Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter

Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter is an exceptional science learning facility located at Steward Observatory's "sky island" observing site. The SkyCenter builds upon the uniqueness of the 9,157 foot summit of Mt. Lemmon and the extensive knowledge base at the University of Arizona to deliver educational programs, including:

  • SkyNights StarGazing Program: open to the public most nights of the year using the Southwest's largest dedicated public telescope! This unique, awe-inspiring opportunity allows guests to peer beyond the blue horizons of our southwestern skies and explore the astronomical wonders of the Universe. The five hour program lets visitors navigate the night sky with binoculars and sky charts, and view spectacular planets, galaxies, and nebulae with our Schulman 32-inch telescope, the largest dedicated public observing telescope in Arizona.
  • UA Sky School: year-round residential science programs (1-5 days) open to Arizona 4th -12th grade students at a 25-acre campus on Mt. Lemmon and in the Coronado National Forest. Programs focus on core University of Arizona science areas such as sky island ecology, geology, tree ring science, and astronomy, and meet state and national science standards.