, George D., Alexander, Conel M. O'D., Foustoukos, Dionysis I., Busemann, Henner, Eckley, Scott, Burton, Aaron S., Berger, Eve L., Nuevo, Michel, Sandford, Scott A., Glavin, Daniel P., Dworkin, Jason P., Connolly, Harold C., & Lauretta, Dante S. 2024, Meteoritics and Planetary Science. The nature of insoluble organic matter in Sutter's Mill and Murchison carbonaceous chondrites: Testing the effect of x-ray computed tomography and exploring parent body organic molecular evolution
Colmenares, María José, Bergin, Edwin A., Salyk, Colette, Pontoppidan, Klaus M., Arulanantham, Nicole, Calahan, Jenny, Banzatti, Andrea, Andrews, Sean, Blake, Geoffrey A., Ciesla, Fred, Green, Joel, Long, Feng, Lambrechts, Michiel, Najita, Joan, Pascucci, Ilaria, Pinilla, Paola, Krijt, Sebastiaan, Trapman, Leon, & Jdiscs Collaboration 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. JWST/MIRI Detection of a Carbon-rich Chemistry in the Disk of a Solar Nebula Analog
Connell, S. A., Applin, D. M., Turenne, N. N., Cloutis, E. A., Kiddell, C., Sidhu, S., Mann, P., Ferguson, P., Driedger, M., Campos, J., Barari, A., May, M., Reddy, V., Mertzman, S. A., & Trang, D. 2024, Acta Astronautica. The Iris CubeSat mission: Science payload description for a pathfinder geological space weathering investigation
Crossley, Samuel D., Colby L. Donner, Josh Magnus, Lam Nguyen, and Khanh Kieu 2024, Opt. Express. Fluorescent Emission and Nondestructive 3D Textural Imaging in Geologic Materials by Multiphoton Microscopy
Davies, Ashley Gerard, Perry, Jason E., Williams, David A., Veeder, Glenn J., & Nelson, David M. 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. New Global Map of Io's Volcanic Thermal Emission and Discovery of Hemispherical Dichotomies
Delbrel, Juliette, Burton, Mike, Esse, Ben, Hayer, Catherine, & Varnam, Matthew 2024, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. TROPOMI/PlumeTraj SO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes consistent with partially degassed magma supplying the 2018 Kīlauea eruption
Deleon, Aaron P., Marshall, Sean E., Becker, Tracy M., Pravec, Petr, Howell, Ellen S., Nolan, Michael C., Virkki, Anne K., Rivera-Valentín, Edgard G., Taylor, Patrick A., Bolin, Bryce T., Aponte-Hernández, Beth, Cabrera, Israel, Kušnirák, Peter, Hornoch, Kamil, & Kučáková, Hana 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. Physical and Mutual Orbit Characteristics of Near-Earth Binary Asteroid (163693) Atira
DellaGiustina, D. N., Ballouz, R. -L., Walsh, K. J., Marusiak, A. G., Bray, V. J., & Bailey, S. H. 2024, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Seismology of rubble-pile asteroids in binary systems
Dibb, Steven D., Asphaug, Erik, Bell, James F., Binzel, Richard P., Bottke, William F., Cambioni, Saverio, Christoph, John M., Elkins-Tanton, Linda T., Jaumann, Ralf, Lawrence, David J., Oran, Rona, O'Rourke, Joseph G., Polansky, Carol, Weiss, Benjamin P., Wieczorek, Mark, & Williams, David. A. 2024, AGU Advances. A Post-Launch Summary of the Science of NASA's Psyche Mission
Dietrich, Jamie, Malhotra, Renu, & Apai, Dániel 2024, The Astronomical Journal. Statistical Distribution Function of Orbital Spacings in Planetary Systems
Do Ó, Clarissa R., Sappey, Ben, Konopacky, Quinn M., Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste, O'Neil, Kelly K., Do, Tuan, Martinez, Gregory, Barman, Travis S., Nguyen, Jayke S., Xuan, Jerry W., Theissen, Christopher A., Blunt, Sarah, Thompson, William, Hsu, Chih-Chun, Baker, Ashley, Bartos, Randall, Blake, Geoffrey A., Calvin, Benjamin, Cetre, Sylvain, Delorme, Jacques-Robert, Doppmann, Greg, Echeverri, Daniel, Finnerty, Luke, Fitzgerald, Michael P., Inglis, Julie, Jovanovic, Nemanja, López, Ronald A., Mawet, Dimitri, Morris, Evan, Pezzato, Jacklyn, Schofield, Tobias, Skemer, Andrew, Wallace, J. Kent, Wang, Jason J., Wang, Ji, & Liberman, Joshua 2024, The Astronomical Journal. Orbital and Atmospheric Characterization of the 1RXS J034231.8+121622 System using High-resolution Spectroscopy Confirms that the Companion is a Low-mass Star
