PTYS/LPL Faculty

William Hubbard
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., 1967, Berkeley
Years with LPL: 1972 to present
Exoplanets, Planetary Atmospheres, Planetary Formation and Evolution, Theoretical Astrophysics, Titan & Outer Solar System, Planetary interiors
Dr. Hubbard's research focuses on studies of the structure and evolution of Jupiter, Saturn, and extrasolar giant planets (EGPs). Originally as a Co-Investigator with the proposed INSIDE Jupiter orbiter and now as a Juno Co-Investigator, he showed how high-precision gravity data from a close-range Jupiter orbiter can be used to determine the depths to which Jupiter's extraordinary zonal wind patterns penetrate. Hubbard contributed to the 2013-2022 Planetary Sciences Decadal Survey of the US National Research Council as a member of the Giant Planet Panel. He is a Fellow of the American Astronomical Society, the American Geophysical Union, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was awarded the 2005 Gerard P. Kuiper Prize in Planetary Sciences by the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society.
Hubbard continues as a Co-Investigator on the Juno spacecraft, orbiting Jupiter since 2016 and now in an extended mission which includes radio-occultation studies of the atmosphere at multiple latitudes.
Current Grants
- Juno Science Support Phase E Activities, NASA
Current Spacecraft Involvement
Juno- Juno (NASA New Frontiers Jupiter orbiter mission), launched August 2011, orbiting Jupiter since 2016: Juno Mission
Former Spacecraft Involvement
- INSIDE Jupiter Co-Investigator (low-periapse orbiter mission proposed under NASA Discovery Program, 1998 and 2001 cycles)
Student Collaborations/Advising
- Maki Hattori, 2008 (M.S. PTYS)
- Jonathan Fortney, 2004 (Ph.D. PTYS)
- Robert Marcialis, 1990 (Ph.D. PTYS)
- Mark Marley, 1990 (Ph.D. PTYS)
- Joseph MacFarlane, 1983 (Ph.D. PTYS)
- Wayne Slattery, 1976 (Ph.D. PTYS)
Former Postdocs
- Tristan Guillot, 1995-1996
- Didier Saumon, 1992-1994
- George Horedt, 1982-1983
Complete publications list available from: NASA ADS Author search: William B. Hubbard
Recent refereed publications (NASA ADS): Years 2019 through 2022
Miguel, Y., Bazot, M., Guillot, T., Howard, S., Galanti, E., Kaspi, Y., Hubbard, W. B., Militzer, B., Helled, R., Atreya, S. K., Connerney, J. E. P., Durante, D., Kulowski, L., Lunine, J. I., Stevenson, D., & Bolton, S. 2022, Astronomy and Astrophysics. Jupiter's inhomogeneous envelope
Helled, Ravit, Stevenson, David J., Lunine, Jonathan I., Bolton, Scott J., Nettelmann, Nadine, Atreya, Sushil, Guillot, Tristan, Militzer, Burkhard, Miguel, Yamila, & Hubbard, William B. 2022, Icarus. Revelations on Jupiter's formation, evolution and interior: Challenges from Juno results
Marques Oliveira, J., Sicardy, B., Gomes-Júnior, A. R., Ortiz, J. L., Strobel, D. F., Bertrand, T., Forget, F., Lellouch, E., Desmars, J., Bérard, D., Doressoundiram, A., Lecacheux, J., Leiva, R., Meza, E., Roques, F., Souami, D., Widemann, T., Santos-Sanz, P., Morales, N., Duffard, R., Fernández-Valenzuela, E., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Braga-Ribas, F., Morgado, B. E., Assafin, M., Camargo, J. I. B., Vieira-Martins, R., Benedetti-Rossi, G., Santos-Filho, S., Banda-Huarca, M. V., Quispe-Huaynasi, F., Pereira, C. L., Rommel, F. L., Margoti, G., Dias-Oliveira, A., Colas, F., Berthier, J., Renner, S., Hueso, R., Pérez-Hoyos, S., Sánchez-Lavega, A., Rojas, J. F., Beisker, W., Kretlow, M., Herald, D., Gault, D., Bath, K. -L., Bode, H. -J., Bredner, E., Guhl, K., Haymes, T. V., Hummel, E., Kattentidt, B., Klös, O., Pratt, A., Thome, B., Avdellidou, C., Gazeas, K., Karampotsiou, E., Tzouganatos, L., Kardasis, E., Christou, A. A., Xilouris, E. M., Alikakos, I., Gourzelas, A., Liakos, A., Charmandaris, V., Jelínek, M., Štrobl, J., Eberle, A., Rapp, K., Gährken, B., Klemt, B., Kowollik, S., Bitzer, R., Miller, M., Herzogenrath, G., Frangenberg, D., Brandis, L., Pütz, I., Perdelwitz, V., Piehler, G. M., Riepe, P., von Poschinger, K., Baruffetti, P., Cenadelli, D., Christille, J. -M., Ciabattari, F., Di