Asteroid Mission Takes First Photo of Its Destination - KNAU |
Black on Black on Black: OSIRIS-REx Graphic Designer Melds Science and Art in 'Stunning' Illustrations - UA @ Work |
Episode 139: First Photos of Bennu From OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Due Next Month - Arizona Public Media |
NASA Spacecraft Refines Course Toward Big Asteroid Bennu - Space.com |
Thought Rosetta Had It Tough? Scientists Are About to Attempt an Even More Daring Space Landing - WIRED |
US Stepping up Earth's Protection from Asteroids, Comets - Phys Org |
The Asteroid Rush Sending 21st-century Prospectors into Space - The Guardian |
Space Dust Dings OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft - Arizona Public Media |
Need to Divert a Killer Asteroid? Paint it - KGUN 9 |
Asteroid-bound Spacecraft Finds Signs of Life - on Earth - Science |
Astronomer's Talk Combines Exploration of Space Missions and Board Games - Yale News |
Asteroid Bennu: Target of Sample Return Mission - Space.com |
The Massive Prize Luring Miners to the Stars - Bloomberg |
Stunning NASA Image from a Spacecraft on Its Way to an Asteroid Shows Earth and the Moon from Three Million Miles Away - DailyMail.com |
Spacecraft Will Land on Two Different Asteroids this Year - and Bring Samples Back to Earth - Newsweek |
Slingshot Toward an Asteroid - Arizona Daily Star, Impact |
Meet the UA's Best of the Best: The 15 Alumni of the Year - UA News |
Earth to OSIRIS-REx Cameras: I'm Ready for My Close-Up - UA News |
Embedding With the Scientists Behind a NASA Spacecraft Flyby - The Atlantic |
A Deep Blue Vision of Earth From an Asteroid Hunter - The New York Times |
University of Arizona's OSIRIS-REx Sends Captivating Photo of Earth - AZCentral |
UA Scientists Thrilled with OSIRIS-REx Photos of Earth as it Heads to Asteroid - Arizona Daily Star |
Spaceship Chasing an Asteroid to Slingshot Past Earth - CNN |
Arizona-built Spacecraft to Slingshot Around Earth on Friday - KTAR News |
NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Is Headed for a Flyby With Earth - The New York Times |
OSIRIS-REx Swings by Earth - UA News |
Mt. Graham Telescope Spots OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Days Before it Swings to Asteroid - Arizona Daily Star |
Arizona Scientists Waiting for OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft's Return From the Stars - Fox 10 |
What Is An Asteroid? - Research, Discovery & Innovation |
UA to Host Special Events Tied to Asteroid Day - UA News |
UA's Dante Lauretta was 'Born to Lead' a NASA Mission - Arizona Daily Star |
So You Want to Analyze Asteroid Dirt - UA News |
Former NASA Administrator Sees Key Role for UA in Space - Arizona Public Media |
Dante Lauretta to Receive Alumni Achievement Award - UA News |
OSIRIS-REx Camera Suite to Unveil the Real Nature of Asteroid Bennu - Spaceflight Insider |
No Trojan Asteroids Found, but Good News for OSIRIS-REx - Arizona Daily Star |
Does Earth have a Trojan Horde? - SyfyWire |
Surveying the Scenery 90 Million Miles From Earth - UA News |
On Long Journey to Asteroid Hookup, OSIRIS-REx seeks out 'Trojans' - Arizona Daily Star |
Want NASA to Pick Your Space Mission Proposal? Two Winning Scientists Share Some Tips - The Planetary Society |