LPL Colloquium: Dr. Amy Mainzer

Near-Earth Objects as Applied Planetary Science


3:45 to 4:45 p.m., Oct. 9, 2018


Dr. Amy Mainzer
Senior Research Scientist
NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Near-Earth asteroids and comets have long been staples of science fiction, but the real possibility of Earth impacts has driven an increased emphasis on research in this area. Surveys represent the optimal method for identifying the largest number of objects possible and allowing for the possibility to predict any potential impacts. With the availability of space-based infrared measurements, basic physical properties such as diameter, albedo, and sometimes thermal inertia and rotational state can be determined in addition. While much work has been done to catalog and track the vast majority of objects large enough to cause global effects, more remains to be done to lay to rest long-standing questions of when, and with what energy, the next major impact will occur.

Host: Dr. Vishnu Reddy