Graduate Student Kudos

Graduate Student Kudos


Maizey Benner

Correlative Analysis of P-bearing Assemblages in the QUE 97008 and Orgueil Chondrites
Best Student Poster
2022 Microscopy and Microanalysis Meeting


Sarah Sutton
PTYS Ph.D. May 2022
Sinuous Channels East of Olympus Mons, Mars: Implications for volcanic, hydrological, and tectonic processes
Pellas-Ryder Award
Meteoritical Society and Planetary Geology Division of the Geological Society of America



Harry Tang

Invited to be a member of NASA SCoPE (Science Mission Directorate Community of Practice for Education) Team. SCoPE will grow a community of practice and a collaborative effort to communicate NASA science through the creation of inspiring educational materials that are effective, scientifically authentic, and broaden participation of historically marginalized communities.