LPL Colloquium: Dr. Devin Schrader

There and Back Again: Why the CR Chondrites are an Invaluable Window into the Early Solar System


3:45 p.m., Aug. 31, 2021


Dr. Devin Schrader
Interim Director, Center for Meteorite Studies
Arizona State University

There and Back Again: Why the CR Chondrites are an Invaluable Window into the Early Solar System

The Renazzo-like carbonaceous (CR) chondrites are among the most unaltered meteorites left over from the early Solar System. Most meteorites from this invaluable meteorite group have experienced some degree of parent asteroid aqueous alteration, while a few rare members have experienced heating due to impacts. I will talk about how their study has informed our understanding of the physical and chemical conditions of the early Solar System as well as the earliest stages of alteration on small bodies, and what we are currently learning from them.

Host: Dr. Pierre Haenecour

More about Dr. Devin Schrader