PTYS/LPL Alumni Directory
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Lastname, Firstname | Degree | Year | Advisor(s) | Dissertation/Thesis | Current Position | Current Institution |
Abramov, Oleg | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2006 | Kring | Impact-Induced Hydrothermal Activity on Earth and Mars | Senior Scientist | Planetary Science Institute (New Zealand) |
Allen, Carlton | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1979 | Strom | Volcano-Ice Interactions on the Earth and Mars | Astromaterials Curator (Retired) | NASA Johnson Space Center |
Allen, Carlton | M.S. Astronomy | 1972 | Strom | Central Peaks in Lunar Craters | Astromaterials Curator (Retired) | NASA Johnson Space Center |
Archer, Doug | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2010 | Smith (Peter) | The Martian Near Surface Environment: Analysis on Antarctic Soils and Laborator… | Scientist | NASA Johnson Space Center |
Asphaug, Erik | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1993 | Melosh | Dynamic Fragmentation in the Solar System: Applications of Fracture Mechanics a… | Professor | LPL, University of Arizona |
Atwood-Stone, Corwin | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2018 | McEwen | Planetary Granular Topography: Slope Angles and Crater Concentric Ridges | Physics Instructor | Hinds Community College (Raymond, MS) |
Aubele, Jayne | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 1988 | Melosh | Vesicle Zonation and Vertical Structure of Basalt Flows | Senior Educator, Geologist | New Mexico Museum of Natural History |
Banks, Maria | Ph.D. Geosciences | 2009 | McEwen | Glacial Processes and Morphologies in the Southern Hemisphere of Mars | Planetary Scientist | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Barlow, Nadine | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1987 | Strom | Relative Ages and the Geologic Evolution of Martian Terrain Units | ||
Barnes, Jason | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2004 | Brown | Characterizing Transiting Extrasolar Giant Planets: On Companions, Rings, and L… | Professor, Physics | University of Idaho |
Bart, Gwen | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2007 | Melosh | Lunar Surface Geology from Analysis of Impact Craters and Their Ejecta | Research Associate Professor of Physics | University of Idaho |
Battle, Adam he/him/his |
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2024 | Reddy | Implications of Non-Compositional Effects on Spectral Characterization of Natur… | R&D Software Engineer | Space 4 Center, University of Arizona |
Baugh, Nicole | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2008 | Brown | Fluvial Channels on Titan | Uplink Operations Lead (HiRISE) | LPL, University of Arizona |
Beard, Sky | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2018 | Swindle | Noble Gas Chronology of Meteorites: Brachinites, Ureilites, and Chelyabinsk | Chemist III | Battelle |
Becerra, Patricio | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2016 | Byrne | The Poles of Mars, Past and Present: A High-Resolution Observational Study of t… | Project Scientist, Microcameras and Space Exploration (MCSE) SA | University of Bern |
Benner, Chris (Drayton) | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1979 | Fink | The Visual and Near Infrared Spectrum of Methane and Its Application to Uranus,… | Adjunct Professor, Physics | College of William and Mary |
Berger, Eve | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2011 | Lauretta | Cubanite and Associated Sulfides in Cl Chordrites and Comet Wild 2: Implication… | Organic Geo- and Cosmochemist | NASA Johnson Space Center (ARES) |
Berman, Daniel | M.S. Geosciences | 2003 | Baker | Hillside Gullies and Possible Glacial Landforms Associated With the Degradation… | Senior Scientist | Planetary Science Institute |
Beyer, Ross | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2004 | McEwen | Martian Surface Roughness and Stratigraphy | Principal Investigator, Research Scientist | SETI, NASA Ames Research Center |
Binder, Alan | Ph.D. Geology | 1967 | Titley | Stratigraphy and Structure of the Cleomedes Quadrangle of the Moon | Director | Lunar Research Institute |
Bjoraker, Gordon | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1985 | Larson | The Gas Composition and Vertical Cloud Structure of Jupiter's Troposphere Deriv… | Space Scientist | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Planetary Systems Laboratory |
Bland, Michael | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2008 | Showman | The Tectonic, Thermal, and Magnetic Evolution of Icy Satellites | Research Space Scientist | U.S.G.S. Astrogeology Science Center |
Block, Kristin she/her |
M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2011 | Swindle | Fulgurite Classification, Petrology, and Implications for Planetary Processes | Principal Science Operations Engineer, HiRISE | LPL, University of Arizona |
Bolser, Diana | M.S. Chemistry | 2014 | Zega | Microstructural Analysis of Calcium-Aluminum-Rich Inclusions in Primitive Meteo… | Subsection Manager - CMC Design | GE Aerospace |
Bond, Jade | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2008 | Lauretta | The Chemistry of Extrasolar Planetary Systems | Associate (Lawyer) | Bartier Perry (Australia) |
Bottke, William | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1995 | Greenberg | The Collisional and Dynamical Evolution of Asteroids | Director | Department for Space Studies, Southwest Research Institute, Boulder |
Boyer, Darryl | Ph.D. Physics | 1982 | Levy | Magnetohydrodynamic Dynamos in the Presence of Fossil Magnetic Fields | ||
Bramson, Ali | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2018 | Byrne | Radar Analysis and Theoretical Modeling of the Presence and Preservation of Ice… | Assistant Professor | Purdue University, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences |
Broadhurst, Leigh | Ph.D. Geosciences | 1989 | Drake | Solubility and Partitioning of Noble Gases in Anorthite, Diopside, Forsterite, … | Geochemist/USDA Researcher | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
Brock, Laci she/her |
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2021 | Barman | Connecting Points in Time: From the Evolution of Clouds in Substellar Atmospher… | Artist | |
Brown, Zarah she/her |
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2023 | Koskinen | Saturn's Upper Atmosphere in the Ultraviolet: Temperature and Compositional Tre… | Postdoctoral Research Associate | LPL, University of Arizona |
Buie, Marc | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1984 | Fink | Lightcurve CCD Spectrophotometry of Pluto | Staff Scientist | Southwest Research Institute (Boulder) |
Burkland, Michael | Ph.D. Physics | 1998 | Swindle | The Thermal Retentive Nature of the I-Xe System in the Meteorite Bjurbole: Impl… | Senior Principal Systems Engineer | Raytheon |
Burr, Devon | Ph.D. Geosciences | 2003 | Baker | Investigations into the Cerberus Outflow Channels, Mars | Professor, Astronomy and Planetary Science | Northern Arizona University |
