Mars Odyssey

Mars Odyssey

    Mars Odyssey is a robotic spacecraft orbiting the planet Mars. Its mission is to use spectrometers and a thermal imager to detect evidence of past or present water and ice, as well as study the planet's geology and radiation environment. It is hoped that the data Odyssey obtains will help answer the question of whether life existed on Mars and create a risk-assessment of the radiation that future astronauts on Mars might experience. It also acts as a relay for communications between the Mars Science Laboratory, and previously the Mars Exploration Rovers and Phoenix lander, to Earth.

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    Mars Odyssey Faculty

    William Boynton

    Professor Emeritus

    Astrobiology, Cosmochemistry, Lunar Studies, Small Bodies

    Mars Odyssey Support Staff

    Michael Fitzgibbon

    Software Engineer, Lead Calibration & Validation, OSIRIS-REx

    Andrew Gardner

    Systems Programmer, Principal

    Karl Harshman

    Manager, OSIRIS-REx/SPOC