Summer 2022 Graduate Courses

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Geophysical Methods in Planetary Analog Field Research (3)

The goal of this course is to introduce students to conceptual approaches and field methodologies used in conducting research in terrestrial analog environments in support of planetary geology research, with an emphasis on geophysical techniques. Terrestrial analogs are landforms or features that illuminate key geological processes that are inferred to have operated on other planetary bodies. This course will focus on (1) developing the conceptual framework for using terrestrial analog sites; (2) understanding the geology of a selected field site (to be determined each time the course is taught, most likely a debris covered glacier or lava tube environment, but other types of sites could be chosen); (3) evaluating remote-sensing data of the field site; (4) practicing field geology and the use geophysical techniques including the methods appropriate to the site, selected from geologic mapping, drone-based photogrammetry, ground-penetrating radar, transient electromagnetic, and seismic; (5) synthesizing field data into products suitable for conference presentations and future proposals. GEOS is home department.

Course Level: PTYS Graduate Elective
(001) Jack Holt