I try to keep a current list up to date at NASA ADS and Google Scholar.
Papers and Book Chapters
- Hansen, C. J., S. Byrne, W. M. Calvin, S. Diniega, C. M. Dundas, P. O. Hayne, A. S. McEwen, L. E. McKeown, S. Piqueux, G. Portyankina, M. E. Schwamb, T. N. Titus, and J. M. Widmer 2024. A comparison of CO2 seasonal activity in Mars' northern and southern hemispheres. Icarus 419, 115801.
- Rangarajan, V. G., L. L. Tornabene, G. R. Osinski, C. M. Dundas, R. A. Beyer, K. E. Herkenhoff, S. Byrne, R. Heyd, F. P. Seelos, G. Munaretto, and A. Dapremont 2024. Novel quantitative methods to enable multispectral identification of high-purity water ice exposures on Mars using High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) images. Icarus 419, 115849.
- Zurek, R., L. Tamppari, M. D. Johnston, S. Murchie, A. McEwen, S. Byrne, R. Seu, N. Putzig, D. Kass, M. Malin, and B. Cantor 2024. MRO overview: Sixteen years in Mars orbit. Icarus 419, 116102.
- McEwen, A. S., S. Byrne, C. Hansen, I. J. Daubar, S. Sutton, C. M. Dundas, N. Bardabelias, N. Baugh, J. Bergstrom, R. Beyer, K. M. Block, V. J. Bray, J. C. Bridges, M. Chojnacki, S. J. Conway, W. A. Delamere, T. Ebben, A. Espinosa, A. Fennema, J. Grant, V. C. Gulick, K. E. Herkenhoff, R. Heyd, R. Leis, L. Ojha, S. Papendick, C. Schaller, N. Thomas, L. L. Tornabene, C. Weitz, and S. A. Wilson 2024. The high-resolution imaging science experiment (HiRISE) in the MRO extended science phases (2009–2023). \icarus 419, 115795.
- Landis, M. E., C. M. Dundas, A. S. McEwen, I. J. Daubar, P. O. Hayne, S. Byrne, S. S. Sutton, V. G. Rangarajan, L. L. Tornabene, A. Britton, and K. E. Herkenhoff 2024. New, dated small impacts on the South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD), Mars, and implications for shallow subsurface properties. Icarus 419, 115977.
- Izquierdo, K., A. M. Bramson, T. McClintock, K. L. Laferriere, S. Byrne, J. Bapst, and I. Smith 2023. Local Ice Mass Balance Rates via Bayesian Analysis of Mars Polar Trough Migration. J. Geophys. Res. 128, e2023JE007964.
- Almeida, M., M. Read, N. Thomas, G. Cremonese, P. Becerra, G. Borrini, S. Byrne, M. Gruber, R. Heyd, C. M. Marriner, G. McArthur, A. S. McEwen, A. Pommerol, J. Perry, and C. Schaller 2023. Targeting and image acquisition of Martian surface features with TGO/CaSSIS. Planet Space Sci. 231, 105697.
- Dundas, C. M., M. T. Mellon, L. V. Posiolova, K. Miljković, G. S. Collins, L. L. Tornabene, V. G. Rangarajan, M. P. Golombek, N. H. Warner, I. J. Daubar, S. Byrne, A. S. McEwen, K. D. Seelos, D. Viola, A. M. Bramson, and G. Speth 2023. A Large New Crater Exposes the Limits of Water Ice on Mars. Geophys. Res. Lett. 50, e2022GL100747.
- O'Brien, P., S. Byrne 2022. Double Shadows at the Lunar Poles. The Planetary Science Journal, 3, 258.
- Perry, J. E., R. Heyd, M. Read, L. L. Tornabene, S. S. Sutton, S. Byrne, N. Thomas, A. Fennema, A. McEwen, and K. Berry 2022. Geometric processing of TGO CaSSIS observations. Planet. Space Sci. 223, 105581.
- O'Brien, P., S. Byrne 2022. Degradation of the Lunar Surface by Small Impacts. The Planetary Science Journal, 3, 235, doi:10.3847/PSJ/ac9130
- Sutton, S.S., M. Chojnacki, A.S. McEwen, R.L. Kirk, C.M. Dundas, E.I. Schaefer, S.J. Conway, S. Diniega, G. Portyankina, M.E. Landis, N.F. Baugh, R. Heyd, S. Byrne, L.L. Tornabene, L. Ojha, and C.W. Hamilton. Revealing Active Mars with HiRISE Digital Terrain Models. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 2403. doi: 10.3390/rs14102403
- Sori, M. M., Becerra, P., Bapst, J., S. Byrne, & McGlasson, R. A. (2022). Orbital forcing of Martian climate revealed in a south polar outlier ice deposit. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL097450. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL097450
- Dundas, C. M., P. Becerra, S. Byrne, M. Chojnacki, I. J. Daubar, S. Diniega, C. J. Hansen, K. E. Herkenhoff, M. E. Landis, A. S. McEwen, G. Portyankina, and A. Valantinas 2021. Active Mars: A Dynamic World. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 126, 2021.
