Special Colloquium: Emily Lakdawalla

Speak Your Science


2:30 – 3:30 p.m., Feb. 5, 2018


Emily Lakdawalla
Senior Editor and Planetary Evangelist
The Planetary Society

Speak Your Science: How to give a better presentation

Bad presentation often gets in the way of great science. Professional meetings are an opportunity for scientists to communicate with potential collaborators, employers, or funders about their exciting work. Unfortunately, many people squander their opportunities in the spotlight by delivering confusing, boring, or just plain bad presentations. I'll provide guidelines on how to prepare a conference talk that will educate and perhaps even entertain, whether your audience is one of skeptical peers or the general public. Much of the advice also applies to writing about your science.

Refreshments will be served at 1:15 pm in the atrium

View Emily Lakdawalla's lecture