3:45 p.m., Aug. 30, 2012
Kuiper Space Sciences 308
Dr. Rebecca Ghent
Associate Professor
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Toronto
"Regolith Accumulation on the Moon: Insights from Radar and Diviner Observations"
In this talk, I investigate the radar and thermal properties of continuous ejecta associated with young lunar craters. New data from Earth-based radar, LRO mini-RF, and the LRO Diviner thermal mapper allow us to constrain the thermophysical properties of the upper ~1m of regolith, and allow determination of the depth of regolith covering ejecta blocks from young craters. This in turn yields new insights into the rate of regolith accumulation.
Host: Shane Byrne
Refreshments served at 3:30p.m.in the Kuiper atrium.
Associate Professor
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Toronto
"Regolith Accumulation on the Moon: Insights from Radar and Diviner Observations"
In this talk, I investigate the radar and thermal properties of continuous ejecta associated with young lunar craters. New data from Earth-based radar, LRO mini-RF, and the LRO Diviner thermal mapper allow us to constrain the thermophysical properties of the upper ~1m of regolith, and allow determination of the depth of regolith covering ejecta blocks from young craters. This in turn yields new insights into the rate of regolith accumulation.
Host: Shane Byrne
Refreshments served at 3:30p.m.in the Kuiper atrium.
LPL Colloquium