February 25 Lecture


 link to basic Mars data:


The 4th planet from the sun at 1.52 AU
–The 3rd largest rocky (terrestrial) planet in the solar system with an equatorial radius of 3402 km (3000 km smaller than Earth)
–1/3rd  Earth’s surface gravity
–Eccentric orbit (0.09 compared to 0.01 for Earth) is as important as the planet’s tilt in causing seasons
–2 small captured asteroid ‘moons’ Phobos and Deimos
–Distinctive reddish color from ‘rusted’ iron compounds
–Geologically very active in the past – home of the solar system’s largest volcano (Olympus Mons) and largest canyon (Valles Marineris)
–Possesses surface water in polar ice caps which may have flowed in ancient times
–The most clement body in the solar system (after the Earth) for supporting life as we know it

Mars through history

Visible to the naked eye and known to early astronomers
–Red color earned it the title of ‘god of war’ for the Greeks (Ares) and Romans (Mars)
–Mars' red surface color actually comes from a coating of oxidized iron-bearing rock and dust particles (like rust).

Helped Kepler derive his laws of planetary motion in 1609
–The large eccentricity could not be reconciled with circular orbits

By the late 1800s telescopes were powerful enough to observe surface features
–Giovanni Schiaparelli observed the 1877 martian oposition and Percival Lowell began his observations in Flagstaff in 1893
–They claimed they saw evidence for Martian life and civilization
The ‘Canals’ and ‘Oases’ of Mars
A large greenish bluish triangular feature (Syrtis Major) thought to be plant life
–Not all astronomers could distinguish or agree on what was being seen

The "Canals":

Schiaparelli map

A fanciful "canal scape":
canal scape

from “The Decline and Fall of the Martian Empire” by Kevin Zahnle (2001) in Nature

(http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v412/n6843/full/412209a0.html )

The great English science fiction author H. G. Wells wrote the classic "War of the Worlds" describing a Martian invasion,

Mars invaders
 and other authors such as Edgar Rice Burroughs and Ray Bradbury described an inhabited Mars.

In reality there are no canals and there is no vegetation -- these were just optical illusions due to the difficulties of observing Mars through the Earth's atmosphere.

View of Mars from the Mariner 4 spacecraft flyby (1965). The first close-up photographs of Mars were from spacecraft, and they indicated a bleak, cratered, lunar-like landscape.
Mariner 4 closeup

Hope of ancient civilizations on Mars were dashed

View of Mars from the Hubble Space Telescope, showing the north polar cap and high clouds over the Tharsis volcanoes:
HST Mars

Before we had such data, Mars remained largely a mystery until the robotic exploration of the 1960s and 1970s.

Mars Exploration

Mars has been a hard target to explore.  Here is a scorecard:


Some successful (and unsuccessful) landing sites:

Mars landing sites

Mars' greatest similarity to Earth: polar caps and seasons

Mars has subsurface water at high latitudes and ice caps at both poles.  Like the Earth's ice caps, Mars' ice caps change with the seasons:
Mars north pole changes

The ice caps are composed of water ice overlain at times by "dry ice" (carbon dioxide ice)
–Northern cap is much larger than the southern cap
–Both caps are dissected by spiral troughs
Not well understood what causes the spiral pattern
Thought to be some kind of interplay between sun and sublimation of ice
Troughs are composed of layers
Mars north


Each cap has a permanent and seasonal component
–Permanent cap is water ice
–Seasonal cap is frozen carbon dioxide ("dry ice")

There is a great deal of ice off the cap, especially in the Northern Lowlands
–detected by Mars Odyssey

This ice is frozen throughout the martian year leading to a condition in the soil known as permafrost
–Leads to the formation of Ice Wedge Polygons:
Contracting ice cracks
Cracks infill with more water (or dust)
Crack location from the previous year is a weak spot and re-cracks the next year
The process repeats

Here is a view of the polygonal terrain from orbit:
martian polygons

And here is a closeup view from the UA Phoenix Lander, which is situated in the martian arctic in just such an ice-polygon region:

ice polygon

An image of the underside of the Phoenix lander, where the landing thrusters have blown aside a thin surface layer of dust to reveal solid ice.

Holy cow!

Mars is both Earthlike and Moonlike

Like the Moon, Mars is divided into old, heavily cratered highlands and younger, lightly cratered lowlands

Mars' surface is divided into two provinces:
       ancient, heavily-cratered highlands (similar to the Moon's) located mainly in the southern hemisphere

       younger plains located mainly in the northern hemisphere.

Close to the equator of Mars we find the Valles Marineris, the largest canyon in the solar system.

As elsewhere in the solar system, the number of craters on a surface can be used to date that surface
–The larger the number of craters the older the surface
–Based on crater counts the history of Mars can be broken up into three broad epochs
Noachian (3.5 to 3.8Gyr before present)
Hesperian (1.8 to 3.5Gyr before present)
Amazonian (present to 1.8Gyr before present)

There is no evidence of major geologic activity going on at present. 


There are many (extinct?) volcanoes (nothing like them on the Moon).

