3:45 p.m., Oct. 7, 2014
Kuiper Space Sciences 312
Dr. Carol Paty
Associate Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology
From Ionospheric Electrodynamics at Mars to Mass and Momentum Loading at Saturn: Quantifying the Impact of Neutral-Plasma Interactions using Plasma Dynamic Simulations
Planetary environments provide compelling natural laboratories for exploring and quantifying the various expressions of plasma-neutral interactions in magnetospheric systems. Quantifying these interactions requires consideration of momentum and energy exchange between neutral and plasma populations, tracking of plasma sources and losses, and propagation of these effects into the generation of currents and fields. We have incorporated these interactions into a multifluid plasma dynamic modeling infrastructure in order to examine their influence in two very different planetary environments: Mars and Saturn.
Host: Walt Harris
Associate Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology
From Ionospheric Electrodynamics at Mars to Mass and Momentum Loading at Saturn: Quantifying the Impact of Neutral-Plasma Interactions using Plasma Dynamic Simulations
Planetary environments provide compelling natural laboratories for exploring and quantifying the various expressions of plasma-neutral interactions in magnetospheric systems. Quantifying these interactions requires consideration of momentum and energy exchange between neutral and plasma populations, tracking of plasma sources and losses, and propagation of these effects into the generation of currents and fields. We have incorporated these interactions into a multifluid plasma dynamic modeling infrastructure in order to examine their influence in two very different planetary environments: Mars and Saturn.
Host: Walt Harris
LPL Colloquium