PTYS/LPL Faculty

Roger Yelle
Ph.D., 1984, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Years with LPL: 2001 to present
Astrobiology, Exoplanets, Planetary Atmospheres, Titan & Outer Solar System
Professor Yelle studies the atmospheres in our solar system and the atmospheres of extra-solar planets. He analyzes telescopic and spacecraft data and constructs theories and models to determine the composition and structure of atmospheres and their interaction with surfaces and interplanetary space. Current projects include the study of chemical, thermal and dynamical processes in Titan’s upper atmosphere using primarily data from the Cassini mission to the Saturn system, escape processes on Titan, Mars, and extra-solar planets, and the composition and chemistry of the martian atmosphere. Yelle is a member of the Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer Team and a co-I on the planned Maven mission to study the upper atmosphere of Mars.
Current Grants
- Post-Cassini Investigations of Titan Atmospheric Chemistry
- Dynamics, Chemistry, and Escape of Titan's Atmosphere
- The Distribution of O2 on Mars from Spicam Occulations
- Cassini INMS Solstice Mission
- Titan Atmosphere Models Working Group (TAMWG)
- Models for the Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Titan's Photochemical Haze
Current Spacecraft Involvement
Cassini, MAVEN- Voyager, Ultraviolet Spectrometer, Team Member, 1985-1989
- Champollion, CIRCLE Experiment, Principle Investigator, 1995-1999
- Deep Space 1, MICAS, Team Member, 1997-2000
- Venus Express, VEX Accelerometer Experiment, Team Member
- MAVEN, Co-Investigator, 2008-2015
Former Spacecraft Involvement
- Cassini, Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer, Team Member, 1992-2017
Student Collaborations/Advising
Former Students
- Sarah Horst, 2011 (Ph.D. PTYS)
- Jun Cui, 2008 (Ph.D. Astronomy)
- Yiping Wang, 1993 (Ph.D. PTYS)
Former Postdocs
- Fayu Jiang
- Hannes Gröller
- Justin Erwin
- Tommi Koskinen
- Panayotis Lavvas
- Jean Masterson
- Darci Snowden
- Véronique Vuitton
Based on Google Scholar and NASA ADS: NASA ADS Author search: Roger V. Yelle
Recent refereed publications: Years 2019 through 2024
Mahieux, Arnaud, Sébastien Viscardy, Roger Vincent Yelle, Hiroki Karyu, Sarah Chamberlain, Séverine Robert, Arianna Piccialli, Loïc Trompet, Justin Tyler Erwin, Soma Ubukata, Hiromu Nakagawa, Shungo Koyama, Romain Maggiolo, Nuno Pereira, Gaël Cessateur, Yannick Willame, Ann Carine Vandaele 2024, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Unexpected increase of the deuterium to hydrogen ratio in the Venus mesosphere
Stephenson, P., Koskinen, T. T., Brown, Z., Quémerais, E., Lavvas, P., Moses, J. I., Sandel, B., & Yelle, R. 2024, The Astrophysical Journal. Seasonal Variation of Saturn's Lyα Brightness
Clarke, John T., Majd Mayyasi, Dolon Bhattacharyya, Jean-Yves Chaufray, Nicolas Schneider, Bruce Jakosky, Roger Yelle, Franck Montmessin, Michael Chaffin, Shannon Curry, Justin Deighan, Sonal Jain, Jean-Loup Bertaux, Erin Cangi, Matteo Crismani, Scott Evans, Sumedha Gupta, Franck Lefevre, Greg Holsclaw, Daniel Lo, William McClintock, Michael Stevens, Ian Stewart, Shane Stone, Paul Mahaffy, Mehdi Benna, Meredith Elrod 2024, Science Advances. Martian atmospheric hydrogen and deuterium: Seasonal changes and paradigm for escape to space
