Galen Bergsten

PTYS/LPL Graduate Students

Galen Bergsten

PTYS Graduate Student

Astrobiology, Exoplanets, Planetary Atmospheres, Planetary Formation and Evolution

B.S. Physics & Astronomy / Biology, 2020, University of Utah
MS (en route) Planetary Science, 2023, University of Arizona
Major Advisor(s): Ilaria Pascucci
Minor Field(s) of Study: Astrobiology
Minor Advisor(s): Travis Barman

Galen is a graduate student studying exoplanet demographics, with a focus on Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone. They recently led a successful grant proposal to the Exoplanet Research Program (XRP), and are a strong advocate for improving accessibility in academic spaces.

ADS Library of First- and Co-authored Works

Bergsten, G., Pascucci, I., Hardegree-Ullman, K. K. et al. 2023, AJ (in press): No Evidence for More Earth-sized Planets in the Habitable Zone of Kepler’s M versus FGK Stars

Bergsten, G., Pascucci, I., Mulders, G. D. et al. 2022, AJ, 164, 190: The Demographics of Kepler’s Earths and super-Earths into the Habitable Zone

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