Cambioni, Saverio | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2020 | Asphaug | On the Application of Machine Learning to Planetary Sciences | Postdoctoral Research Associate | MIT, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences |
Campins, Humberto | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1982 | Rieke | Infrared Observations of Cometary Solids | Provost Research Professor, Physics and Astronomy | University of Central Florida |
Campins, Humberto | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 1982 | Rieke | Provost Research Professor, Physics and Astronomy | University of Central Florida | |
Carver, Diana | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2008 | Melosh | Viscous Relaxation of Craters on Enceladus | Assistant Professor of Clinical | Vanderbilt University |
Chabot, Nancy | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1999 | Drake | Geochemical Studies of the Cores of Terrestrial Planetary Bodies | Planetary Scientist | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory |
Chamberlain, Matthew | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2006 | Boynton | Response of Martian Ground Ice to Orbit-Induced Climate Change | Scientific Programmer | CSIRO Decadal Climate Forecasting, Oceans and Atmosphere |
Chen, Xiaohang | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2023 | Giacalone | Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration and Transport at the Curved and Evolving … | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | University of Michigan, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering |
Choi, David | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2009 | Showman | The Meteorology of Giant Planets Revealed Through Automated Cloud Feature Track… | Senior Data Engineer | Night Shift Development, Inc. |
Chollet, Eileen | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2008 | Giacalone | Solar Energetic Particles as a Probe of the Inner Heliosphere | Research Scientist | CNA Analysis & Solutions |
Ciesla, Fred | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2003 | Hood | The Physics and Chemistry of Solar Nebula Shock Waves: Applications to Chondrul… | Professor, Dept. of Geophysics; Deputy Director, Chicago Center for Origins of Life | University of Chicago |
Clark, Richard | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 1996 | Melosh | The Detectability of Lunar Impacts in the Near Infrared | Scientific Programmer | National Solar Observatory GONG Project |
Clements, Arthur | Ph.D. Astronomy | 1974 | Tomasko | Cloud Structure in the South Tropical Zone, Red Spot, and the North Polar Regio… | ||
Coffeen, David | Ph.D. Astronomy | 1968 | Gehrels | A Polarimetric Study of the Atmosphere of Venus | TESSERACT | |
Cohen, Barbara | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2000 | Swindle | Geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Lunar Meteorite Impact Melt Clasts | Planetary Scientist | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Consolmagno, Guy | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1978 | Jokipii | Electromagnetic Processes in the Evolution of the Solar Nebula | Director | Vatican Observatory, Tucson & Rome |
Cooper, Curtis | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2006 | Showman | Meteorologies of Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Giant Planets | Software Engineer | Stellar Science (Albuquerque) |
Cordell, Bruce | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1977 | Strom | Tectonism and the Interior of Mercury | Educator, Consultant | |
Cruikshank, Dale | Ph.D. Geosciences | 1968 | Titley, Kuiper | Infrared Colorimetry of the Moon | Professor, Dept. of Physics | University of Central Florida |
Crumpler, Larry | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1983 | Strom | Io: Models of Volcanism and Interior Structure | Research Curator, Volcanology and Space Science | New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science |
Cui, Jun | Ph.D. Astronomy | 2008 | Yelle | Analysis of Titan's Neutral Upper Atmosphere from Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spec… | Professor | School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University |
Cunningham, Cindy | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1987 | Hunten | Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of the Jovian Atmosphere | ||
Cyr, Kimberly | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1998 | Lunine | The Distribution of Water in the Solar Nebula: Implications for Solar System Fo… | ||
Dai, Wei | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2000 | Lunine | Gas Trapping in Amorphous Water Ice: A Theoretical and Experimental Approach | ||
Daubar, Ingrid | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2014 | McEwen | New Dated Craters on Mars and the Moon: Studies of the Freshest Craters in the … | Associate Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences (Research) | Brown University |
Daubar, Ingrid | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2002 | Kring | Northwest Africa 482: A Crystalline Impact Melt Breccia from the Lunar Highlands | Associate Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences (Research) | Brown University |
Dawson, Douglas | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1998 | Strom | Modelling the Cratering Record of Venus | Accounting Manager I, Nutritional Sciences & Wellness | University of Arizona |
Dietrich, Jeremy | Ph.D. Astronomy | 2023 | Apai, Malhotra | Revealing Unseen Planets in Exoplanetary Systems | ||
Diniega, Serina | Ph.D. Applied Math | 2010 | Byrne | Modeling Aeolian Dune and Dune Field Evolution | Scientist | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Doose, Lyn he/him |
Ph.D. Astronomy | 1976 | Tomasko | Light Scattering Properties of Jupiter's Red Spot | Senior Research Associate (Retired) | LPL, University of Arizona |
Dundas, Colin | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2009 | McEwen | Investigations of the Martian Mid-Latitudes: Implications for Ground Ice | Research Geologist | U.S. Geological Survey |
Dunlap, J. Lawrence | M.S. Astronomy | 1972 | Gehrels | Laboratory Work on the Shape of Asteroids | ||
Dykhuis, Melissa | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2015 | Greenberg | Asteroid Family Dynamics in the Inner Main Belt | Author | |
Ekholm, Andreas | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2001 | Melosh | Crater Features Diagnostic of Oblique Impacts: The Size and Position of the Cen… | ||
Elder, Catherine | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2015 | Showman | The Effects of Melt of Impact Craters on Icy Satellites and On the Dynamics of … | Research Scientist | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Emery, Joshua | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2002 | Brown | Constraints on the Surface Composition of Trojan Asteroids from Near Infrared (… | Professor of Planetary Science | Northern Arizona University |
Engel, Steffi | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1994 | Lunine | Titan and the Cosmochemistry of the Outer Solar System | B&B Innkeeper, Tucson | |