- Wei, G., S. Byrne, X. Li, J. Feng and M. A. Siegler, A New Method to Evaluate and Modify Chang'E-2 Microwave Radiometer Low-Frequency Data Constrained From Diviner Thermal Measurements, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2021.3077890.
- O'Brien, P. and S. Byrne 2021. Physical and Chemical Evolution of Lunar Mare Regolith. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 126, 2021.
- Dundas, C. M., M. T. Mellon, S. J. Conway, I. J. Daubar, K. E. Williams, L. Ojha, J. J. Wray, A. M. Bramson, S. Byrne, A. S. McEwen, L. V. Posiolova, G. Speth, D. Viola, M. E. Landis, G. A. Morgan, and A. V. Pathare 2021. Widespread Exposures of Extensive Clean Shallow Ice in the Midlatitudes of Mars Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 126, 2021.
- Wei, G., S. Byrne, X. Li, and G. Hu 2020. Lunar Surface and Buried Rock Abundance Retrieved from Chang'E-2 Microwave and Diviner Data. The Planetary Science Journal 1(3), 2020.
- Martellato, E., A. M. Bramson, G. Cremonese, A. Lucchetti, F. Marzari, M. Massironi, C. Re, and S. Byrne 2020. Martian Ice Revealed by Modeling of Simple Terraced Crater Formation. J. Geophys. Res., 125(10), 2020.
- Cook, C. W., S. Byrne, C. D. d'Aubigny, D. Viola, J. Mikucki, and W. Ellis 2020. Detection Limits for Chiral Amino Acids Using a Polarization Camera. The Planetary Science Journal 1(2), 2020.
- Cook, C. W., A. M. Bramson, S. Byrne, J. W. Holt, M. S. Christoffersen, D. Viola, C.M. Dundas, Colin and T. A. Goudge 2020. Sparse subsurface radar reflectors in Hellas Planitia, Mars. Icarus 348, 113847.
- Smith, I. B., P. O. Hayne, S. Byrne, P. Becerra, M. Kahre, W. Calvin, C. Hvidberg, S. Milkovich, P. Buhler, M. Landis, B. Horgan, A. Kleinböhl, M. R. Perry, R. Obbard, J. Stern, S. Piqueux, N. Thomas, K. Zacny, L. Carter, L. Edgar, J. Emmett, T. Navarro, J. Hanley, M. Koutnik, N. Putzig, B. L. Henderson, J. W. Holt, B. Ehlmann, S. Parra, D. Lalich, C. Hansen, M. Hecht, D. Banfield, K. Herkenhoff, D. A. Paige, M. Skidmore, R. L. Staehle, and M. Siegler 2020. The Holy Grail: A road map for unlocking the climate record stored within Mars' polar layered deposits. Planet. Space Sci. 184, 104841.
- Duarte, K. D., B. E. Schmidt, H. T. Chilton, K. H. G. Hughson, H. G. Sizemore, K. L. Ferrier, J. J. Buffo, J. E. C. Scully, A. Nathues, T. Platz, M. Landis, S. Byrne, M. Bland, C. T. Russell, and C. A. Raymond 2019. Landslides on Ceres: Diversity and Geologic Context. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 124, 3329-3343.
- Sori, M. M., J. Bapst, P. Becerra, and S. Byrne 2019. Islands of ice on Mars and Pluto. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 124, 2522-2542.
- Chilton, H. T., B. E. Schmidt, K. Duarte, K. L. Ferrier, K. H. G. Hughson, J. E. C. Scully, J. J. Wray, H. G. Sizemore, A. Nathues, T. Platz, N. Schorghofer, P. M. Schenk, M. E. Landis, M. Bland, S. Byrne, C. T. R. Russell, and C. A. Raymond 2019. Landslides on Ceres: Inferences Into Ice Content and Layering in the Upper Crust. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 124, 1512-1524.
- Bapst, J., S. Byrne, J. L. Bandfield, and P. O. Hayne 2019. Thermophysical Properties of the North Polar Residual Cap using Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 124, 1315-1330.
- Bramson, A. M., S. Byrne, J. Bapst, I. B. Smith, and T. McClintock 2019. A Migration Model for the Polar Spiral Troughs of Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 124, 1020-1043.
