Fuda Nguyen

PTYS/LPL Graduate Students

Fuda Nguyen (he/they)

PTYS Graduate Student

Exoplanets, Planetary Atmospheres, Planetary Formation and Evolution, Theoretical Astrophysics

B.S. Space Science & Engineering, 2020, Vietnam National University
Major Advisor(s): Dániel Apai
Minor Field(s) of Study: Astronomy

I am a graduate student working in exoplanet/ planetary-analog atmosphere. In my research, I conduct and analyze observations from TESS, HST, and PANDORA to monitor the evolution of cloud covers, circulation, and chemistry of atmospheres. I am a science team member of the PANDORA Small-Sat mission (NASA Pioneer Program, launching in 2025). My work with PANDORA will provide long-baseline spectrophotometry for a unique exploration of cool gaseous atmospheres. Before graduate school, I have an engineering degree from Vietnam National University with a short stint working as a data scientist. I am interested in outreach and advocacy for under-represented demographics in STEM and academia. In my free time, I'd like to write, stare at clouds, and biking.



Fuda, Nguyen, Dániel Apai, Domenico Nardiello, Xianyu Tan, Theodora Karalidi, and Luigi Rolly Bedin. 2024. “Latitude-Dependent Atmospheric Waves and Long-Period Modulations in Luhman 16 B from the Longest Light Curve of an Extrasolar World.” The Astrophysical Journal 965 (2): 182. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ad2c84.
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