Eplee, Robert | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1987 | Smith (Brad) | Spokes in Saturn's B Ring: Dynamical and Physical Properties Deduced from Voyag… | Senior Programmer | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Esman, Tracy | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2022 | Giacalone | Magnetic Field Fluctuations from the Solar Wind to the Surface of Mars | Technical Analyst | Department of Defense |
Farrand, William | Ph.D. Geosciences | 1991 | Singer | Visible and Near Infrared Reflectance of Tuff Rings and Tuff Cones | Senior Research Scientist | Space Science Institute |
Feierberg, Michael | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1981 | Larson (Harold) | Evidence for a Compositional Relationship Between Asteroids and Meteorites from… | Scorer of Writing and Math Assessments | ETS and Pearson |
Fernandes, Rachel She/Her |
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2023 | Pascucci | Exoplanet Demographics Beyond Kepler: Giant Planets with Radial Velocity & Youn… | Habitable Worlds Fellowship, President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship | Penn State University, Center for Exoplanets |
Fevig, Ron | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2006 | Fink | Orbit-Dependent Spectral Trends for the Near-Earth Asteroid Population | Associate Professor, Space Studies | University of North Dakota |
Finney, Stephen | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 1988 | Sonett | The Spectrum of Radiocarbon | ||
Flateau, Davin | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2015 | Apai | Weather on Other Worlds IV: In-Depth Study of Photometric Variability and Radia… | Adjunct Instructor | University of Cincinnati |
Florinski, Vladimir | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2001 | Jokipii | A Two-dimensional, Self-Consistent Model of Galactic and Anomalous Cosmic Rays … | Professor, Space Science | University of Alabama, Huntsville |
Fortney, Jonathan | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2004 | Hubbard | The Evoluation of Giant Planets | Professor, Astronomy & Astrophysics | University of California, Santa Cruz |
Fussner, Stephanie | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2006 | McEwen | Search for 938 nm Specular Enhancement on Titan | ||
Ganesh, Indujaa she/her |
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2022 | Carter | Investigating Late-stage Explosive Eruptions on the Volcanic Rises of Mars and … | Assistant Professor | Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Earth & Atmospheric Sci. |
Gardner-Vandy, Kathryn G. | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2012 | Lauretta | Partial Melting on Fe0-rich Asteroids: Insights to the First Stage of Planetary… | Assistant Professor of Aviation and Space | Oklahoma State University |
Geissler, Paul | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1992 | Singer | Spectrophotometric Mapping of Coprates Quadrangle, Mars | Mission Interface lead for the Imaging Node | U.S.G.S. Astrogeology Research Center, Flagstaff |
Gibbard, Seran | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1996 | Levy | Lightening in the Solar System | Research Scientist | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Goldin, Tamara | Ph.D. Geosciences | 2008 | Melosh | Atmospheric Interactions During Global Deposition of Chicxulub Impact Ejecta | Chief Editor | Nature Geoscience |
Gradie, Jonathan | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1978 | Zellner | An Astrophysical Study of the Minor Planets in the Eos and Koronis Asteroid Fam… | Chief Science Officer/VP/CEO | STI, Inc./TerraSys, Inc. |
Greenfield, Eric | Ph.D. Physics | 2015 | Jokipii | Multi-fluid Problems in Magnetohydrodynamics with Applications to Astrophysical… | Physics Teacher | Bishop Manogue Catholic High School |
Grier, Jennifer | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1999 | McEwen | Determining the Ages of Impact Events: Multidisciplinary Studies Using Remote S… | Senior Scientist, Education Specialist | Planetary Science Institute |
Grinspoon, David | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1989 | Lewis | Large Impact Events and Atmospheric Evolution on the Terrestrial Planets | Senior Scientist | Planetary Science Institute |
Grundy, William | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1995 | Fink | Methane and Nitrogen Ices on Pluto and Triton: A Combined Laboratory and Telesc… | Astronomer | Lowell Observatory |
Gulick, Virginia she/her |
Ph.D. Geosciences | 1993 | Baker | Magmatic Intrusions and Hydrothermal Systems: Implications for the Formation of… | Research Professor | LPL, University of Arizona |
Gulick, Virginia she/her |
M.S. Geosciences | 1987 | Baker | Origin and Evolution of Valleys on the Martian Volcanoes: The Hawaiian Analog | Research Professor | LPL, University of Arizona |
Guo, Fan | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2012 | Giacalone | Effects of Turbulent Magnetic Fields on the Transport and Acceleration of Energ… | Research Scientist | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Hall, Doyle | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1992 | Shemansky | Ultraviolet Resonance Radiation and the Structure of the Heliosphere | Scientist | Boeing LTS |
Harner, Patrick | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2015 | Baker, Quade | Carbonates and Other Salts in the Atacama Desert and on Mars, and the Implicati… | Senior Attorney | U.S. Government Accountability Office |
Hartigan, Patrick | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1987 | Lada, Levy | Observations and Bowshock Models of Herbig-Haro Objects | Professor, Physics and Astronomy | Rice University |
Hartmann, William | Ph.D. Astronomy | 1966 | Kuiper | History of the Lunar Surface | Senior Scientist Emeritus | Planetary Science Institute |
Hatheway, Allen Wayne | Ph.D. Geosciences | 1971 | Lacy | Lava Tubes and Collapse Depressions | Consulting Geological Engineer | |
Hattori, Maki | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2008 | Hubbard | Mass Loss of Highly Irradiated Extra-Solar Giant Planets | Programmer Associate | Global Science & Technology Inc |
Hay, Hamish | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2020 | Matsuyama | A Tale of Tides: Icy Satellites, Subsurface Oceans, and Tightly-Packed Planetar… | Postdoctoral Research Assistant | University of Oxford, Dept. of Earth Sciences |
Hays, Naydene | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2011 | Drake | Geochronology of Shergottite Meteorites: Using LA-MC-ICP-MS to Examine U-Th-Pb … | Director of Tutoring | Olympic College |
Head, James | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1999 | Melosh | Fragmentaton and Ejection of the Martian Clan Meteorites | Senior Principal Systems Engineer | Raytheon Missile Systems |
Hendler, Nathanial | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2020 | Pascucci | Evolution of Protoplanetary Dust-Disk Sizes | Senior Machine Learning Engineer | FlightAware |
Hicks, Michael | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1997 | Fink | A Spectrophotometric Survey of Comets and Earth-approaching Asteroids | ||