Gupta, S., Yelle, R. V., Schneider, N. M., Jain, S. K., Braude, A. S., Verdier, L., F. Montmessin, H. Nakagawa, M. Mayyasi, J. Deighan, S. M. Curry 2024, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. Day/night differences in molecular oxygen in the martian upper atmosphere
Cangi, E. M., Chaffin, M. S., Yelle, R. V., Gregory, B. S., & Deighan, J. 2024, Geophysical Research Letters. Seasonal Enhancement in Upper Atmospheric D/H at Mars Driven by Both Thermospheric Temperature and Mesospheric Water
Cangi, Eryn, Chaffin, Michael, Yelle, Roger, Gregory, Bethan, & Deighan, Justin 2023, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Fully Coupled Photochemistry of the Deuterated Ionosphere of Mars and Its Effects on Escape of H and D
Braude, A. S., Montmessin, F., Schneider, N. M., Gupta, S., Jain, S. K., Lefèvre, F., Määttänen, A., Verdier, L., Flimon, Z., Jiang, F. Y., Yelle, R. V., Deighan, J., & Curry, S. M. 2023, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Seasonal, Latitudinal, and Longitudinal Trends in Nighttime Ozone Vertical Structure on Mars From MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations
Gupta, Sumedha, Yelle, Roger V., Schneider, Nicholas M., Jain, Sonal K., González-Galindo, Francisco, Verdier, Loic, Braude, Ashwin S., Montmessin, Franck, Mayyasi, Majd, Deighan, Justin, & Curry, Shannon 2022, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Thermal Structure of the Martian Upper Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere From MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations
Serigano, J., Hörst, S. M., He, C., Gautier, T., Yelle, R. V., Koskinen, T. T., Trainer, M. G., & Radke, M. J. 2022, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Compositional Measurements of Saturn's Upper Atmosphere and Rings From Cassini INMS: An Extended Analysis of Measurements From Cassini's Grand Finale Orbits
Stone, Shane W., Yelle, Roger V., Benna, Mehdi, Elrod, Meredith K., & Mahaffy, Paul R. 2022, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Neutral Composition and Horizontal Variations of the Martian Upper Atmosphere From MAVEN NGIMS
Chadney, J. M., Koskinen, T. T., Hu, X., Galand, M., Lavvas, P., Unruh, Y. C., Serigano, J., Hörst, S. M., & Yelle, R. V. 2022, Icarus. Energy deposition in Saturn's equatorial upper atmosphere
Lo, Daniel Y., Yelle, Roger V., Deighan, Justin I., Jain, Sonal K., Evans, J. Scott, Stevens, Michael H., Ajello, Joseph M., Mayyasi, Majd A., & Schneider, Nicholas M. 2022, Icarus. MAVEN/IUVS observations of C I 156.1 nm and 165.7 nm dayglow: Direct detection of carbon and implications on photochemical escape
Hanley, K. G., McFadden, J. P., Mitchell, D. L., Fowler, C. M., Stone, S. W., Yelle, R. V., Mayyasi, M., Ergun, R. E., Andersson, L., Benna, M., Elrod, M. K., & Jakosky, B. M. 2021, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics). In Situ Measurements of Thermal Ion Temperature in the Martian Ionosphere
