Bratfest XXII: Festier, Brattier, Cheesier

Saturday, September 23, 2000; Hawthorne House, Tucson, AZ, USA

Oh, goody! They've sent another one!

Bratfest 2000 is Festier, Brattier, Cheesier (that's right why settle for only two when you can have all three) and almost upon us!

  • We provide: Everything! A (nearly) unlimited supply of bratwurst, corn-on-the-cob, cheesecake, sauerkraut, cheese, and of course, lots of beers and sodas.
  • You provide: Yourself, family, and friends
  • We ask that you consider a modest donation ($5 per person) towards the rather large expenses. Better still, consider becoming a Bratfest Sponsor by donating $20 or more per person or family to support our worthy cause. (Checks should be made payable to Bratfest, and can be sent directly to 3002 E. Hawthorne, Tucson, AZ 85716)
  • Don't forget to reserve your limited edition commemorative t-shirt! See a Bratfest Representative for details.

    On the front of the t-shirt will be the words: FESTIER, BRATTIER, CHEESIER, and on the back will be:

    Oh, goody! They've sent another one!

Map to Hawthorne House

Here's an inconvenient map showing how to get to Hawthorne House. If you want a more convenient version, download the map to Hawthorne House (PDF).

Map to Hawthorne House at 3002 East Hawthorne Street, Tucson, Arizona

Wanna help advertise Bratfest 22? Then download the Bratfest 22 flyer (its in Adobe PDF format), make a billion copies, and tack them up everywhere!

Scenes from Bratfest XXII caught on (digital) film

These were some scenes from this year's fest.

Pre-fest preparations. Peter and Fred pose next to the Podunk Ale Piñata (GIF)

Early crowd shots.

Jobs at Bratfest: Rachel selling T-shirts, Bob doing corn, Celinda serving cheesecake.

Happy fest-goers.

Children's piñata (its a corn cob).

Adult's piñata (it had candy and little bottles of booze inside).
Thanks to Pete Lanagan for the pinatas.

Bratfest dancing was caught on film, although these still images don't do any justice to the dancers or the disco solar system that spins above their heads.

The fest was a success, and these party-goers, content on brats, beer, corn, and cheescake are content well through the night.