Hildebrand, Alan | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1992 | Boynton | Geochemistry and Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary Impact Ejecta | Associate Professor of Geoscience | University of Calgary |
Hillgren, Valerie | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1993 | Drake | Partitioning Behavior of Moderately Siderophile Elements in Ni-Rich Systems: Im… | Research Scientist | Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Hilton, Douglas | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1987 | Hunten | A Partially Collisional Model of the Titan Hydrogen Torus | ||
Hoppa, Greg | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1998 | Greenberg | Europa: Effects of Rotation and Tides on Tectonic Processes | Senior Principal Systems Engineer | Raytheon |
Horst, Sarah | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2011 | Yelle | Post-Cassini Investigations of the Titan Atmospheric Chemistry | Associate Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences | Johns Hopkins University |
Hostetler, Charles | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1982 | Drake | Equilibrium Properties of Some Silicate Materials: A Theoretical Study | Senior Project Advisor | SCS Engineers |
Housen, Kevin | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1981 | Wilkening | The Stochastic Evolution of Asteroidal Regoliths and the Origin of Brecciated a… | Scientist | Boeing |
Howell, Robert | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1980 | Low | Infrared Speckle Interferometry | Emeritus Professor, Geology and Geophysics | University of Wyoming |
Howell, Ellen | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1995 | Lebofsky | Probing Asteroid Composition Using Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy | Research Professor | LPL, University of Arizona |
Hoxie, Dwight Thomas | Ph.D. Astronomy | 1969 | Weymann | The Structure and Evolution of Stars of Very Low Mass | ||
Hurford, Terry | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2005 | Greenberg | Tides and Tidal Stress: Applications to Europa | Planetary Scientist | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Hutson, Melinda | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1996 | Lewis | Chemical Studies of Enstatite Chondrites | Research Assistant Professor | Portland State University |
Jackson, Brian | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2009 | Greenberg | Tidal Evolution of Extra-Solar Planets | Associate Professor, Physics | Boise State University |
Jaeger, Windy | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2005 | Baker | Select Problems in Planetary Structural Geology: Global-scale Tectonics on Io, … | ||
Janes, Daniel | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1990 | Melosh | Tectonics of One Plate Planets | Retired | |
JeongAhn, Youngmin | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2015 | Malhotra | Orbital Distribution of Minor Planets in the Inner Solar System and Their Impac… | Scientist | Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute |
Johnson, Jeffrey | Ph.D. Geosciences | 1994 | Baker | Geologic Investigations of the Venusian Surface Using Magellan Radar Imagery, A… | Planetary Geologist | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory |
Johnston, Jeffrey | Ph.D. Physics | 1992 | Broadfoot | Spectroscopic Observations of the Night Airglow From 3000 Å to 9200 Å | ||
Jones, Thomas | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1988 | Lewis | An Infrared Reflectance Study of Water in Outer Belt Asteroids: Clues to Compos… | Scientist, Author, Pilot, Veteran, Astronaut | |
Jones, Andrea | M.S. Geosciences | 2009 | McEwen, Baker | A Geomorphic Analysis of Hale Crater, Mars: The Effects of Impact Into Ice-Rich… | Public Engagement Lead of Solar System Exploration Division | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Kareta, Theodore | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2021 | Harris, Reddy | Activity and the Evolutionary State of Small Bodies | Postdoctoral Research Associate | Lowell Observatory |
Kargel, Jeffrey | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1990 | Lewis | Cryomagmatism in the Outer Solar System | Senior Scientist | Planetary Science Institute (Tucson) |
Karkoschka, Erich | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1990 | Tomasko | Saturn's Atmosphere in the Visible and Near Infrared 1986-1989 | Senior Staff Scientist | LPL, University of Arizona |
Kataria, Tiffany | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2014 | Showman | Atmospheric Circulation of Hot Jupiters and Super Earths | Scientist | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Keane, James | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2017 | Matsuyama | Tidal-Rotational Dynamics of Solar System Worlds, from Mercury to Pluto | Scientist | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Keller, John | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2006 | Greenberg, Showman | Part I:Development of a Concept Inventory Addressing Student's Beliefs and Reas… | Director, Fiske Planetarium | University of Colorado, Boulder |
Kerola, Dana | Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences | 1994 | Larson, Tomasko | Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of the Troposhere of Saturn | Adjunct Assistant Professor | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Dept. of Mathematics, Science and Technology |
Kidder, Kenneth | Ph.D. Physics | 1991 | Holberg | Atmospheric Parameters of a Soft X-Ray Selected Set of Hot DA White Dwarfs | ||
Ko, Chung-Ming | Ph.D. Physics | 1986 | Jokipii | Cosmic-Ray Modified Stellar Winds | Professor, Associate Dean (College of Science) | Graduate Institute of Astronomy, National Central University (Taiwan) |
Kolb Nolan, Kelly | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2009 | McEwen | Investigating Evidence for Geologically Recent Liquid Water on Mars | Exploration Geoscientist | ExxonMobil |
Kolb Nolan, Kelly | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2008 | McEwen | Modeling Bright Gully Deposits' formation in Hale Crater, Mars: Implications fo… | Exploration Geoscientist | ExxonMobil |
Komacek, Tad | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2018 | Showman | The Atmospheric Circulation and Evolution of Close-In Extrasolar Gas Giant Plan… | Associate Professor and Tutorial Fellow | Oxford University |
Komatsu, Goro | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1993 | Baker | Channels and Valleys on Venus | Senior Scientist and Associate Professor | International Research School of Planetary Sciences and Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia, Universita d'Annunzio (Pescara, Italy) |
Kopriva, David | Ph.D. Applied Mathematics | 1982 | Jokipii | A Stream Function Method for Computing Steady Rotational Transonic Flows With A… | Professor (Retired), Mathematics | Florida State University |
Lanagan, Peter | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2004 | McEwen | Geological History of the Cerberus Plains, Mars | Professor and Chair, Physical Sciences | College of Southern Nevada |
