The TEKTON site is managed by Dr. Jay Melosh and is being hosted by Purdue University.
Please contact Dr. Melosh at PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnd6cnliZnVAY2hlcWhyLnJxaCI+d3pyeWJmdUBjaGVxaHIucnFoPC9uPg== for information on accessing the software.
The TEKTON site is managed by Dr. Jay Melosh and is being hosted by Purdue University.
Please contact Dr. Melosh at PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnd6cnliZnVAY2hlcWhyLnJxaCI+d3pyeWJmdUBjaGVxaHIucnFoPC9uPg== for information on accessing the software.