- Ruesch, O., L. C. Quick, M. E. Landis, M. M. Sori, O. Čadek, P. Brož, K. A. Otto, M. T. Bland, S. Byrne, J. C. Castillo-Rogez, H. Hiesinger, R. Jaumann, K. Krohn, L. A. McFadden, A. Nathues, A. Neesemann, F. Preusker, T. Roatsch, P. M. Schenk, J. E. C. Scully, M. V. Sykes, D. A. Williams, C. A. Raymond, and C. T. Russell 2019. Bright carbonate surfaces on Ceres as remnants of salt-rich water fountains. Icarus 320, 39-48.
- Landis, M. E., S. Byrne, J.-P. Combe, S. Marchi, J. Castillo-Rogez, H. G. Sizemore, N. Schörghofer, T. H. Prettyman, P. O. Hayne, C. A. Raymond, and C. T. Russell 2019. Water Vapor Contribution to Ceres' Exosphere From Observed Surface Ice and Postulated Ice-Exposing Impacts. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 124, 61-75.
- Dundas, C. M., A. S. McEwen, S. Diniega, C. J. Hansen, S. Byrne, and J. N. McElwaine 2019. The formation of gullies on Mars today. Geological Society of London Special Publications 467, 67-94.
- Combe, J.-P., A. Raponi, F. Tosi, M. C. De Sanctis, F. G. Carrozzo, F. Zambon, E. Ammannito, K. H. G. Hughson, A. Nathues, M. Hoffmann, T. Platz, G. Thangjam, N. Schorghofer, S. Schröder, S. Byrne, M. E. Landis, O. Ruesch, T. B. McCord, K. E. Johnson, S. M. Singh, C. A. Raymond, and C. T. Russell 2019. Exposed H2O-rich areas detected on Ceres with the dawn visible and infrared mapping spectrometer. Icarus 318, 22-41.
- Savage, R., L. F. Palafox, C. T. Morrison, J. J. Rodriguez, K. Barnard, S. Byrne, and C. W. Hamilton 2018. A Bayesian Approach to Subkilometer Crater Shape Analysis Using Individual HiRISE Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56, 5802-5812.
- Sori, M. M., H. G. Sizemore, S. Byrne, A. M. Bramson, M. T. Bland, N. T. Stein, and C. T. Russell 2018. Cryovolcanic rates on Ceres revealed by topography. Nature Astronomy 2, 946-950.
- Bapst, J., S. Byrne, and A. J. Brown 2018. On the icy edge at Louth and Korolev craters. Icarus 308, 15-26.
- Tornabene, L. L., F. P. Seelos, A. Pommerol, N. Thomas, C. M. Caudill, P. Becerra, J. C. Bridges, S. Byrne, M. Cardinale, M. Chojnacki, S. J. Conway, G. Cremonese, C. M. Dundas, M. R. El-Maarry, J. Fernando, C. J. Hansen, K. Hansen, T. N. Harrison, R. Henson, L. Marinangeli, A. S. McEwen, M. Pajola, S. S. Sutton, and J. J. Wray 2018. Image Simulation and Assessment of the Colour and Spatial Capabilities of the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. Space Sci. Review 214, 18.
- Dundas, C. M., A. M. Bramson, L. Ojha, J. J. Wray, M. T. Mellon, S. Byrne, A. S. McEwen, N. E. Putzig, D. Viola, S. Sutton, E. Clark, and J. W. Holt 2018. Exposed subsurface ice sheets in the Martian mid-latitudes. Science 359, 199-201.
- Dundas, C. M., A. S. McEwen, M. Chojnacki, M. P. Milazzo, S. Byrne, J. N. McElwaine, and A. Urso 2017. Granular flows at recurring slope lineae on Mars indicate a limited role for liquid water. Nature Geoscience 10, 903-907.
- Schorghofer, N., S. Byrne, M. E. Landis, E. Mazarico, T. H. Prettyman, B. E. Schmidt, M. N. Villarreal, J. Castillo-Rogez, C. A. Raymond, and C. T. Russell 2017. The Putative Cerean Exosphere. Astrophysical Journal 850, 85.
- Bramson, A. M., S. Byrne, and J. Bapst 2017. Preservation of Midlatitude Ice Sheets on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 122, 2250-2266.