Landis, Margaret | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2018 | Byrne | Icy Craters on Mars and Ceres | Research Associate | LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder |
Leake, Martha | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1981 | Strom | The Intercrater Plains of Mercury and the Moon: Their Nature, Origin, and Role … | Professor, Physics and Astronomy | Valdosta State University |
LeBertre, Thibault | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 1977 | Fink | Surface-Properties of Vesta | Directeur de Recherches | Observatoire de Paris |
Lee, Thomas Alan | Ph.D. Astronomy | 1967 | Johnson | Interstellar Extinction in the Orion Association | ||
Lejoly, Cassandra She/Her/Hers |
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2021 | Harris | The Effect of Dust in Small Bodies: A Sample of Jupiter Family Comets | Research Scientist | LPL, University of Arizona |
Lemmon, Mark | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1994 | Tomasko | Properties of Titan's Haze and Surface | Senior Research Scientist, Planetary Sciences | Space Science Institute |
Leung, Cecilia | Ph.D. Planetary Science | 2020 | McEwen | Regional Atmospheric Dynamics of Water on Mars | ||
Lew, Ben | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2021 | Apai | Self-luminous Worlds with Exotic Clouds: Characterizing Clouds in Brown Dwarf A… | Research Scientist | Bay Area Environmental Research Institute/NASA Ames Research Center |
Lewis, Nikole | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2012 | Showman | Atmospheric Circulation of Eccentric Extrasolar Giant Planets | Associate Professor, Astronomy | Cornell University |
Lian, Yuan | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2009 | Showman | Numerical Simulations of Atmospheric Dynamics on the Giant Planets | Research Associate | Ashima Research (Pasadena, CA) |
Liang, Weigang | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2023 | Andrews-Hanna | An Investigation of Early Lunar History Using Gravity Data | Software Engineer | Amazon |
Lo, Daniel | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2021 | Yelle | Carbon Photochemistry and Escape in the Present-Day Mars Atmosphere | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | University of Michigan, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering |
Lora, Juan | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2014 | Russell | Radiation and Dynamics in Titan's Atmosphere: Investigations of Titan's Present… | Assistant Professor | Yale University, Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences |
Lothringer, Joshua | Ph.D. Planetary Science | 2019 | Barman | Characterizing the Atmospheres of Exoplanet Populations: From Sub-Jovian to Ult… | Assistant Astronomer | Space Telescope Science Institute |
MacFarlane, Joseph | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1983 | Hubbard | Theoretical Predictions for the Phase Stability of Dense Binary Mixtures | President/Senior Scientist | Prism Computational Sciences |
Maciel, Ricardo | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2025 | Harris | Characterization of a Tunable All-Reflective Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer | ||
Maleszewski, Chet | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2018 | Byrne | |||
Maloney, Philip | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1987 | Black (J.H.) | Global Properties of Molecular Clouds and the Interstellar Medium in Galaxies | Senior Research Associate (Retired) | University of Colorado, Boulder |
Malvin, Daniel | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 1987 | Drake | Experimental Partitioning of Siderophile Elements in the Systems Iron-Nickel-Su… | ||
Marcialis, Robert | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1990 | Lebofsky, Hubbard | The Pluto-Charon System as Revealed During the Mutual Events | ||
Marley, Mark S. he/him/his |
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1990 | Hubbard | Nonradial Oscillations of Saturn: Implications for Ring System Structure | Director, Department Head | LPL, University of Arizona |
Marsh, Celinda | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2007 | Lauretta | Thermal Processing in Ordinary Chondrites: Development of the Fast Electron Mic… | Budget Examiner | U.S. Office of Management and Budget |
Mastrapa, Rachel | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2004 | Brown | Water ice and radiation in the solar system | Research Scientist | SETI, NASA AMES Research Center |
McCormack, John | Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences | 1996 | Hood | A Three-Dimensional Mechanistic Ozone Transport Model: Applications to Midlatit… | Program Scientist | NASA, Heliophysics Division |
McEvoy, Erica | Ph.D. Applied Mathematics | 2017 | Jokipii | A Numerical Method for the Simulation of Skew Brownian Motion and its Applicati… | NLP/Machine Learning Engineer | Booz Allen Hamilton |
McFarlane, Elisabeth | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1994 | Drake | Differentiation in the Early Earth: An Experimental Investigation | ||
McGraw, Allison | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2023 | Reddy | Asteroid-Meteorite Linkages through Infrared Spectroscopy | Physics Laboratory Manager | Texas A&M, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy |
McLarty-Schroeder, Janet | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 1998 | Strom | Development, Assessment, and Applications of Planetary Sciences 109L: Explorati… | Professor, Department Chair | Cerritos College, Physics, Astronomy and Engineering Department |
Melendrez, David | M.S. Geosciences | 1991 | Baker | Remote Sensing of Potential Lunar Resources | Engineer, Imagery Integration lead, NASA Orion Program | NASA, ARES Division |
Meng, Huan | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2015 | Rieke | Characterizing Terrestrial Planet Formation with Young Debris Disks | ||
Meng, Tyler he/him/his |
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2024 | Holt | Geophysical Measurement and Monitoring of Planetary Rock Glacier Surface Proces… | Postdoctoral Research Associate | Washington University, St. Louis |
Merline, William | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1995 | McMillan | Observations of small-amplitude oscillations in the radial velocity of Arcturus | Staff Scientist (Retired) | Southwest Research Institute (Boulder) |
Milazzo, Moses | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2005 | McEwen | Remote Sensing of Thermally Induced Activity on Io and Mars | Scientist/Consultant | |
Miller, Kelly | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2016 | Lauretta | The R Chondrite Record of Volatile Rich Environments in the Early Solar System | Research Scientist | Southwest Research Institute |
Mills, Mackenzie | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2024 | McEwen | Evolutionary Landscapes and Resurfacing Processes of Planetary Surfaces | Physical Scientist | U.S.G.S. Washington Water Science Center |
Minton, David | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2009 | Malhotra | Dynamical History of the Asteroid Belt and Implications for Terrestrial Planet … | Associate Professor, Planetary Systems and Surfaces | Purdue University, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences |
Molaro, Jamie | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2015 | Byrne | Stress, on the Rocks: Thermally Induced Stresses in Rocks and Microstructures o… | Research Scientist | Planetary Science Institute (CA) |
Moores, John | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2008 | Smith (Peter) | Effects of Insolation on Habitability and the Isotopic History of Martian Water | Director, York University Earth and Space Science Program | York University |
Moro-Martin, Amaya | Ph.D. Astronomy | 2004 | Malhotra | Signatures of Planets in Circumstellar Debris Disks | Associate Astronomer/Associate Research Scientist | STScI/Dept. Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University |
Morrison, Sarah | Ph.D. Planetary Science | 2017 | Kratter | The Dynamics and Implications of Gap Clearing via Planets in Planetesimal (Debr… | Assistant Professor | Missouri State University, Dept. of Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science |
Musselwhite, Don | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1995 | Drake | Experimental Geochemistry of Iodine, Argon and Xenon: Implications for the Outg… | Senior Lecturer, Natural Sciences | University of Houston (Downtown) |
Neish, Catherine | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2008 | Lunine | Formation of Prebiotic Molecules in Liquid Water Environments on the Surface of… | Associate Professor, Planetary Surfaces | Western University, Ontario (Canada) |
Newsom, Horton | Ph.D. Geosciences | 1982 | Drake | The Experimental Partitioning Behavior of Tungsten and Phosphorus: Implications… | ||
Nolan, Michael | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1994 | Greenberg | Delivery of Meteorites from the Asteroid Belt | Research Professor | LPL, University of Arizona |
Noonan, John | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2022 | Harris | The Comet Cipher: Understanding the Ultraviolet Emissions of Cometary Comae | Postdoctoral Scholar | Auburn University, Dept. of Physics |
O'Brien, David | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2004 | Greenberg | The Collisional and Dynamical Evolution of the Main Belt, NEA and TNO Populatio… | Astronomy Instructor, Senior Scientist | Pima Community College (Tucson), Planetary Science Institute |
O'Brien, Patrick | Ph.D. Planetary Science | 2022 | Byrne | The Rise and Fall of Lunar Topography | Research Scientist | LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder |
Otarola Medel, Angel Custodio | Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences | 2008 | Kursinski | The Effects of Turbulence in an Absorbing Atmosphere on the Propagation of Micr… | Atmosphere Scientist | European Southern Observatory |
Owen, Tobias | Ph.D. Astronomy | 1965 | Kuiper | Studies of Planetary Spectra in the Photographic Infrared | ||
Palmer, Eric | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2009 | Brown | Volatiles on Solar System Objects: Carbon Dioxide on Iapetus and Aqueous Altera… | Senior Scientist | Planetary Science Institute |
Palmer, Maureen | M.S. Planetary Science | 2022 | Byrne | |||
Pariev, Vladimir | Ph.D. Astronomy | 2001 | Jokipii | Magnetic Fields: Their Origin and Manifestation In Accretion Disks Around Super… | Assistant to the Department Head | PN Lebedev, Russian Academy of Sciences |
Pasek, Matthew | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2006 | Lauretta | Phosphorus and Sulfur Cosmochemistry: Implications for the Origins of Life | Professor | University of South Florida |
Peacock, Sarah | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2019 | Barman | Predicting the Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation Environment Around Low-Mass Stars | Assistant Research Scientist | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, University of Maryland |
Pearce, Steven | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1995 | Levy | Core-Mantle Interactions Resulting from Sudden Changes in the Earth's Moment of… | Lecturer, School of Computing Science | Simon Fraser University |
Pearson, Kyle | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2020 | Griffith | The Detection and Characterization of Transiting Exoplanets | Data Scientist | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Pedicino, Jonathan | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1996 | Baker | Climate Change on Mars: Modeling Possible Glaciers | Professor, Astronomy, Planetary Sciences | College of the Redwoods |
Pei, Chunsheng | Ph.D. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering | 2007 | Jokipii | Solar Energetic Particle Transport in the Heliosphere | ||
Pellicori, Samuel | M.S. Optical Sciences | 1969 | Gehrels | Polarizing Properties of Pulverized Materials: Applications to the Lunar Surface | Consultant | Pellicori Optical Consulting |
Penteado, Paulo | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2009 | Griffith | Study of Titan's Methane Cycle | Data Visualization Developer | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Phillips, Cynthia | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2000 | McEwen | Voyager and Galileo SSI Views of Volcanic Resurfacing on Io and the Search for … | Europa Project Science Communications Lead | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Pierazzo, Elisabetta | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1997 | Melosh | The Chicxulub Impact Event and the Environmental Catastrophe at the End of the … | ||
Pope, Shelly | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1991 | Tomasko | Laboratory Measurements of the Single-Scattering Properties of Ammonia Ice Crys… | Staff Scientist | Raytheon |
Preblich, Brandon | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2005 | McEwen | Mapping Rays and Secondary Craters from Zunil, Mars | Teacher | Troy-Athens High School (Michigan) |
Radebaugh, Jani | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2005 | McEwen | Formation and Evolution of Paterae on Jupiter's Moon Io | Professor, Geological Sciences | Brigham Young University |
Ramprasad, Tarunika | Ph.D. Materials Science Engineering | 2023 | Zega | Reverse Engineering the Thermochemistry of the Early Solar Nebula Through Trans… | Assistant Research Scientist | Johns Hopkins University |
Rao, Anupama M.N. | Ph.D. Applied Mathematics | 2001 | Lunine | Titan, Triton, Pluto, and Kuiper Belt Objects: A Study of Past and Present Atmo… | ||
Reid, Robert | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 1997 | Smith (Peter) | Spectrophotometic Calibration of Imager for Mars Pathfinder Datasets | Senior Software Engineer | FreeWave Technologies (Denver) |
Richardson, James | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2005 | Melosh, Greenberg | The Seismic Effect of Impacts on Asteroid Surface Morphology | Senior Scientist | Planetary Science Institute |
Rivkin, Andrew | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1997 | Lebofsky | Observations of Main-Belt Asteroids in the 3-micron Region | Planetary Astronomer | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory |
Rizk, Bashar | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1991 | Hunten | Observations and Modelling of the Martian Water Vapor Budget for 1988-1989 | Senior Staff Scientist | LPL, University of Arizona |
Ruzicka, Alex | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1996 | Boynton | Petrologic-Kinetic Studies of Meteorites | Professor, Geology | Portland State University |
Ryan, Eileen | Ph.D. Geosciences | 1992 | Melosh | Catastrophic Collisions: Laboratory Impact Experiments, Hydrocode Simulations, … | Director/Adjunct Professor of Physics | Magdalena Ridge 2.4m Telescope/New Mexico Inst. of Mining and Technology |
Sayanagi, Kunio | Ph.D. Physics | 2007 | Showman | Numerical Modeling of Atmospheric Jet Streams on Jupiter and Saturn: Their Form… | Associate Professor | Hampton University |
Schad, Thomas | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2013 | Giacalone | Spectropolarimetry of Fine Magnetized Structures in the Upper Solar Atmosphere | Associate Astronomer | National Solar Observatory, Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope |
Schaefer, Ethan | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2018 | McEwen | Quantifying Geomorphic Features: Relative Albedos, Skeletonization, and Multifr… | Staff Scientist | Washington University in St. Louis |
Schaller, Christian | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 1998 | Greenberg | Venus Ejecta Parabolas: Comparing Theory with Observation | Software Engineer, Spacecraft Operations | LPL, University of Arizona |
Schneider, Nicholas | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1988 | Hunten | Sodium in Io's Extended Atmosphere | Professor | University of Colorado, Boulder, Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences |
Schrader, Devin | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2012 | Lauretta | The Formation and Alteration of the Renazzo-like Carbonaceous Chondrites | Associate Research Professor | Arizona State University, Center for Meteorite Studies/School of Earth and Space Exploration |
Sears, William | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1994 | Lunine | Tidal Effects on the Evolution of Titan | Embedded Engineer | Ag Leader Technology |
Seifert, Laura | Ph.D. Planetary Science | 2023 | Zega | Dust Condensation in Circumstellar Environments: Insight from Chemical and Micr… | NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow | NASA Johnson Space Center |
Sharkey, Benjamin he/they |
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2022 | Reddy | From Earth to Neptune: The Mineralogical Properties of Small Planetary Satellit… | Visiting Senior Faculty Specialist | University of Maryland |
Sharma, Priyanka | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2012 | Byrne | Investigations of Titan's Topography and Surface Roughness | System Engineer | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Sheffer, Abigail | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2007 | Melosh | Chemical Reduction of Silicates by Meteorite Impacts and Lightning Strikes | Senior Program Officer | National Academies, Division on Engineering and Physical Studies, Space Studies Board |
Shoemaker, Emileigh | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2023 | Carter | Investigating Volcanic Environments on Mars and Earth Using Radar | NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow | Goddard Space Flight Center |
Simon, Molly | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2019 | Impey | Part I: How Did We Get Here? College Students' Preinstructional Ideas on the To… | Assistant Professor | Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration |
Sing, David | Ph.D. Physics | 2005 | Holberg | Post Common Envelope Pre-Cataclysmic and Cataclysmic Variable Binaries | Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Astrophysics | Johns Hopkins University, Depts. Physics and Astronomy |
Slattery, Wayne | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1976 | Hubbard | The Structure of the Planets Jupiter and Saturn | Research Scientist | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Slick, Lindsay | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 2020 | Zega | |||
Smith, Peter | Ph.D. Optical Sciences | 2009 | Drake | Water at the PHOENIX Landing Site | Professor Emeritus | LPL, University of Arizona |
Spencer, John | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1987 | Strom | The Surfaces of Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto: An Investigation Using Voyager … | Institute Scientist | Southwest Research Institute (Boulder) |
Spitale, Joseph | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2001 | Greenberg | Detailed Study of the Yarkovsky Effect on Asteroids and Solar System Implicatio… | Instructional Specialist | LPL, University of Arizona |
Spitz, Anna | Ph.D. Geosciences | 1991 | Boynton | Trace Element Analysis of Ureilite Meteorites and Implications for their Petrog… | Senior Program Director (Retired) | Institute for the Environment, University of Arizona |
Sprague, Ann | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1990 | Hunten | An Observational Comparison of Mercury and the Moon | Senior Research Associate (Retired) | LPL, University of Arizona |
Springmann, Alessondra "Sondy" | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2022 | Harris | Heating of Small Solar System Body Materials | Postdoctoral Research Associate | Southwest Research Institute (Boulder) |
Stadermann, Amanda she/her |
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2023 | Barnes | Investigation into Igneous Lithologies and Impact Processes in the Earth-Moon S… | NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow | NASA Johnson Space Center |
Stansberry, John | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1994 | Lunine | Surface-Atmosphere Coupling on Triton and Pluto | Instrument Scientist | Space Telescope Science Institute |
Steinrueck, Maria she/her |
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2021 | Koskinen | Atmospheric Circulation of Hot Jupiters: Implications of Disequilibrium Chemist… | 51 Pegasi b Fellow | University of Chicago |
Stepinski, Tomasz | Ph.D. Applied Mathematics | 1986 | Levy | Magnetohydrodynamic Dynamo in Disc-Like Astrophysical Bodies | Thomas Jefferson Chair Professor, Geography | University of Cincinnati |
Stoll, Clifford | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1980 | Tomasko | Polarimetry of Jupiter at Large Phase Angles | Author; owner/operator | Acme Klein Bottles |
Stone, Shane | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2021 | Yelle | Martian Upper Atmospheric Thermal Structure, Composition, and Water and their S… | Research Space Scientist | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Sun, Peng | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2016 | Jokipii | Charged-Particle Transport in Turbulent Magnetic Fields | Software Engineer | EY |
Sutton, Sarah she/her |
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2022 | Hamilton | Fissure-fed Volcanism on Mars and Earth | Research Scientist, Photogrammetry & Image Processing, HiRISE | LPL, University of Arizona |