Egan, Arika, France, Kevin, Sreejith, Aickara Gopinathan, Fossati, Luca, Koskinen, Tommi, Fleming, Brian, Nell, Nicholas, Suresh, Ambily, Cauley, P. Wilson, Desert, Jean-Michel, Petit, Pascal, & Vidotto, Aline A. 2024, The Astronomical Journal. Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment Near-ultraviolet Transmission Spectroscopy of the Ultrahot Jupiter KELT-9b
Eide, Sigurd, Casademont, Titus M., Shoemaker, Emileigh S., Brovoll, Sverre, Berger, Tor, Dypvik, Henning, & Hamran, Svein-Erik 2024, Geophysical Research Letters. Assessing Radar Attenuation in RIMFAX Soundings at the Jezero Western Fan Front, Mars
Emsenhuber, Alexandre, Asphaug, Erik, Cambioni, Saverio, Gabriel, Travis S. J., Schwartz, Stephen R., Melikyan, Robert E., & Denton, C. Adeene 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. A New Database of Giant Impacts over a Wide Range of Masses and with Material Strength: A First Analysis of Outcomes
Federici, Lorenzo, D'Ambrosio, Andrea, Furfaro, Roberto, & Reddy, Vishnu 2024, Journal of the Astronautical Sciences. Optimal Sensor Tasking for Space Domain Awareness Via a Beam A*-Search Algorithm
Florinski, Vladimir, Guzman, Juan Alonso, Kleimann, Jens, Baliukin, Igor, Ghanbari, Keyvan, Turner, Drew, Zieger, Bertalan, Kóta, Jozsef, Opher, Merav, Izmodenov, Vladislav, Alexashov, Dmitry, Giacalone, Joe, & Richardson, John 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. Magnetic Trapping of Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Outer Heliosheath and Their Preferential Entry into the Heliosphere
Foley, Michelle L., Bloch, Elias M., Gerstl, Stephan S. A., Putlitz, Benita, & Baumgartner, Lukas P. 2024, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. Integrated textural and geochemical analysis of igneous zircon by atom probe tomography
Foss, Frederick J., Putzig, Nathaniel E., Campbell, Bruce A., Levin, Stewart A., Perry, Matthew R., Holt, John W., Christoffersen, Michael S., Smith, Isaac B., Morgan, Gareth A., & Russell, Aaron T. 2024, Icarus. Producing 3D radargrams from orbital radar sounding data at Mars: History, results, methods, lessons and plans
Fraser, Wesley C., Porter, Simon B., Peltier, Lowell, Kavelaars, JJ, Verbiscer, Anne J., Buie, Marc W., Stern, S. Alan, Spencer, John R., Benecchi, Susan D., Terai, Tsuyoshi, Ito, Takashi, Yoshida, Fumi, Gerdes, David W., Napier, Kevin J., Lin, Hsing Wen, Gwyn, Stephen D. J., Smotherman, Hayden, Fabbro, Sebastien, Singer, Kelsi N., Alexander, Amanda M., Arimatsu, Ko, Banks, Maria E., Bray, Veronica J., Ramy El-Maarry, Mohamed, Ferrell, Chelsea L., Fuse, Tetsuharu, Glass, Florian, Holt, Timothy R., Hong, Peng, Ishimaru, Ryo, Johnson, Perianne E., Lauer, Tod R., Leiva, Rodrigo, S. Lykawka, Patryk, Marschall, Raphael, Núñez, Jorge I., Postman, Marc, Quirico, Eric, Rhoden, Alyssa R., Simpson, Anna M., Schenk, Paul, Skrutskie, Michael F., Steffl, Andrew J., & Throop, Henry 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. Candidate Distant Trans-Neptunian Objects Detected by the New Horizons Subaru TNO Survey