- Thomas, N., G. Cremonese, R. Ziethe, M. Gerber, M. Brändli, G. Bruno, M. Erismann, L. Gambicorti, T. Gerber, K. Ghose, M. Gruber, P. Gubler, H. Mischler, J. Jost, D. Piazza, A. Pommerol, M. Rieder, V. Roloff, A. Servonet, W. Trottmann, T. Uthaicharoenpong, C. Zimmermann, D. Vernani, M. Johnson, E. Pelò, T. Weigel, J. Viertl, N. De Roux, P. Lochmatter, G. Sutter, A. Casciello, T. Hausner, I. Ficai Veltroni, V. Da Deppo, P. Orleanski, W. Nowosielski, T. Zawistowski, S. Szalai, B. Sodor, S. Tulyakov, G. Troznai, M. Banaskiewicz, J. C. Bridges, S. Byrne, S. Debei, M. R. El-Maarry, E. Hauber, C. J. Hansen, A. Ivanov, L. Keszthelyi, R. Kirk, R. Kuzmin, N. Mangold, L. Marinangeli, W. J. Markiewicz, M. Massironi, A. S. McEwen, C. Okubo, L. L. Tornabene, P. Wajer, and J. J. Wray 2017. The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) for the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. Space Sci. Review 212, 1897-1944.
- Landis, M. E., S. Byrne, N. Schörghofer, B. E. Schmidt, P. O. Hayne, J. Castillo-Rogez, M. V. Sykes, J.-P. Combe, A. I. Ermakov, T. H. Prettyman, C. A. Raymond, and C. T. Russell 2017. Conditions for Sublimating Water Ice to Supply Ceres' Exosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 122, 1984-1995.
- Molaro, J. L., S. Byrne, and J.-L. Le 2017. Thermally induced stresses in boulders on airless body surfaces, and implications for rock breakdown. Icarus 294, 247-261.
- Sori, M. M., J. Bapst, A. M. Bramson, S. Byrne, and M. E. Landis 2017. A Wunda-full world? Carbon dioxide ice deposits on Umbriel and other Uranian moons. Icarus 290, 1-13.
- Schmidt, B. E., K. H. G. Hughson, H. T. Chilton, J. E. C. Scully, T. Platz, A. Nathues, H. Sizemore, M. T. Bland, S. Byrne, S. Marchi, D. P. O'Brien, N. Schorghofer, H. Hiesinger, R. Jaumann, J. H. Pasckert, J. D. Lawrence, D. Buzckowski, J. C. Castillo-Rogez, M. V. Sykes, P. M. Schenk, M.-C. Desanctis, G. Mitri, M. Formisano, J.-Y. Li, V. Reddy, L. Lecorre, C. T. Russell, and C. A. Raymond 2017. Geomorphological evidence for ground ice on dwarf planet Ceres. Nature Geoscience 10, 338-343.
- Viola, D., A. S. McEwen, C. M. Dundas, and S. Byrne 2017. Subsurface volatile content of martian double-layer ejecta (DLE) craters. Icarus 284, 325-343.
- Titus, T. N., S. Byrne, A. Colaprete, F. Forget, T. I. Michaels, and T. H. Prettyman 2017. The CO2 Cycle. The atmosphere and climate of Mars, Edited by R.M. Haberle et al. ISBN: 9781139060172. Cambridge University Press, 2017, p. 338-373
- Forget, F., S. Byrne, J. W. Head, M. A. Mischna, and N. Schorghofer 2017. Recent Climate Variations. The atmosphere and climate of Mars, Edited by R.M. Haberle et al. ISBN: 9781139060172. Cambridge University Press, 2017 p. 464-496
- Sori, M. M., S. Byrne, M. T. Bland, A. M. Bramson, A. I. Ermakov, C. W. Hamilton, K. A. Otto, O. Ruesch, and C. T. Russell 2017. The vanishing cryovolcanoes of Ceres. Geophys. Res. Lett. 44, 1243-1250.
- Becerra, P., M. M. Sori, and S. Byrne 2017. Signals of astronomical climate forcing in the exposure topography of the North Polar Layered Deposits of Mars. Geophys. Res. Lett. 44, 62-70.
- Platz, T., A. Nathues, N. Schorghofer, F. Preusker, E. Mazarico, S. E. Schröder, S. Byrne, T. Kneissl, N. Schmedemann, J.-P. Combe, M. Schäfer, G. S. Thangjam, M. Hoffmann, P. Gutierrez-Marques, M. E. Landis, W. Dietrich, J. Ripken, K.-D. Matz, and C. T. Russell 2016. Surface water-ice deposits in the northern shadowed regions of Ceres. Nature Astronomy 1, 0007.
- Brown, A. J., W. M. Calvin, P. Becerra, and S. Byrne 2016. Martian north polar cap summer water cycle. Icarus 277, 401-415.
