LPL Colloquium: Dr. Jessica Jane Barnes

Unravelling the Origin and Evolution of Magmatic Lunar Volatiles


3:45 – 4:45 p.m., March 15, 2018


Dr. Jessica Jane Barnes
NASA Postdoctoral Fellow
Astromaterials Research & Exploration Science (ARES)
Johnson Space Center

Magmatic volatiles (H, Cl, F, S, C, N) are a powerful tool for understanding how planetary bodies formed and evolved. Recent advancements in analytical instrumentation have permitted discoveries of volatiles in lunar samples that were not possible during the Apollo era. In this talk I will present hydrogen and chlorine isotope data obtained from a geochemically diverse group of lunar rocks. These data provide evidence for the common heritage of water in the Moon, Earth, Mars, and some ancient asteroids, and allow us to explore the roles that volatiles played during the magmatic differentiation of the Moon and subsequent mare volcanism.

Host: Professor Dante Lauretta