Analytical developments at the ALC and new opportunities for collaborative research in cosmochronology and cosmochemistry between LPL and GEOS
Dr. Mauricio Ibanez-Mejia
Associate Professor
University of Arizona, Geosciences
The Arizona LaserChron Center (ALC) is an NSF-supported Community Facility in GEOS that provides geochronologic and geochemical information for NSF-supported Earth Scientists. While traditionally focused on terrestrial applications, recent analytical upgrades and method development efforts are paving the way for emerging research opportunities in cosmochronology and cosmochemistry. In this colloquium talk, I will not focus on one particular research topic, but rather will: i) provide an overview of ALC’s improved analytical capacity, and ii) how this might be leveraged for collaborative research between LPL and GEOS, including the study of returned samples, the evolution of the Moon, and the timing of Early Solar System processes.