- Ruesch, O., T. Platz, P. Schenk, L. A. McFadden, J. C. Castillo-Rogez, L. C. Quick, S. Byrne, F. Preusker, D. P. O'Brien, N. Schmedemann, D. A. Williams, J.-Y. Li, M. T. Bland, H. Hiesinger, T. Kneissl, A. Neesemann, M. Schaefer, J. H. Pasckert, B. E. Schmidt, D. L. Buczkowski, M. V. Sykes, A. Nathues, T. Roatsch, M. Hoffmann, C. A. Raymond, and C. T. Russell 2016. Cryovolcanism on Ceres. Science 353, aaf4286.
- Buczkowski, D. L., B. E. Schmidt, D. A. Williams, S. C. Mest, J. E. C. Scully, A. I. Ermakov, F. Preusker, P. Schenk, K. A. Otto, H. Hiesinger, D. O'Brien, S. Marchi, H. Sizemore, K. Hughson, H. Chilton, M. Bland, S. Byrne, N. Schorghofer, T. Platz, R. Jaumann, T. Roatsch, M. V. Sykes, A. Nathues, M. C. De Sanctis, C. A. Raymond, and C. T. Russell 2016. The geomorphology of Ceres. Science 353, aaf4332.
- Combe, J.-P., T. B. McCord, F. Tosi, E. Ammannito, F. G. Carrozzo, M. C. De Sanctis, A. Raponi, S. Byrne, M. E. Landis, K. H. G. Hughson, C. A. Raymond, and C. T. Russell 2016. Detection of local H2O exposed at the surface of Ceres. Science 353, aaf3010.
- Becerra, P., S. Byrne, M. M. Sori, S. Sutton, and K. E. Herkenhoff 2016. Stratigraphy of the north polar layered deposits of Mars from high-resolution topography. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 121, 1445-1471.
- Thompson, M. S., T. J. Zega, P. Becerra, J. T. Keane, and S. Byrne 2016. The oxidation state of nanophase Fe particles in lunar soil: Implications for space weathering. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51, 1082-1095.
- Bierson, C. J., R. J. Phillips, I. B. Smith, S. E. Wood, N. E. Putzig, D. Nunes, and S. Byrne 2016. Stratigraphy and evolution of the buried CO2 deposit in the Martian south polar cap. Geophys. Res. Lett. 43, 4172-4179.
- Landis, M. E., S. Byrne, I. J. Daubar, K. E. Herkenhoff, and C. M. Dundas 2016. A revised surface age for the North Polar Layered Deposits of Mars. Geophys. Res. Lett. 43, 3060-3068.
- Daubar, I. J., C. M. Dundas, S. Byrne, P. Geissler, G. D. Bart, A. S. McEwen, P. S. Russell, M. Chojnacki, and M. P. Golombek 2016. Changes in blast zone albedo patterns around new martian impact craters. Icarus 267, 86-105.
- Sori, M. M., S. Byrne, C. W. Hamilton, and M. E. Landis 2016. Viscous flow rates of icy topography on the north polar layered deposits of Mars. Geophys. Res. Lett. 43, 541-549.
- Dundas, C. M., S. Byrne, and A. S. McEwen 2015. Modeling the development of martian sublimation thermokarst landforms. Icarus 262, 154-169.
- Bramson, A. M., S. Byrne, N. E. Putzig, S. Sutton, J. J. Plaut, T. C. Brothers, and J. W. Holt 2015. Widespread excess ice in Arcadia Planitia, Mars. Geophys. Res. Lett. 42, 6566-6574.
- Hansen, C. J., S. Diniega, N. Bridges, S. Byrne, C. Dundas, A. McEwen, and G. Portyankina 2015. Agents of change on Mars' northern dunes: CO2 ice and wind. Icarus 251, 264-274.
- Becerra, P., S. Byrne, and A. J. Brown 2015. Transient bright "halos" on the South Polar Residual Cap of Mars: Implications for mass-balance. Icarus 251, 211-225.
Becerra, P., S. Byrne, and A. J. Brown 2021. "Corrigendum to "Transient bright "Halos" on the South Polar residual cap of mars: Implications for mass-balance" [Icarus 251 (2015) 211-225]. Icarus 357, 2021.
- Piqueux, S., S. Byrne, H. H. Kieffer, T. N. Titus, and C. J. Hansen 2015. Enumeration of Mars years and seasons since the beginning of telescopic exploration. Icarus 251, 332-338.
- Brown, A. J., T. I. Michaels, S. Byrne, W. Sun, T. N. Titus, A. Colaprete, M. J. Wolff, G. Videen, and C. J. Grund 2015. The case for a modern multiwavelength, polarization-sensitive LIDAR in orbit around Mars. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 153, 131-143.
