Recent PTYS/LPL Graduates

Congratulations to Melissa DykhuisCatherine ElderPatrick Harner, Youngmin JeongAhnHuan Meng, and Rob Zellem, LPL's most recent graduates!

On November 21, 2014, Huan Meng defended his Ph.D. dissertation titled, "Planet Formation in the Terrestrial Zone." Huan's advisor was Regents' Professor George Rieke. Huan Meng is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate working with Professor Rieke at Steward Observatory.


The Michael J. Drake Building, home to the OSIRIS-REx mission, is the canvas for a colorful new mural celebrating that mission. The beautiful work of art is located on the building's west wall, just around the corner from the mural that commemorates the PHOENIX Mars Lander mission. The OSIRIS-REx mural was created by University of Arizona art students as part of a mural painting class taught by Professor Alfred Quiroz of the School of Art.

2015 Galileo Circle Scholarships

Congratulations to LPL's 2015 Galileo Circle Scholarship recipients: Melissa Dykhuis, Youngmin JeongAhn, Tad Komacek, Margaret Landis, Xianyu Tan, Michelle Thompson, and Rob Zellem. Galileo Circle Scholarships are awarded to the University of Arizona's finest science students and represent the tremendous breadth of research interests in the College of Science.