French, Jenni R., Casewell, Sarah L., Amaro, Rachael C., Lothringer, Joshua D., Mayorga, L. C., Littlefair, Stuart P., Lew, Ben W. P., Zhou, Yifan, Apai, Daniel, Marley, Mark S., Parmentier, Vivien, & Tan, Xianyu 2024, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The only inflated brown dwarf in an eclipsing white dwarf-brown dwarf binary: WD1032+011B
Fuda, Nguyen, Apai, Dániel, Nardiello, Domenico, Tan, Xianyu, Karalidi, Theodora, & Bedin, Luigi Rolly 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. Latitude-dependent Atmospheric Waves and Long-period Modulations in Luhman 16 B from the Longest Light Curve of an Extrasolar World
Fuda, Nguyen & Apai, Dániel 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. The Polar Vortex Hypothesis: Evolving, Spectrally Distinct Polar Regions Explain Short- and Long-term Light-curve Evolution and Color–Inclination Trends in Brown Dwarfs and Giant Exoplanets
Furman, Sydney, Chasapis, Alexandros, Malaspina, David, Tatum, Peter, Short, Benjamin, George, Harriet, & Martinović, Mihailo 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. Small-scale Current Sheets and Associated Switchback Activity in the Inner Heliosphere
Gerasimov, Roman, Bedin, Luigi R., Burgasser, Adam J., Apai, Daniel, Nardiello, Domenico, Alvarado, Efrain, & Anderson, Jay 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. JWST Imaging of the Closest Globular Clusters. II. Discovery of Brown Dwarfs in NGC 6397 and Measurement of Age from the Brown Dwarf Cooling Sequence, Using SANDee—A New Grid of Model Isochrones across the Hydrogen-burning Limit
Ghail, Richard C., Smrekar, Suzanne E., Widemann, Thomas, Byrne, Paul K., Gülcher, Anna J. P., O'Rourke, Joseph G., Borrelli, Madison E., Gilmore, Martha S., Herrick, Robert R., Ivanov, Mikhail A., Plesa, Ana-Catalina, Rolf, Tobias, Sabbeth, Leah, Schools, Joe W., & Gregory Shellnutt, J. 2024, Space Science Reviews. Volcanic and Tectonic Constraints on the Evolution of Venus
Glavin, Daniel P., Eckley, Scott A., Aponte, José C., Berger, Eve L., Burton, Aaron S., Dworkin, Jason P., Elsila, Jamie E., Ferguson, Frank T., Furukawa, Yoshihiro, Graham, Heather V., Koga, Toshiki, Liss, Michael, MCLain, Hannah L., Naraoka, Hiroshi, Oba, Yasuhiro, Parker, Eric T., Righter, Kevin, Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe, Simkus, Danielle N., Takano, Yoshinori, Connolly, Harold C., & Lauretta, Dante S. 2024, Meteoritics and Planetary Science. Investigating the impact of x-ray computed tomography imaging on soluble organic matter in the Murchison meteorite: Implications for Bennu sample analyses
Goossens, Sander, Matsuyama, Isamu, Cascioli, Gael, & Mazarico, Erwan 2024, AGU Advances. A Low-Viscosity Lower Lunar Mantle Implied by Measured Monthly and Yearly Tides
Gorman, Waverly & Klein, Kristopher G. 2024, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Mind the gap: non-local cascades and preferential heating in high-β Alfvénic turbulence
Graham, Severance & Volk, Kathryn 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. Uranus's Influence on Neptune's Exterior Mean-motion Resonances
Guigoz, Vincent, Seret, Anthony, Portail, Marc, Ferrière, Ludovic, Libourel, Guy, Connolly, Harold C., & Lauretta, Dante S. 2024, Meteoritics and Planetary Science. High-resolution cathodoluminescence of calcites from the Cold Bokkeveld chondrite: New insights on carbonatation processes in CM parent bodies
Gupta, S., Yelle, R. V., Schneider, N. M., Jain, S. K., Braude, A. S., Verdier, L., Montmessin, F., Nakagawa, H., Mayyasi, M., Deighan, J., & Curry, S. M. 2024, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Day/Night Differences in Molecular Oxygen in the Martian Upper Atmosphere