Ergun, R. E., Andersson, L. A., Fowler, C. M., Thaller, S. A., & Yelle, R. V. 2021, Geophysical Research Letters. In-Situ Measurements of Electron Temperature and Density in Mars' Dayside Ionosphere
Yelle, Roger V., Koskinen, T. T., & Palmer, M. Y. 2021, Icarus. Titan occultations of Orion's belt observed with Cassini/UVIS
Mahieux, A., Yelle, R. V., Yoshida, N., Robert, S., Piccialli, A., Nakagawa, H., Kasaba, Y., Mills, F. P., & Vandaele, A. C. 2021, Icarus. Determination of the Venus eddy diffusion profile from CO and CO<SUB>2</SUB> profiles using SOIR/Venus Express observations
Chaufray, J. -Y., Gonzalez-Galindo, F., Lopez-Valverde, M. A., Forget, F., Quémerais, E., Bertaux, J. -L., Montmessin, F., Chaffin, M., Schneider, N., Clarke, J. T., Leblanc, F., Modolo, R., & Yelle, R. V. 2021, Icarus. Study of the hydrogen escape rate at Mars during martian years 28 and 29 from comparisons between SPICAM/Mars express observations and GCM-LMD simulations
Lo, D. Y., Yelle, R. V., Lillis, R. J., Deighan, J. I. 2021, Icarus Carbon photochemical escape rates from the modern Mars atmosphere
Lo, Daniel Y., Yelle, Roger V., & Lillis, Robert J. 2020, Icarus. Carbon photochemistry at Mars: Updates with recent data
Stone, Shane W., Yelle, Roger V., Benna, Mehdi, Lo, Daniel Y., Elrod, Meredith K., & Mahaffy, Paul R. 2020, Science. Hydrogen escape from Mars is driven by seasonal and dust storm transport of water
Koskinen, T. T., Sandel, B. R., Yelle, R. V., Holsclaw, G. M., & Quemerais, E. 2020, Icarus. Corrigendum to "Saturn in Lyman α: A comparison of Cassini and Voyager observations" [Icarus 339 (2020) 113594]
Nakagawa, Hiromu, Terada, Naoki, Jain, Sonal K., Schneider, Nicholas M., Montmessin, Franck, Yelle, Roger V., Jiang, Fayu, Verdier, Loic, England, Scott L., Seki, Kanako, Fujiwara, Hitoshi, Imamura, Takeshi, Yoshida, Nao, Kuroda, Takeshi, Terada, Kaori, Gröller, Hannes, Deighan, Justin, & Jakosky, Bruce M. 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Vertical Propagation of Wave Perturbations in the Middle Atmosphere on Mars by MAVEN/IUVS
Serigano, J., Hörst, S. M., He, C., Gautier, T., Yelle, R. V., Koskinen, T. T., & Trainer, M. G. 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Compositional Measurements of Saturn's Upper Atmosphere and Rings from Cassini INMS
Wu, X. -S., Cui, J., Yelle, R. V., Cao, Y. -T., He, Z. -G., He, F., & Wei, Y. 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Photoelectrons as a Tracer of Planetary Atmospheric Composition: Application to CO on Mars
Vriesema, J. W., Koskinen, T. T., & Yelle, R. V. 2020, Icarus. Electrodynamics in Saturn's thermosphere at low and middle latitudes
Koskinen, T. T., Sandel, B. R., Yelle, R. V., Holsclaw, G. M., & Quemerais, E. 2020, Icarus. Saturn in Lyman α: A comparison of Cassini and Voyager observations
Bhattacharyya, D., Chaufray, J. Y., Mayyasi, M., Clarke, J. T., Stone, S., Yelle, R. V., Pryor, W., Bertaux, J. L., Deighan, J., Jain, S. K., & Schneider, N. M. 2020, Icarus. Two-dimensional model for the martian exosphere: Applications to hydrogen and deuterium Lyman α observations
Peterson, W. K., Andersson, L., Ergun, R., Thiemann, Ed, Pilinski, Marcin, Thaller, S., Fowler, C., Mitchell, D., Benna, M., Yelle, R., & Stone, Shane 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics). Subsolar Electron Temperatures in the Lower Martian Ionosphere
