Ken Domanik

Ken was born and raised in Wisconsin and graduated from the University of Wisconsin with an M.B.A. in 1982. After running a small computer consulting business for several years, he returned to school to pursue his life-long love of geology in more depth, and obtained a Ph.D. in Geology from Arizona State University in 1997. After managing the C.M. Scarfe Laboratory of Experimental Petrology in Edmonton Alberta, he returned to Arizona to manage the University of Arizona Electron Microprobe Laboratory in 1999. Ken's research interests include experimental petrology, electron microscopy, igneous and metamorphic petrology, Precambrian geology, the origin of achondrite meteorites, and the geology of the North American Cordillera and Lake Superior regions.
- Ph.D., 1997, Arizona State University
- M.B.A., 1982, University of Wisconsin
Gardner-Vandy K. G.; Hill D.H.; Lauretta D. S.; Goreva Y.S.; Domanik K.J.; Greenwood R.C.; Franchi I.A.; Killgore M. (2011) Petrology and geochemistry of the Northwest Africa 3368 eucrite.
Haynes, C.V. Jr.; Boerner, J.; Domanik, K.; Lauretta, D.; Ballenger, J.; Goreva, J. (2010) The Murray Springs Clovis site, Pleistocene extinction, and the question of extraterrestrial impact.
Schrader D. L., Lauretta D.S., Connolly jr., H.C., Goreva Y.S.; Hill D.H.; Domanik K.J.; Berger E.L.; Yang H.; Downs R.T. (2010) Sulfide-rich metallic impact melts from chondritic parent bodies.
Domanik K.J., Kolar S., Musselwhite D. and Drake M.J. (2004) Accessory silicate mineral assemblages in the Bilanga diogenite: A petrographic study.
Domanik K.J. and Holloway J.R. (2000) Experimental synthesis and phase relations of phengitic muscovite from 6.5 to 11 GPa in a calcareous metapelite from the Dabie Mountains, China. In Ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks.
Smyth J.R., Jacobsen S.D., Swope R.J., Angel R.J., Arlt T., Domanik K.J. and Holloway J.R. (2000) Crystal structures and compressibilities of synthetic 2M1 and 3T phengite micas.
Domanik K.J. and Holloway J.R. (1996) The stability and composition of phengitic muscovite and associated phases from 5.5 to 11 GPa; implications for deeply subducted sediments.
Domanik K.J., Hervig R.L. and Peacock S.M. (1993) Beryllium and boron in subduction zone minerals: An ion microprobe study.