Gwizd, Samantha, Stack, Kathryn M., Francis, Raymond, Calef, Fred, Carr, Brett B., Langley, Chris, Graff, Jamie, Hanning Kristinsson, Þorsteinn, Thorarensen, Vilhjálmur Páll, Bernharðsson, Eiríkur, Phillips, Michael, Varnam, Matthew, Hadland, Nathan, Shah, Jahnavi, Moersch, Jeffrey, Basu, Udit, Voigt, Joana R. C., & Hamilton, Christopher W. 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. Comparing Rover and Helicopter Planetary Mission Architectures in a Mars Analog Setting in Iceland
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Mouloud, Bahae-eddine, Jacob, Damien, de la Peña, Francisco, Marinova, Maya, Le Guillou, Corentin, Viennet, Jean-Christophe, Laforet, Sylvain, Leroux, Hugues, Teurtrie, Adrien, Noguchi, Takaaki, Matsumoto, Toru, Miyake, Akira, Igami, Yohei, Haruta, Mitsutaka, Saito, Hikaru, Hata, Satoshi, Seto, Yusuke, Miyahara, Masaaki, Tomioka, Naotaka, Ishii, Hope A., Bradley, John P., Ohtaki, Kenta K., Dobrica, Elena, Langenhorst, Falko, Harries, Dennis, Beck, Pierre, Phan, Thi H. V., Rebois, Rolando, Abreu, Neyda M., Gray, Jennifer, Zega, Thomas, Zanetta, Pierre-M., Thompson, Michelle S., Stroud, Rhonda, Burgess, Kate, Cymes, Brittany A., Bridges, John C., Hicks, Leon, Lee, Martin R., Daly, Luke, Bland, Phil A., Zolensky, Michael E., Frank, David R., Martinez, James, Tsuchiyama, Akira, Yasutake, Masahiro, Matsuno, Junya, Okumura, Shota, Mitsukawa, Itaru, Uesugi, Kentaro, Uesugi, Masayuki, Takeuchi, Akihisa, Sun, Mingqi, Enju, Satomi, Takigawa, Aki, Michikami, Tatsuhiro, Nakamura, Tomoki, Matsumoto, Megumi, Nakauchi, Yusuke, Abe, Masanao, Nakazawa, Satoru, Okada, Tatsuaki, Saiki, Takanao, Tanaka, Satoshi, Terui, Fuyuto, Yoshikawa, Makoto, Miyazaki, Akiko, Nakato, Aiko, Nishimura, Masahiro, Usui, Tomohiro, Yada, Toru, Yurimoto, Hisayoshi, Nagashima, Kazuhide, Kawasaki, Noriyuki, Sakamotoa, Naoya, Okazaki, Ryuji, Yabuta, Hikaru, Naraoka, Hiroshi, Sakamoto, Kanako, Tachibana, Shogo, Watanabe, Sei-ichiro, & Tsuda, Yuichi 2024, Meteoritics and Planetary Science. Four-dimensional-STEM analysis of the phyllosilicate-rich matrix of Ryugu samples
Mukherjee, Sagnick, Fortney, Jonathan J., Morley, Caroline V., Batalha, Natasha E., Marley, Mark S., Karalidi, Theodora, Visscher, Channon, Lupu, Roxana, Freedman, Richard, & Gharib-Nezhad, Ehsan 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. The Sonora Substellar Atmosphere Models. IV. Elf Owl: Atmospheric Mixing and Chemical Disequilibrium with Varying Metallicity and C/O Ratios
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Noguchi, Takaaki, Matsumoto, Toru, Miyake, Akira, Igami, Yohei, Haruta, Mitsutaka, Saito, Hikaru, Hata, Satoshi, Seto, Yusuke, Miyahara, Masaaki, Tomioka, Naotaka, Ishii, Hope A., Bradley, John P., Ohtaki, Kenta K., Dobricǎ, Elena, Leroux, Hugues, Guillou, Corentin Le, Jacob, Damien, de la Peña, Francisco, Laforet, Sylvain, Mouloud, Bahae-Eddine, Marinova, Maya, Langenhorst, Falko, Harries, Dennis, Beck, Pierre, Phan, Thi H. V., Rebois, Rolando, Abreu, Neyda M., Gray, Jennifer, Zega, Thomas, Zanetta, Pierre-M., Thompson, Michelle S., Stroud, Rhonda, Burgess, Kate, Cymes, Brittany A., Bridges, John C., Hicks, Leon, Lee, Martin R., Daly, Luke, Bland, Phil A., Smith, William A., McFadzean, Sam, Martin, Pierre-Etienne, Bagot, Paul A. J., Fougerouse, Dennis, Saxey, David W., Reddy, Steven, Rickard, William D. A., Zolensky, Michael E., Frank, David R., Martinez, James, Tsuchiyama, Akira, Yasutake, Masahiro, Matsuno, Junya, Okumura, Shota, Mitsukawa, Itaru, Uesugi, Kentaro, Uesugi, Masayuki, Takeuchi, Akihisa, Sun, Mingqi, Enju, Satomi, Takigawa, Aki, Michikami, Tatsuhiro, Nakamura, Tomoki, Matsumoto, Megumi, Nakauchi, Yusuke, Abe, Masanao, Nakazawa, Satoru, Okada, Tatsuaki, Saiki, Takanao, Tanaka, Satoshi, Terui, Fuyuto, Yoshikawa, Makoto, Miyazaki, Akiko, Nakato, Aiko, Nishimura, Masahiro, Usui, Tomohiro, Yada, Toru, Yurimoto, Hisayoshi, Nagashima, Kazuhide, Kawasaki, Noriyuki, Sakamotoa, Naoya, Hoppe, Peter, Okazaki, Ryuji, Yabuta, Hikaru, Naraoka, Hiroshi, Sakamoto, Kanako, Tachibana, Shogo, Watanabe, Sei-ichiro, & Tsuda, Yuichi 2024, Meteoritics and Planetary Science. Mineralogy and petrology of fine-grained samples recovered from the asteroid (162173) Ryugu