Nakagawa, Hiromu, Jain, Sonal K., Schneider, Nicholas M., Montmessin, Franck, Yelle, Roger V., Jiang, Fayu, Verdier, Loic, Kuroda, Takeshi, Yoshida, Nao, Fujiwara, Hitoshi, Imamura, Takeshi, Terada, Naoki, Terada, Kaori, Seki, Kanako, Gröller, Hannes, & Deighan, Justin I. 2020, Geophysical Research Letters. A Warm Layer in the Nightside Mesosphere of Mars
Siddle, A. G., Mueller-Wodarg, I. C. F., Stone, S. W., & Yelle, R. V. 2019, Icarus. Global characteristics of gravity waves in the upper atmosphere of Mars as measured by MAVEN/NGIMS
Lian, Yuan & Yelle, Roger V. 2019, Icarus. Damping of gravity waves by kinetic processes in Jupiter's thermosphere
Jiang, F. Y., Yelle, Roger V., Jain, S. K., Cui, J., Montmessin, F., Schneider, N. M., Deighan, J., Gröller, H., & Verdier, L. 2019, Geophysical Research Letters. Detection of Mesospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Ice Clouds on Mars in Southern Summer
Vuitton, V., Yelle, R. V., Klippenstein, S. J., Hörst, S. M., & Lavvas, P. 2019, Icarus. Simulating the density of organic species in the atmosphere of Titan with a coupled ion-neutral photochemical model
Cui, J., Cao, Y. -T., Wu, X. -S., Xu, S. -S., Yelle, R. V., Stone, S., Vigren, E., Edberg, N. J. T., Shen, C. -L., He, F., & Wei, Y. 2019, The Astrophysical Journal. Evaluating Local Ionization Balance in the Nightside Martian Upper Atmosphere during MAVEN Deep Dip Campaigns
Vandaele, Ann Carine, Korablev, Oleg, Daerden, Frank, Aoki, Shohei, Thomas, Ian R., Altieri, Francesca, López-Valverde, Miguel, Villanueva, Geronimo, Liuzzi, Giuliano, Smith, Michael D., Erwin, Justin T., Trompet, Loïc, Fedorova, Anna A., Montmessin, Franck, Trokhimovskiy, Alexander, Belyaev, Denis A., Ignatiev, Nikolay I., Luginin, Mikhail, Olsen, Kevin S., Baggio, Lucio, Alday, Juan, Bertaux, Jean-Loup, Betsis, Daria, Bolsée, David, Clancy, R. Todd, Cloutis, Edward, Depiesse, Cédric, Funke, Bernd, Garcia-Comas, Maia, Gérard, Jean-Claude, Giuranna, Marco, Gonzalez-Galindo, Francisco, Grigoriev, Alexey V., Ivanov, Yuriy S., Kaminski, Jacek, Karatekin, Ozgur, Lefèvre, Franck, Lewis, Stephen, López-Puertas, Manuel, Mahieux, Arnaud, Maslov, Igor, Mason, Jon, Mumma, Michael J., Neary, Lori, Neefs, Eddy, Patrakeev, Andrey, Patsaev, Dmitry, Ristic, Bojan, Robert, Séverine, Schmidt, Frédéric, Shakun, Alexey, Teanby, Nicholas A., Viscardy, Sébastien, Willame, Yannick, Whiteway, James, Wilquet, Valérie, Wolff, Michael J., Bellucci, Giancarlo, Patel, Manish R., López-Moreno, Jose-Juan, Forget, François, Wilson, Colin F., Svedhem, Håkan, Vago, Jorge L., Rodionov, Daniel, NOMAD Science Team, Vandaele, Ann Carine, López-Moreno, Jose-Juan, Bellucci, Giancarlo, Patel, Manish R., Alonso-Rodrigo, Gustavo, Aoki, Shohei, Altieri, Francesca, Bauduin, Sophie, Bolsée, David, Carrozzo, Giacomo, Clancy, R. Todd, Cloutis, Edward, Crismani, Matteo, Daerden, Frank, da Pieve, Fabiana, D'Aversa, Emiliano, Depiesse, Cédric, Erwin, Justin T., Etiope, Giuseppe, Fedorova, Anna