- Viola, D., A. S. McEwen, C. M. Dundas, and S. Byrne 2015. Expanded secondary craters in the Arcadia Planitia region, Mars: Evidence for tens of Myr-old shallow subsurface ice. Icarus 248, 190-204.
- Molaro, J. L., S. Byrne, and S. A. Langer 2015. Grain-scale thermoelastic stresses and spatiotemporal temperature gradients on airless bodies, implications for rock breakdown. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 120, 255-277.
- Daubar, I. J., C. Atwood-Stone, S. Byrne, A. S. McEwen, and P. S. Russell 2014. The morphology of small fresh craters on Mars and the Moon. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 119, 2620-2639.
- Ojha, L., A. McEwen, C. Dundas, S. Byrne, S. Mattson, J. Wray, M. Masse, and E. Schaefer 2014. HiRISE observations of Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) during southern summer on Mars. Icarus 231, 365-376.
- Dundas, C. M., S. Byrne, A. S. McEwen, M. T. Mellon, M. R. Kennedy, I. J. Daubar, and L. Saper 2014. HiRISE observations of new impact craters exposing Martian ground ice. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 119, 109-127.
- McEwen, A. S., C. M. Dundas, S. S. Mattson, A. D. Toigo, L. Ojha, J. J. Wray, M. Chojnacki, S. Byrne, S. L. Murchie, and N. Thomas 2014. Recurring slope lineae in equatorial regions of Mars. Nature Geoscience 7, 53-58.
- Christian, S., J. W. Holt, S. Byrne, and K. E. Fishbaugh 2013. Integrating radar stratigraphy with high resolution visible stratigraphy of the north polar layered deposits, Mars. Icarus 226, 1241-1251.
- Hansen, C. J., S. Byrne, G. Portyankina, M. Bourke, C. Dundas, A. McEwen, M. Mellon, A. Pommerol, and N. Thomas 2013. Observations of the northern seasonal polar cap on Mars: I. Spring sublimation activity and processes. Icarus 225, 881-897.
- Clifford, S. M., K. Yoshikawa, S. Byrne, W. Durham, D. Fisher, F. Forget, M. Hecht, P. Smith, L. Tamppari, T. Titus, and R. Zurek 2013. Introduction to the fifth Mars Polar Science special issue: Key questions, needed observations, and recommended investigations. Icarus 225, 864-868.
- Daubar, I. J., A. S. McEwen, S. Byrne, M. R. Kennedy, and B. Ivanov 2013. The current martian cratering rate. Icarus 225, 506-516.
- Caudill, C. M., L. L. Tornabene, A. S. McEwen, S. Byrne, L. Ojha, and S. Mattson 2012. Layered MegaBlocks in the central uplifts of impact craters. Icarus 221, 710-720.
- Molaro, J. and S. Byrne 2012. Rates of temperature change of airless landscapes and implications for thermal stress weathering. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 117, E10011.
- Beyer, R.A., K.M. Stack, J.L. Griffes, R.E. Milliken, K.E. Herkenhoff, S. Byrne, J.W. Holt and J.P. Grotzinger 2012, An Atlas of Mars Sedimentary Rocks as seen by HIRISE, Society for Sedimentary Geology Special Publication, 102, 49-96.
- Hvidberg, C. S., K. E. Fishbaugh, M. Winstrup, A. Svensson, S. Byrne, and K. E. Herkenhoff 2012. Reading the climate record of the martian polar layered deposits. Icarus 221, 405-419.
- Dundas, C. M., S. Diniega, C. J. Hansen, S. Byrne, and A. S. McEwen 2012. Seasonal activity and morphological changes in martian gullies. Icarus 220, 124-143.
- Sharma, P. and S. Byrne 2011. Comparison of Titan's north polar lakes with terrestrial analogs. Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L24203.
- McEwen, A. S., L. Ojha, C. M. Dundas, S. S. Mattson, S. Byrne, J. J. Wray, S. C. Cull, S. L. Murchie, N. Thomas, and V. C. Gulick 2011. Seasonal Flows on Warm Martian Slopes. Science 333, 740.
- Phillips, R. J., B. J. Davis, K. L. Tanaka, S. Byrne, M. T. Mellon, N. E. Putzig, R. M. Haberle, M. A. Kahre, B. A. Campbell, L. M. Carter, I. B. Smith, J. W. Holt, S. E. Smrekar, D. C. Nunes, J. J. Plaut, A. F. Egan, T. N. Titus, and R. Seu 2011. Massive CO2 Ice Deposits Sequestered in the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars. Science 332, 838.