Palmer, Eric E., Weirich, John R., Gaskell, Robert W., Lambert, Diane, Campbell, Tanner, Drozd, Kris, Barnouin, Olivier S., Daly, Michael G., Getzandanner, Kenneth, Kidd, John N., Adam, Coralie D., & Lauretta, Dante S. 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. Sensitivity Testing of Stereophotoclinometry for the OSIRIS-REx Mission. I. The Accuracy and Errors of Digital Terrain Modeling
Palmer, Eric E., Weirich, John R., Gaskell, Robert W., Lambert, Diane, Campbell, Tanner, Drozd, Kris, Barnouin, Olivier S., Daly, Michael G., Getzandanner, Kenneth, Kidd, John N., Adam, Coralie D., & Lauretta, Dante S. 2024, The Planetary Science Journal. Sensitivity Testing of Stereophotoclinometry for the OSIRIS-REx Mission. II. Effective Observation Geometry for Digital Terrain Modeling
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Phan, Van T. H., Beck, Pierre, Rebois, Rolando, Quirico, Eric, Noguchi, Takaaki, Matsumoto, Toru, Miyake, Akira, Igami, Yohei, Haruta, Mitsutaka, Saito, Hikaru, Hata, Satoshi, Seto, Yusuke, Miyahara, Masaaki, Tomioka, Naotaka, Ishii, Hope A., Bradley, John P., Ohtaki, Kenta K., Dobricǎ, Elena, Leroux, Hugues, Le Guillou, Corentin, Jacob, Damien, de la Peña, Francisco, Laforet, Sylvain, Marinova, Maya, Langenhorst, Falko, Harries, Dennis, Abreu, Neyda M., Gray, Jennifer, Zega, Thomas, Zanetta, Pierre-M., Thompson, Michelle S., Stroud, Rhonda, Mathurin, Jérémie, Dazzi, Alexandre, Dartois, Emmanuel, Engrand, Cécile, Burgess, Kate, Cymes, Brittany A., Bridges, John C., Hicks, Leon, Lee, Martin R., Daly, Luke, Bland, Phil A., Zolensky, Michael E., Frank, David R., Martinez, James, Tsuchiyama, Akira, Yasutake, Masahiro, Matsuno, Junya, Okumura, Shota, Mitsukawa, Itaru, Uesugi, Kentaro, Uesugi, Masayuki, Takeuchi, Akihisa, Sun, Mingqi, Enju, Satomi, Takigawa, Aki, Michikami, Tatsuhiro, Nakamura, Tomoki, Matsumoto, Megumi, Nakauchi, Yusuke, Abe, Masanao, Nakazawa, Satoru, Okada, Tatsuaki, Saiki, Takanao, Tanaka, Satoshi, Terui, Fuyuto, Yoshikawa, Makoto, Miyazaki, Akiko, Nakato, Aiko, Nishimura, Masahiro, Usui, Tomohiro, Yada, Toru, Yurimoto, Hisayoshi, Nagashima, Kazuhide, Kawasaki, Noriyuki, Sakamotoa, Naoya, Hoppe, Peter, Okazaki, Ryuji, Yabuta, Hikaru, Naraoka, Hiroshi, Sakamoto, Kanako, Tachibana, Shogo, Watanabe, Sei-ichiro, & Tsuda, Yuichi 2024, Meteoritics and Planetary Science. In situ investigation of an organic micro-globule and its mineralogical context within a Ryugu "sand" grain
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Romero-Mirza, Carlos E., Öberg, Karin I., Banzatti, Andrea, Pontoppidan, Klaus M., Andrews, Sean M., Wilner, David J., Bergin, Edwin A., Czekala, Ian, Law, Charles J., Salyk, Colette, Teague, Richard, Qi, Chunhua, Bergner, Jennifer B., Huang, Jane, Walsh, Catherine, Guzmán, Viviana V., Cleeves, L. Ilsedore, Aikawa, Yuri, Bae, Jaehan, Booth, Alice S., Cataldi, Gianni, Ilee, John D., Le Gal, Romane, Long, Feng, Loomis, Ryan A., Menard, François, & Liu, Yao 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. JWST-MIRI Spectroscopy of Warm Molecular Emission and Variability in the AS 209 Disk
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