A., Funke, Bernd, Fussen, Didier, Garcia-Comas, Maia, Geminale, Anna, Gérard, Jean-Claude, Giuranna, Marco, Gkouvelis, Leo, Gonzalez-Galindo, Francisco, Holmes, James, Hubert, Benoît, Ignatiev, Nicolay I., Kaminski, Jacek, Karatekin, Ozgur, Kasaba, Yasumasa, Kass, David, Kleinböhl, Armin, Lanciano, Orietta, Lefèvre, Franck, Lewis, Stephen, Liuzzi, Giuliano, López-Puertas, Manuel, López-Valverde, Miguel, Mahieux, Arnaud, Mason, Jon, Mumma, Michael J., Nakagawa, Hiromu, Neary, Lori, Neefs, Eddy, Novak, Robert E., Oliva, Fabrizio, Piccialli, Arianna, Renotte, Etienne, Ritter, Birgit, Robert, Séverine, Schmidt, Frédéric, Schneider, Nick, Sindoni, Giuseppe, Smith, Michael D., Teanby, Nicholas A., Thiemann, Ed, Thomas, Ian R., Trokhimovskiy, Alexander, Trompet, Loïc, Vander Auwera, Jean, Villanueva, Geronimo, Viscardy, Sébastien, Whiteway, James, Wilquet, Valerie, Willame, Yannick, Wolff, Michael J., Wolkenberg, Paulina, Yelle, Roger, ACS Science Team, Alday, Juan, Altieri, Francesca, Anufreychik, Konstantin, Arnold, Gabriele, Baggio, Lucio, Belyaev, Denis A., Bertaux, Jean-Loup, Duxbury, Natalia, Fedorova, Anna A., Forget, François, Fouchet, Thierry, Grassi, Davide, Grigoriev, Alexey V., Guerlet, Sandrine, Hartogh, Paul, Ignatiev, Nikolay I., Kasaba, Yasumasa, Khatuntsev, Igor, Kokonkov, Nikita, Korablev, Oleg, Krasnopolsky, Vladimir, Kuzmin, Ruslan, Lacombe, Gaétan, Lefèvre, Franck, Lellouch, Emmanuel, López-Valverde, Miguel, Maslov, Igor, Luginin, Mikhail, Määttänen, Anni, Marcq, Emmanuel, Martin-Torres, Javier, Medvedev, Alexander, Millour, Ehouarn, Montmessin, Franck, Moshkin, Boris, Olsen, Kevin S., Patel, Manish R., Patrakeev, Andrey, Patsaev, Dmitry, Quantin-Nataf, Cathy, Rodionov, Daniel, Rodin, Alexander, Shakun, Alexey, Shematovich, Valery, Thomas, Ian R., Thomas, Nicolas, Trokhimovsky, Alexander, Vazquez, Luis, Vincendon, Matthieu, Wilquet, Valérie, Wilson, Colin F., Young, Roland, Zasova, Ludmila, Zelenyi, Lev, & Zorzano, Maria Paz 2019, Nature. Martian dust storm impact on atmospheric H<SUB>2</SUB>O and D/H observed by ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter
Korablev, Oleg, Avandaele, Ann Carine, Montmessin, Franck, Fedorova, Anna A., Trokhimovskiy, Alexander, Forget, François, Lefèvre, Franck, Daerden, Frank, Thomas, Ian R., Trompet, Loïc, Erwin, Justin T., Aoki, Shohei, Robert, Séverine, Neary, Lori, Viscardy, Sébastien, Grigoriev, Alexey V., Ignatiev, Nikolay I., Shakun, Alexey, Patrakeev, Andrey, Belyaev, Denis A., Bertaux, Jean-Loup, Olsen, Kevin S., Baggio, Lucio, Alday, Juan, Ivanov, Yuriy S., Ristic, Bojan, Mason, Jon, Willame, Yannick, Depiesse, Cédric, Hetey, Laszlo, Berkenbosch, Sophie, Clairquin, Roland, Queirolo, Claudio, Beeckman, Bram, Neefs, Eddy, Patel, Manish R., Bellucci, Giancarlo, López-Moreno, Jose-Juan, Wilson, Colin F., Etiope, Giuseppe, Zelenyi, Lev, Svedhem, Håkan, Vago, Jorge L., ACS Science Team, NOMAD Science Team, Alonso-Rodrigo, Gustavo, Altieri, Francesca, Anufreychik, Konstantin, Arnold, Gabriele, Bauduin, Sophie, Bolsée, David, Carrozzo, Giacomo, Clancy, R. Todd, Cloutis, Edward, Crismani, Matteo, da