- Hansen, C. J., M. Bourke, N. T. Bridges, S. Byrne, C. Colon, S. Diniega, C. Dundas, K. Herkenhoff, A. McEwen, M. Mellon, G. Portyankina, and N. Thomas 2011. Seasonal Erosion and Restoration of Mars’ Northern Polar Dunes. Science 331, 575.
- Diniega, S., S. Byrne, N. Bridges, C. Dundas, and A. McEwen 2010. Seasonality of present-day Martian dune-gully activity. Geology 38, 1047-1050.
- Sharma, P. and S. Byrne 2010. Constraints on Titan’s topography through fractal analysis of shorelines. Icarus 209, 723-737.
- Diniega, S., K. Glasner, and S. Byrne 2010. Long-time evolution of models of aeolian sand dune fields: Influence of dune formation and collision. Geomorphology 121, 55-68.
- Reufer, A., N. Thomas, W. Benz, S. Byrne, V. Bray, C. Dundas, and M. Searls 2010. Models of high velocity impacts into dust-covered ice: Application to Martian northern lowlands. Planet. Space Sci. 58, 1160-1168.
- Banks, M. E., S. Byrne, K. Galla, A. S. McEwen, V. J. Bray, C. M. Dundas, K. E. Fishbaugh, K. E. Herkenhoff, and B. C. Murray 2010. Crater population and resurfacing of the Martian north polar layered deposits. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 115, E08006.
- Holt, J. W., K. E. Fishbaugh, S. Byrne, S. Christian, K. Tanaka, P. S. Russell, K. E. Herkenhoff, A. Safaeinili, N. E. Putzig, and R. J. Phillips 2010. The construction of Chasma Boreale on Mars. Nature 465, 446-449.
- Dundas, C. M. and S. Byrne 2010. Modeling sublimation of ice exposed by new impacts in the martian mid-latitudes. Icarus 206, 716-728.
- Fishbaugh, K. E., C. S. Hvidberg, S. Byrne, P. S. Russell, K. E. Herkenhoff, M. Winstrup, and R. Kirk 2010. First high-resolution stratigraphic column of the Martian north polar layered deposits. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, L07201.
- Dundas, C. M., A. S. McEwen, S. Diniega, S. Byrne, and S. Martinez-Alonso 2010. New and recent gully activity on Mars as seen by HiRISE. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, L07202.
- Fishbaugh, K. E., S. Byrne, K. E. Herkenhoff, R. L. Kirk, C. Fortezzo, P. S. Russell, and A. McEwen 2010. Evaluating the meaning of “layer” in the martian north polar layered deposits and the impact on the climate connection. Icarus 205, 269-282.
- Hansen, C. J., N. Thomas, G. Portyankina, A. McEwen, T. Becker, S. Byrne, K. Herkenhoff, H. Kieffer, and M. Mellon 2010. HiRISE observations of gas sublimation-driven activity in Mars’ southern polar regions: I. Erosion of the surface. Icarus 205, 283-295.
- McEwen, A. S., M. E. Banks, N. Baugh, K. Becker, A. Boyd, J. W. Bergstrom, R. A. Beyer, E. Bortolini, N. T. Bridges, S. Byrne, B. Castalia, F. C. Chuang, L. S. Crumpler, I. Daubar, A. K. Davatzes, D. G. Deardorff, A. DeJong, W. Alan Delamere, E. N. Dobrea, C. M. Dundas, E. M. Eliason, Y. Espinoza, A. Fennema, K. E. Fishbaugh, T. Forrester, P. E. Geissler, J. A. Grant, J. L. Griffes, J. P. Grotzinger, V. C. Gulick, C. J. Hansen, K. E. Herkenhoff, R. Heyd, W. L. Jaeger, D. Jones, B. Kanefsky, L. Keszthelyi, R. King, R. L. Kirk, K. J. Kolb, J. Lasco, A. Lefort, R. Leis, K. W. Lewis, S. Martinez-Alonso, S. Mattson, G. McArthur, M. T. Mellon, J. M. Metz, M. P. Milazzo, R. E. Milliken, T. Motazedian, C. H. Okubo, A. Ortiz, A. J. Philippoff, J. Plassmann, A. Polit, P. S. Russell, C. Schaller, M. L. Searls, T. Spriggs, S. W. Squyres, S. Tarr, N. Thomas, B. J. Thomson, L. L. Tornabene, C. Van Houten, C. Verba, C. M. Weitz, and J. J. Wray 2010. The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) during MRO's Primary Science Phase (PSP). Icarus 205, 2-37.
