
We formally acknowledge that LPLC is held on the traditional lands of the Tohono O’odham people. For a more in-depth acknowledgment of the presence of the university on the Tohono O'odham ancestral lands, we recommend you read this statement written by the Tohono O'odham Student Association or read about the university's land acknowledgment statement.

The Lunar and Planetary Laboratory Conference is an opportunity for each member of the department, from undergraduate intern to emeritus faculty, to present to and learn about the activities of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory/Department of Planetary Science at the University of Arizona, and closely affiliated programs in the university and Tucson community. Presentation topics include but are not limited to original research, data archiving/analysis, spacecraft missions (concepts, operations, updates on ongoing missions), history of planetary science, outreach, and teaching, and we value all contributions.

As LPL represents a diverse range of scientific pursuits, academic levels, and associated activities, LPLC will reflect the academic and demographic make-up of the department as closely as is feasible given the travel and sabbatical commitments of the members of the departmental, university, and Tucson planetary science community.

The organizers of the LPLC support and affirm the contributions of a wide variety of participants and their identities. This includes, but is not limited to a participant's: degree status, race, color, mental health status, religion, caste, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or genetic information. 

This year's organizers are Robert Melikyan, Dingshan Deng, Namya Baijal, and Rishi Chandra.

Please contact PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmhueWN5cGJhc3JlcmFwckB0em52eS5wYnoiPmhueWN5cGJhc3JlcmFwckB0em52eS5wYno8L24+ with any questions.