2023 LPL Scialog Fellows
Three members of the LPL faculty were on teams selected for the Scialog Signatures of Life in the Universe Collaborative Innovation Awards.
Christopher Hamilton, Sukrit Ranjan, and Tyler Robinson each received $50,000 in direct costs to support their research.
The Scialog project is sponsored by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement, the Heising-Simons Foundation, the Kavli Foundation, and NASA. Scialog seeks to stimulate interdisciplinary conversation and community building around an important scientific theme such as the search for life beyond Earth.
Dr. Christopher Hamilton
Associate Professor
Rocky Roads: Flow Pathways and Chemical Evolution in Vesicular Lava and Pumice
Dr. Sukrit Ranjan
Assistant Professor
Constraining the Abiotic Sulfur Cycle on Temperate Terrestrial Planets
Dr. Tyler Robinson
Associate Professor
Irradiated Sea Spray Aerosol Generation and Analysis Under Early Earth Atmospheres