- Byrne, S., C. M. Dundas, M. R. Kennedy, M. T. Mellon, A. S. McEwen, S. C. Cull, I. J. Daubar, D. E. Shean, K. D. Seelos, S. L. Murchie, B. A. Cantor, R. E. Arvidson, K. S. Edgett, A. Reufer, N. Thomas, T. N. Harrison, L. V. Posiolova, and F. P. Seelos 2009. Distribution of Mid-Latitude Ground Ice on Mars from New Impact Craters. Science 325, 1674.
- Byrne, S. 2009. The Polar Deposits of Mars. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 37, 535-560.
- Russell, P., N. Thomas, S. Byrne, K. Herkenhoff, K. Fishbaugh, N. Bridges, C. Okubo, M. Milazzo, I. Daubar, C. Hansen, and A. McEwen 2008. Seasonally active frost-dust avalanches on a north polar scarp of Mars captured by HiRISE. Geophys. Res. Lett. 35, L23204.
- Brown, A. J., S. Byrne, L. L. Tornabene, and T. Roush 2008. Louth crater: Evolution of a layered water ice mound. Icarus 196, 433-445.
- Winebrenner, D. P., M. R. Koutnik, E. D. Waddington, A. V. Pathare, B. C. Murray, S. Byrne, and J. L. Bamber 2008. Evidence for ice flow prior to trough formation in the martian north polar layered deposits. Icarus 195, 90-105.
- Byrne, S., M. T. Zuber, and G. A. Neumann 2008. Interannual and seasonal behavior of Martian residual ice-cap albedo. Planet. Space Sci. 56, 194-211.
- McEwen, A. S., C. J. Hansen, W. A. Delamere, E. M. Eliason, K. E. Herkenhoff, L. Keszthelyi, V. C. Gulick, R. L. Kirk, M. T. Mellon, J. A. Grant, N. Thomas, C. M. Weitz, S. W. Squyres, N. T. Bridges, S. L. Murchie, F. Seelos, K. Seelos, C. H. Okubo, M. P. Milazzo, L. L. Tornabene, W. L. Jaeger, S. Byrne, P. S. Russell, J. L. Griffes, S. Martínez-Alonso, A. Davatzes, F. C. Chuang, B. J. Thomson, K. E. Fishbaugh, C. M. Dundas, K. J. Kolb, M. E. Banks, and J. J. Wray 2007. A Closer Look at Water-Related Geologic Activity on Mars. Science 317, 1706.
- Herkenhoff, K. E., S. Byrne, P. S. Russell, K. E. Fishbaugh, and A. S. McEwen 2007. Meter-Scale Morphology of the North Polar Region of Mars. Science 317, 1711.
- Koutnik, M. R., S. Byrne, B. C. Murray, A. D. Toigo, and Z. A. Crawford 2005. Eolian controlled modification of the martian south polar layered deposits. Icarus 174, 490-501.
- Schaller, E. L., B. Murray, A. V. Pathare, J. Rasmussen, and S. Byrne 2005. Modification of secondary craters on the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 110, E02004.
- Jerolmack, D. J., D. Mohrig, M. T. Zuber, and S. Byrne 2004. A minimum time for the formation of Holden Northeast fan, Mars. Geophys. Res. Lett. 31, L21701.
- Byrne, S. and A. B. Ivanov 2004. Internal structure of the Martian south polar layered deposits. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 109, E11001.
- Piqueux, S., S. Byrne, and M. I. Richardson 2003. Sublimation of Mars's southern seasonal CO2 ice cap and the formation of spiders. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 108, 5084.
- Byrne, S. and A. P. Ingersoll 2003. Martian climatic events on timescales of centuries: Evidence from feature morphology in the residual south polar ice cap. Geophys. Res. Lett. 30, 1696.
- Byrne, S. and A. P. Ingersoll 2003. A Sublimation Model for Martian South Polar Ice Features. Science 299, 1051-1053.
- Koutnik, M., S. Byrne, and B. Murray 2002. South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars: The cratering record. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 107, 5100.
- Byrne, S. and B. C. Murray 2002. North polar stratigraphy and the paleo-erg of Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 107, 5044.
- Murray, B., M. Koutnik, S. Byrne, L. Soderblom, K. Herkenhoff, and K. L. Tanaka 2001. Preliminary Geological Assessment of the Northern Edge of Ultimi Lobe, Mars South Polar Layered Deposits. Icarus 154, 80-97.
Other Misc. Publications
Press material
- The Byrne and Ingersoll (2003) paper in Geophysical Research Letters featured as the cover story.
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- The Fishbaugh et al. (2010) paper in Geophysical Research Letters featured as the cover story.
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- The McEwen et al. (2014) paper in Nature Geoscience featured as the cover story.
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