Sykes, Mark | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1986 | Hunten | IRAS Observations of Asteroid Dust Bands and Cometary Dust Trails | Director | Planetary Science Institute |
Tan, Xianyu | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2018 | Showman | Atmospheric Circulation of Brown Dwarfs and Directly Imaged Extrasolar Giant Pl… | Postdoctoral Research Associate | University of Oxford, Dept. of Physics |
Tang, Harry | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2024 | Lauretta | Investigating the Surface Evolution of Bennu and Rubble Pile Asteroids through … | ||
Teske, Johanna | Ph.D. Astronomy | 2014 | Griffith | Connecting the Dots: Investigating Planet Formation and Composition Through Obs… | Staff Scientist | Earth and Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science |
Tholen, David | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1984 | Zellner | Asteroid Taxonomy from Cluster Analysis of Photometry | Astronomer | University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy |
Thompson, Michelle | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2016 | Zega | Understanding Space Weathering of Asteroids and the Lunar Surface: Analysis of … | Associate Professor | Purdue University, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences |
Tiscareno, Matthew | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2004 | Malhotra | Chaotic Diffusion in the Outer Solar System, and Other Topics | Senior Research Scientist | SETI, NASA Ames Research Center |
Tonks, William | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1993 | Melosh | The Thermal Consequences of Giant Impacts in the Early Solar System | Professor, Physics | Brigham Young University (Idaho) |
Trilling, David | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1999 | Brown, Lunine | A Theoretical and Observational Study of the Formation and Evolution of Planeta… | Professor and Department Chair, Astronomy and Planetary Science | Northern Arizona University |
Tufts, Randy | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences, Geosciences | 1998 | Baker, Greenberg | Lithospheric Displacement Features on Europa and Their Interpretation | ||
Turtle, Elizabeth | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1998 | Melosh | Finite-Element Modeling of Large Impact Craters: Implications for the Size of t… | Planetary Scientist | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory |
Van Laerhoven, Christa | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2014 | Greenberg | Multi-Planet Extra-Solar Systems: Tides and Classical Secular Theory | Planetary Scientist and Educator | |
Vervack, Ron | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1997 | Sandel | Titan's Upper Atmospheric Structure Derived from Voyager Ultraviolet Spectromet… | Senior Research Staff | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory |
Vilas, Faith | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1984 | Smith (Brad) | The Nature and Origin of Outer Solar System Asteroids from Reflectance Spectrop… | Senior Scientist | Planetary Science Institute |
Viola, Donna | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2017 | McEwen | Expanded Craters on Mars: Implications for Shallow, Mid-Latitide Excess Ice | KBR Contractor | (KBR) U.S.G.S. Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center |
Voigt, Joana | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2022 | Hamilton | Effusive Volcanism on Earth and Mars | Postdoctoral Research Associate | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Volk, Kathryn | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2013 | Malhotra | Dynamical Studies of the Kuiper Belt and the Centaurs | Senior Scientist | Planetary Science Institute |
Vriesema, Jess | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2020 | Yelle | Modelling Electrodynamics in Saturn's Upper Atmosphere | Lecturer | University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, Physics and Astronomy |
Wacker, John | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1982 | Wilkening | Composition of Noble Gases in the Abee Meteorite, and the Origin of the Enstati… | Laboratory Fellow | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Walters, Jada | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2024 | Klein | Pressure Anisotropy-Driven Instabilities in Solar and Astrophysical Plasmas | Postdoctoral Research Associate | LPL, University of Arizona |
Wang, Yiping | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1993 | Yelle | Energy balance and solar heating in Neptune's upper Atmosphere | ||
Wegryn, Eric | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2000 | Tomasko | The Dusty Atmosphere of Mars: A Study of the Properties of Martian Aerosol Dust… | Astronomy Instructor | West Valley College |
Weirich, John | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2011 | Swindle | Improvements to Argon-Argon Dating of Extraterrestrial Materials | Senior Scientist | Planetary Science Institute |
West, Robert | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1977 | Tomasko | Spacially Resolved Photometry of Jupiter in the 6190, 7250, and 8900 Methane Ba… | Senior Research Scientist | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Wilbur, Zoe she/they |
Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2024 | Barnes | New Insights into Lunar Basaltic Magmatism: A Study of Volatiles, Vesicles, and… | ||
Wilking, Bruce | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1981 | Rieke | Start Formation in the Rho Ophiuchi Dark Cloud | Professor Emeritus, Physics and Astronomy | University of Missouri (St. Louis) |
Williams, Lance | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 1993 | Jokipii | A Single-Fluid, Self-Consistent Formulation of Particle Transport and Fluid Dyn… | Director | Konfluence Research Institute |
Withers, Paul | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2003 | Bougher | Tides in the Martian Atmosphere, and Other Topics | Professor of Astronomy; Chair of Astronomy | Boston University |
Wood, David | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2000 | Strom | Effects of Airbursts on the Surface of Venus | Professor of Astronomy and Interim Chair of Natural Sciences | San Antonio College |
Wood, Charles | M.S. Geosciences | 1972 | Sumner | Reconnaissance Geology and Geophysics of the Pinacate Craters, Sonora, Mexico | ||
Zakharian, Aramais | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2000 | Jokipii | Numerical Studies of Waves and Particle Acceleration in Shocks | Research Associate, Faculty of Science and Technology | Corning, Inc. |
Zellem, Robert | Ph.D. Planetary Sciences | 2015 | Griffith | Observing Transiting Exoplanets: Removing Systematic Errors to Constrain Atmosp… | Deputy Project Scientist for Communications, Roman Space Telescope | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Zellner, Benjamin | Ph.D. Astronomy | 1970 | Gehrels | Polarization in Reflection Nebulae | ||
Zhang, Shunbin | M.S. Planetary Sciences | 1996 | Bougher | The Impact of Gravity Waves on the Venus Upper Atmosphere | Programmer Analyst |