Largest is Olympus Mons – the largest volcano in the solar system
–Caldera rim stands 27km tall (88,585 feet)
–550km wide with side cliffs up to 6km in height (comparable in size to the state of Arizona)
–Caldera is composed of several craters and is 3km deep
–The youngest volcano on Mars
Some flows have been dated to as recently as 5Myr before present
Two other main complexes of Volcanoes
–Elysium Mons
–The tharsis volcanoes, principally the linear chain of Ascraeus, Arsia and Pavonis Mons

Olympus Mons and Valles Marineris (the largest and deepest canyon system) suggest significant activity in the past
–Together these suggest a thick lithosphere, possibly one which thickens with time
–No  Earth-style plate tectonics (continental drift)

We believe that Mars has a thick lithosphere, somewhat like the smaller planets Mercury and Moon.

The evidence for the thick lithosphere is the enormous shield volcanoes.

They build up to great heights because the thick lithosphere can't move much over "hot spots".

Here is our best guess about Mars' interior structure:

Mars interior

Here is a view of the summit of Olympus Mons, the largest shield volcano on Mars (and, in fact, the largest volcano in the solar system).


Notice the "wrinkle ridges" inside the caldera, and the lava flow tubes on the slopes (analogous to lunar rilles).

We will discuss the difference between an impact crater and a caldera.

 It is important to note that lava flow channels always get narrower downstream, because the lava cools and solidifies, becoming part of the channel walls.

Lava tubes get narrower downstream, like this:

In contrast, water flow channels always get wider downstream, and have a dendritic (branch-like) structure:

Mars continued

More on how to tell a water flow feature from a lava flow feature:

Apollo 15 metric camera picture of sinuous rilles (at bottom of image) east of the Moon's Aristarchus Plateau. The rilles have the appearance of lava channels or collapsed lava tubes, and most originate on craters. The largest rille in this southward-looking oblique view is Rima Prinz, which starts at the center of the image at the crater Prinz (25.5 N, 44.1 W; 46 km in diameter) and trends generally northward (down). Oceanus Procellarum is at upper left and the bright 40 km diameter Aristarchus crater is at upper right, at 24 N, 47 W. (Apollo 15, AS15-2606)

lunar rilles

And, here's a close-up look at a lunar rille (lava tube):
Apollo 15 astronaut James Irwin and the rover at the edge of Hadley Rille on the Moon. David Scott took this Hasselblad picture looking northwestward from the flank of St. George crater. The rille has been widened and made shallower over time by wasting from the walls. Talus blocks are visible on the walls and on the floor of the rille. (Apollo 15, AS15-85-11451)
rille on the Moon

Water on Mars in the past

The story of past flowing water on the surface
–Dry riverbeds seen by Mariner
–Streamlined crater “islands” and outflow channels
–Possible Coastline dividing highlands and lowlands
–River deltas seen by Mars Global Surveyor
–Fossilized water dunes at Opportunity’s Landing Site
–Gullies in Craters as seen by Mars Global Surveyor
–Jarosite found at MER Opportunity’s Landing Site requires liquid water for formation
–Polar caps on their own are significant as possible remnants of a limited hydrosphere
–Viking Isotopic analysis suggests more water in the past

In addition to Phoenix, there have been a number of successful Mars surface experiments.  We have the two Mars Exploration rovers, "Spirit" and "Opportunity".  Spirit is now dead, but Opportunity is still working.  Both landers worked well into their extended missions, exploring opposite sides of Mars in regions that are now known to have been once inundated in liquid water.

The newest Mars Rover is the much larger Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity, which is examining evidence for ancient water flows in Gale Crater:

sedimentary(?) rocks

Landing site link

Was there an ocean in the North?
–Viking and Mariner observed a marked difference between the hemispheres with fewer craters in the North than in the South
–The MOLA Altimeter on the Mars Global Surveyor determined that the North consists of lowlands and South consists of highlands

A "fanciful" map of Wet Early Mars (William R. Johnston):
wet Mars map

However, there is relatively little evidence of shoreline features like those we see on Earth. Thus basins may have been only periodically flooded

MER Spirit landing site:

Spirit landing site in Gusev

Opportunity landing site:
Opportunity -- Meridiani
Hematite is a mineral that may be associated with liquid water.
View of layered terrain near Opportunity landing site:

Opportunity layered rocks

Opportunity has finished exploring Victoria crater (download movie) and is moving on to another site.

The key question:  how long ago did Mars have liquid water?  Did it have liquid water more than once?

In the northern hemisphere are found dendritic flow channels (especially in the Chryse region).

And here is an image of dendritic flow channels:
Mars channels

The image shows numerous channels carved by liquid.  It also shows windblown dust patterns.  Notice how wind has scoured dust from crater bottoms and blown it out toward the southwest.

It is important to note that liquid water cannot exist on the present-day Martian surface. The temperatures are too low and the atmospheric pressure is too low.  We will discuss this in more detail later.

Nevertheless, water is the only substance likely to have produced the liquid erosion. Now here is more evidence for water on Mars:

water (?) channel
This is a high-resolution view of a "river bed" on Mars from Mars Global Surveyor.  The image is only a few km across.  It looks like a feature produced by a long-term stream, rather than by terrestrial flooding.

There is also evidence for subsurface frozen water, like tundra.  Here is an image of the crater Yuty, a so-called pedestal crater with lobate ejecta.  Also notice the flow patterns to its right:
Yuty crater

Here is very dramatic evidence for water from Mars Global Surveyor.  This shows a crater which was buried under deposits, and then unburied by floods:
exhumed crater

The area in the box (only about 10 km across), enlarged:
exhumed crater (hi)

Evidence for subsurface water from Mars Global Surveyor?

gullies in a crater wall
Some planetary scientists think these may be sand flows rather than water flows.