LPL Indecision '09: Race for the Grad Hallway
LPL Grad Skit 2008 from LPL Grads on Vimeo.
LPL Indecision '09: The Bloopers
LPL Grad Skit 2008 - Bloopers from LPL Grads on Vimeo.
Mike Drake's Top Ten Plans LPL Transformation Plans
10. Cosmochemistry grant funding diverted to study "rock" and "acid"
9. Central heating replaced by hot air from professors
8. Win Yahoo! Y Prize, form quadrillion dollar corporation
7. Phoenix II: This Time, It's Nuclear
6. "No Janitorial Service" expanded from Uwe Fink's office to entire building
5. Atrium rented out for proms and Bar Mitzvahs
4. Ask Congress for bailout
3. New guiding principle: WWJD ("What Would Jay Do?")
2. Vegas!!
1. Form new School of Bratfest and Planetary Science