LPL Colloquium: Dr. Solange Duhamel

What Can Marine Microbes Tell Us About the Potential for Life on Ocean Worlds?


3:45 p.m., Feb. 23, 2021


Dr. Solange Duhamel
Associate Professor
University of Arizona, Molecular and Cellular Biology

What Can Marine Microbes Tell Us About the Potential for Life on Ocean Worlds?

While the briny oceans of Europa and Enceladus have a high potential for life, they face several challenges, including nutrient scarcity, in particular phosphorus. Using Earth oligotrophic ocean as analogue, we can better understand how life may adapt to phosphorus limitation on ocean worlds. With this seminar, I will present some of the recent discoveries showing that marine microbes are particularly well adapted to cope with nutrient limitation, including phosphorus scarcity. 

More about Dr. Solange Duhamel

Host: Dr. Jack Holt