Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
The LRO instruments return global data, such as day-night temperature maps, a global geodetic grid, high resolution color imaging and the moon's UV albedo. However there is particular emphasis on the polar regions of the moon where continuous access to solar illumination may be possible and the prospect of water in the permanently shadowed regions at the poles may exist. Although the objectives of LRO are explorative in nature, the payload includes instruments with considerable heritage from previous planetary science missions, enabling transition, after one year, to a science phase under NASA's Science Mission Directorate.
LRO Faculty

William Boynton
Professor Emeritus
Astrobiology, Cosmochemistry, Lunar Studies, Small Bodies
Veronica Bray
Associate Research Professor
Lunar Studies, Planetary Analogs, Planetary Surfaces
Lynn Carter
Associate Department Head, Associate Professor, University Distinguished Scholar
Earth, Lunar Studies, Planetary Analogs, Planetary Geophysics, Planetary Surfaces, Titan & Outer Solar System
Alfred McEwen
Regents Professor
Astrobiology, Lunar Studies, Photogrammetry, Planetary Analogs, Planetary Geophysics, Planetary Surfaces