LPL Newsletter for August 2021

LPL Newsletter for August 2021

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Let this month's LPL news highlights carry you away on adventures of the scientific kind!

  • Wondering what it's like to stand next to a volcano? Professors Solange Duhamel and Christopher Hamilton share more about their research experience with Icelandic earthquakes and volcanoes.
  • Planning ahead for a scenic tour of Martian underground lakes? New research by a team including LPL Postdoctoral Research Associate Stefano Nerozzi suggests looking elsewhere for a beach vacation.
  • Dreaming of a vacation in Rome? LPL alumnus Brother Guy Consolmagno is your guide for an introduction to the Vatican Observatory.
Enjoy these summer science adventures and contact us at PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOkhOWUNZQFlDWS5OZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+SE5ZQ1lAWUNZLk5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg== if you'd like to be added to newsletter or event distributions.


People watching Icelandic volcano eruption.

'A wild and wonderful opportunity': Observing Volcanoes in Iceland

What does it sound like next to a volcano? What does it smell like? LPL professors Hamilton and Duhamel describe the experience.

This image taken by UArizona's HiRISE camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows ice sheets at Mars' south pole.

Mars Lake Hypothesis on Ice After Study Offers Different Explanation

Scientists have long debated what's under the surface of Mars' south pole. A new study points to clays being more likely than a subsurface lake.

A view of the telescope domes on the roof of the Vatican Observatory, at the Apostolic Palace in Castel Gandolfo, in 2015. Andreas Solaro/AFP via Getty Images

The Vatican's Space Observatory Wants to See Stars and Faith Align

The one and only Vatican institution that does scientific research recently launched a campaign to promote dialogue between faith and science.