Luca, R., Alboresi, D., Leto, G., Zanmar Sanchez, R., Bruno, P., Occhipinti, G., Morrone, L., Cupolino, L., Noschese, A., Vecchione, A., Scalia, C., Lo Savio, R., Giardina, G., Kamoun, S., Barbosa, R., Behrend, R., Spano, M., Bouchet, E., Cottier, M., Falco, L., Gallego, S., Tortorelli, L., Sposetti, S., Sussenbach, J., Van Den Abbeel, F., André, P., Llibre, M., Pailler, F., Ardissone, J., Boutet, M., Sanchez, J., Bretton, M., Cailleau, A., Pic, V., Granier, L., Chauvet, R., Conjat, M., Dauvergne, J. L., Dechambre, O., Delay, P., Delcroix, M., Rousselot, L., Ferreira, J., Machado, P., Tanga, P., Rivet, J. -P., Frappa, E., Irzyk, M., Jabet, F., Kaschinski, M., Klotz, A., Rieugnie, Y., Klotz, A. N., Labrevoir, O., Lavandier, D., Walliang, D., Leroy, A., Bouley, S., Lisciandra, S., Coliac, J. -F., Metz, F., Erpelding, D., Nougayrède, P., Midavaine, T., Miniou, M., Moindrot, S., Morel, P., Reginato, B., Reginato, E., Rudelle, J., Tregon, B., Tanguy, R., David, J., Thuillot, W., Hestroffer, D., Vaudescal, G., Baba Aissa, D., Grigahcene, Z., Briggs, D., Broadbent, S., Denyer, P., Haigh, N. J., Quinn, N., Thurston, G., Fossey, S. J., Arena, C., Jennings, M., Talbot, J., Alonso, S., Román Reche, A., Casanova, V., Briggs, E., Iglesias-Marzoa, R., Abril Ibáñez, J., Díaz Martín, M. C., González, H., Maestre García, J. L., Marchant, J., Ordonez-Etxeberria, I., Martorell, P., Salamero, J., Organero, F., Ana, L., Fonseca, F., Peris, V., Brevia, O., Selva, A., Perello, C., Cabedo, V., Gonçalves, R., Ferreira, M., Marques Dias, F., Daassou, A., Barkaoui, K., Benkhaldoun, Z., Guennoun, M., Chouqar, J., Jehin, E., Rinner, C., Lloyd, J., El Moutamid, M., Lamarche, C., Pollock, J. T., Caton, D. B., Kouprianov, V., Timerson, B. W., Blanchard, G., Payet, B., Peyrot, A., Teng-Chuen-Yu, J. -P., Françoise, J., Mondon, B., Payet, T., Boissel, C., Castets, M., Hubbard, W. B., Hill, R., Reitsema, H. J., Mousis, O., Ball, L., Neilsen, G., Hutcheon, S., Lay, K., Anderson, P., Moy, M., Jonsen, M., Pink, I., Walters, R., & Downs, B. 2022, Astronomy and Astrophysics. Constraints on the structure and seasonal variations of Triton's atmosphere from the 5 October 2017 stellar occultation and previous observations
Wisdom, Jack. Dbouk, Rola, Militzer, Burkhard, Hubbard, William B., Nimmo, Francis, Downey, Brynna G., French, Richard G. 2022, Science. Loss of a satellite could explain Saturn’s obliquity and young rings
Militzer, Burkhard, Hubbard, William B., Wahl, Sean, Lunine, Jonathan I., Galanti, Eli, Kaspi, Yohai, Miguel, Yamila, Guillot, Tristan, Moore, Kimberly M., Parisi, Marzia, Connerney, John E. P., Helled, Ravid, Cao, Hao, Mankovich, Christopher, Stevenson, David J., Park, Ryan S, Wong, Mike, Atreya, Sushil K., Anderson, John, Bolton, Scott J. 2022, The Planetary Science Journal. Juno Spacecraft Measurements of Jupiter's Gravity Imply a Dilute Core
Buccino, Dustin R., Helled, Ravit, Parisi, Marzia, Hubbard, William B., & Folkner, William M. 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets). Updated Equipotential Shapes of Jupiter and Saturn Using Juno and Cassini Grand Finale Gravity Science Measurements
Wahl, Sean M., Parisi, Marzia, Folkner, William M., Hubbard, William B., & Militzer, Burkhard 2020, The Astrophysical Journal. Equilibrium Tidal Response of Jupiter: Detectability by the Juno Spacecraft
Militzer, B., Wahl, S., & Hubbard, W. B. 2019, The Astrophysical Journal. Models of Saturn's Interior Constructed with an Accelerated Concentric Maclaurin Spheroid Method
Iess, L., Militzer, B., Kaspi, Y., Nicholson, P., Durante, D., Racioppa, P., Anabtawi, A., Galanti, E., Hubbard, W., Mariani, M. J., Tortora, P., Wahl, S., & Zannoni, M. 2019, Science. Measurement and implications of Saturn's gravity field and ring mass
- Robotic Exploration of the Outer Planets Began 50 Years Ago - April 19, 2023
- From Points of Light to Worlds: UA Explores the Solar System - July 3, 2019
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View LPL Evening Lecture from September 8, 2015, Juno - Revealing Jupiter's Depths
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