LPL Colloquium: Dr. Ilaria Pascucci

The Evolution of Disk Winds and their Impact on Planet Formation


3:45 p.m., May 4, 2021


Dr. Ilaria Pascucci
Associate Professor
University of Arizona, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory

The Evolution of Disk Winds and their Impact on Planet Formation

Disk winds are often invoked to explain the evolution and dispersal of protoplanetary disks and are thought to play a critical role in the formation and subsequent migration of planets. Yet, their properties and efficiency are poorly constrained observationally. I will present recent results from our high-resolution optical and infrared surveys of proto-planetary disks in different evolutionary stages targeting disk wind diagnostics. I will discuss some of the basic wind properties that can be inferred from these datasets and first attempts to measure wind mass loss rates. I will conclude by sketching an evolutionary scenario that could explain the data at hand and critical measurements to further test it.

Host: Dr. Timothy Swindle

More about Dr. Ilaria Pascucci

View Dr. Pascucci's lecture