Pieve, Fabiana, D'Aversa, Emiliano, Duxbury, Natalia, Encrenaz, Therese, Fouchet, Thierry, Funke, Bernd, Fussen, Didier, Garcia-Comas, Maia, Gérard, Jean-Claude, Giuranna, Marco, Gkouvelis, Leo, Gonzalez-Galindo, Francisco, Grassi, Davide, Guerlet, Sandrine, Hartogh, Paul, Holmes, James, Hubert, Benoît, Kaminski, Jacek, Karatekin, Ozgur, Kasaba, Yasumasa, Kass, David, Khatuntsev, Igor, Kleinböhl, Armin, Kokonkov, Nikita, Krasnopolsky, Vladimir, Kuzmin, Ruslan, Lacombe, Gaétan, Lanciano, Orietta, Lellouch, Emmanuel, Lewis, Stephen, Luginin, Mikhail, Liuzzi, Giuliano, López-Puertas, Manuel, López-Valverde, Miguel, Määttänen, Anni, Mahieux, Arnaud, Marcq, Emmanuel, Martin-Torres, Javier, Maslov, Igor, Medvedev, Alexander, Millour, Ehouarn, Moshkin, Boris, Mumma, Michael J., Nakagawa, Hiromu, Novak, Robert E., Oliva, Fabrizio, Patsaev, Dmitry, Piccialli, Arianna, Quantin-Nataf, Cathy, Renotte, Etienne, Ritter, Birgit, Rodin, Alexander, Schmidt, Frédéric, Schneider, Nick, Shematovich, Valery, Smith, Michael D., Teanby, Nicholas A., Thiemann, Ed, Thomas, Nicolas, Vander Auwera, Jean, Vazquez, Luis, Villanueva, Geronimo, Vincendon, Matthieu, Whiteway, James, Wilquet, Valérie, Wolff, Michael J., Wolkenberg, Paulina, Yelle, Roger, Young, Roland, Zasova, Ludmila, & Zorzano, Maria Paz 2019, Nature. No detection of methane on Mars from early ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter observations
Wu, X. -S., Cui, J., Xu, S. S., Lillis, R. J., Yelle, R. V., Edberg, N. J. T., Vigren, E., Rong, Z. -J., Fan, K., Guo, J. -P., Cao, Y. -T., Jiang, F. -Y., Wei, Y., & Mitchell, D. L. 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). The Morphology of the Topside Martian Ionosphere: Implications on Bulk Ion Flow
Mayyasi, Majd, Clarke, J., Bhattacharyya, D., Chaufray, J. Y., Benna, M., Mahaffy, P., Stone, S., Yelle, R., Thiemann, E., Chaffin, M., Deighan, J., Jain, S., Schneider, N., & Jakosky, B. 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics). Seasonal Variability of Deuterium in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
Müller-Wodarg, I. C. F., Koskinen, T. T., Moore, L., Serigano, J., Yelle, R. V., Hörst, S., Waite, J. H., & Mendillo, M. 2019, Geophysical Research Letters. Atmospheric Waves and Their Possible Effect on the Thermal Structure of Saturn's Thermosphere
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Semester | Course | Day/Time | Location | Resources | |
Fall 2023 | PTYS 595B-2 | Monday, Wednesday 9:30-10:45a.m. | Kuiper 301 | D2L | |
Fall 2025 | PTYS 407-001 | Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00-11:50a.m. | Kuiper 312 | D2L |
Semester | Course | Day/Time | Location | Resources | |
Spring 2023 | PTYS 517-1 | Monday, Wednesday 9:30-10:45a.m. | Kuiper 312 | Syllabus | |
Spring 2021 | PTYS/ASTR/GEOS/PHYS 403-1 | Tuesday, Thursday 11:00a.m.-12:15p.m. | Kuiper 312 | Syllabus D2L |
Spring 2021 | PTYS/ASTR/GEOS/PHYS 503-1 | Tuesday, Thursday 11:00a.m.-12:15p.m. | Kuiper 312 | Syllabus D2L |
Spring 2019 | PTYS/ASTR 170B2-2 | Tuesday, Thursday 12:30-1:45p.m. | Kuiper 308 | Syllabus | |
Spring 2018 | PTYS 595B-1 | Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00 - 11:50a.m. | Kuiper 312 |
View LPL Evening Lecture from September 10, 2014, A Comet Approaches Mars
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