Volcanic Deposits and the Eruptions that Created Them: A Remote Sensing Perspective
Dr. Brett Carr
Research Scientist, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
University of Arizona
Volcanic deposits tell the story of the eruptions that created them. Remote sensing datasets are key to the interpretation of this story for eruptions both past and present. There are many ways in which orbital, airborne, and ground-based remote sensing can inform volcanism, such as recording both decades-long and daily time-series of eruptive activity, or collecting images of deposits at multiple wavelengths and a variety of spatial scales. Orbital data is crucial for understanding volcanism in remote locations on earth and on other planets, and it is equally important to test interpretations of remote data against well-observed activity. In this talk, I will show a few of the ways I have used orbital and airborne imagery to better understand the emplacement of lava during effusive eruptions and will discuss the applications of these methods for near-real-time monitoring of eruptions, investigation of historical activity, and volcanism across the solar system.
Learn more about Dr. Carr.