7:30 p.m., Jan. 21, 2008
Kuiper Space Sciences 308
Jonnathan Lunine will discuss: “Radar on Titan: New Discoveries about Methane Lakes and Streams.”
Saturn’s planet-sized moon Titan is a world of lakes, streams, mountains, and maybe ice volcanoes — all revealed by instruments aboard the Cassini Orbiter. This lecture will focus on radar images to give you a tour of this exotic world, one that may have something to teach us about Earth’s past and future.
Doors open at 7 p.m.
Saturn’s planet-sized moon Titan is a world of lakes, streams, mountains, and maybe ice volcanoes — all revealed by instruments aboard the Cassini Orbiter. This lecture will focus on radar images to give you a tour of this exotic world, one that may have something to teach us about Earth’s past and future.
Doors open at 7 p.m.